IGN gives episode 2 a 7 out of 10

Now first, it is Ign, so there is always that. But what do you think. Do you think its just ign being ign or do you think that they might be right with the story going down, although we wont know for sure until tomorrow.


  • I believe Ozzy UK has been saying that IGN broke embargo by posting it this early and shut down a similar discussion about IGN's review of this episode because of that. And frankly, don't listen to IGN, it is IGN after all. And besides, all that matters is your personal opinion of the episode. So when you play it tomorrow, don't worry about what some website thought about it, all that matters is what you thought about it. Who knows, it can end up being one of your favorite episodes, keep an open mind about these sort of things.

  • edited February 2015

    Review's just been taken down, I believe. I clicked the link from a google search and it said the page cannot be found. So, it looks like the embargo was indeed broken.

    It's likely this thread will be locked, by the way, as the review is not official yet.

    Oh, and what Metallica said is correct. Wait and form your own conclusion. There's too much subjectivity, especially when it concerns story-heavy products.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I believe Ozzy UK has been saying that IGN broke embargo by posting it this early and shut down a similar discussion about IGN's review of this episode because of that.

    I removed a discussion that contained a video review as i have a feeling that the embargo is normally set for release day and the video might contain footage with minor spoilers. As it has been up since around midnight PST lots of people have seen the review score so there isn't much i can do to stop people talking about it so nobody will be in trouble for talking about the review, i just don't want people being spoilt too much from it.

    I agree with what others have said, don't let one review which has possibly been posted too early influence you too much and make up your own mind from playing the game.

    I believe Ozzy UK has been saying that IGN broke embargo by posting it this early and shut down a similar discussion about IGN's review of t

  • Okay, thanks for the clarification.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I believe Ozzy UK has been saying that IGN broke embargo by posting it this early and shut down a similar discussion about IGN's review of t

  • edited February 2015

    Its IGN, they've been known to give shit reviews. Just play the episode yourself and make your own conclusion.

  • Ign is fox news. They give 10/10 to shit and give 7 to a good one and etc. Since when Ign rating system is even checked? :P Ign..

  • Huh, I always felt IGN was MSNBC, no one really cares or listens to them.

    ata95 posted: »

    Ign is fox news. They give 10/10 to shit and give 7 to a good one and etc. Since when Ign rating system is even checked? :P Ign..

  • 0 is awful, 5 is average and 10 is perfect. So 7 is above average, so what's the problem anyway?

  • I think most people are used to 8 and higher for Telltale episodes.

    Honestly, review scores sometimes muddle the water.

    Revec posted: »

    0 is awful, 5 is average and 10 is perfect. So 7 is above average, so what's the problem anyway?

  • edited February 2015

    Content of the review is what matters, so I do agree. I did note that in the comment section, the reviewer did say it was a good episode. To cover myself in case I'm remembering wrong, the reviewer definitely didn't say it was bad.

    And now would perhaps be a good time to point out that Hannah from the Yogscast on Youtube has said it was a good followup and can't wait to show people the episode.

    So, as ever . . . subjectivity, folks.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I think most people are used to 8 and higher for Telltale episodes. Honestly, review scores sometimes muddle the water.

  • It's strange though. It seems since the release of the 360/PS3, anything below 7 was considered not worth playing on forums.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I think most people are used to 8 and higher for Telltale episodes. Honestly, review scores sometimes muddle the water.

  • These are the people who thought Valiant Hearts was too educational. Take this with a grain of salt.

  • Who really cares about that? There's no accounting for taste.

  • You know why IGN gives such good ratings.... Because holla holla get a dolla. Like 95% of IGN reviews are just bought. The low ones are most likely actual opinions.

    ata95 posted: »

    Ign is fox news. They give 10/10 to shit and give 7 to a good one and etc. Since when Ign rating system is even checked? :P Ign..

  • IGN can fuck off and die in a ditch for all I care. That's not coming from a place of hate or anger, but because I would enjoy society becoming a better place for future generations to live.

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