Preview and Episode 2 don't match up

I don't know how much of this is to do with making alternate choices, but it seems like a lot of the shots that we saw in the preview at the end of episode 1, weren't actually in episode 2 at all. I wonder if this is an indicator of how much they've already rewritten for whatever reason.


  • True. Only some of them is in the next episode, like in the rest of TT's games

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    This is fairly common with Telltale's games, the previews are a very early draft and give a rough idea of what will happen in the next episode. Things can change if they want to slightly alter the story or if they feel that something might not work in the next episodes but the overall planned story will remain roughly the same.

  • still doesn't beat the "holyfuk pigby izzat u" rewritten 2 times out of the previews and ultimately not appearing in the final version of TWAU

    ComingLate posted: »

    True. Only some of them is in the next episode, like in the rest of TT's games

  • I doubt if it was rewritten. Telltale does this with all of their games, the previews never match the episode.

  • You must be new to Telltale games.

  • I'm still waiting to hear Mr Toad saying ''holyfuk pigby izzat u''

    still doesn't beat the "holyfuk pigby izzat u" rewritten 2 times out of the previews and ultimately not appearing in the final version of TWAU

  • This has been normal for a while now. It happened in most of TWAU episodes. Will this game now have weird theories about rewrites?

  • Jeeeeezzuss chwwysttt bigby izzdat yuuu

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I'm still waiting to hear Mr Toad saying ''holyfuk pigby izzat u''

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