Telltale appears to have gifted Malcolm Branfield with the power of teleportation

I would have thought they could've at least held off on Malcolm arriving in Essos until episode 3.
There was literally two scenes between Malcolm leaving Ethan and finding Asher.
If only Daenerys knew how to get to Westeros that quickly and easily.


  • Well it's easier to move one person as opposed to a whole army.

  • Still takes weeks if not months to travel that far. It would have taken Malcolm at least a week to ride to the east coast of Westeros and find a ship.

    Well it's easier to move one person as opposed to a whole army.

  • Who's to say it didn't take that long? Talia said it's been chaos in the last few weeks.

    Still takes weeks if not months to travel that far. It would have taken Malcolm at least a week to ride to the east coast of Westeros and find a ship.

  • True. Although Malcolm has still made record time. Also raises a few questions about them not having cremated Ethan's body yet. Not to mention how long Rodrik must have been unconscious, presumed dead, in the back of someone's cart. Not sure how well it lines up with the show cannon timeline either. If there's going to be a time jump it needs to be obvious and make sense.

    Who's to say it didn't take that long? Talia said it's been chaos in the last few weeks.

  • I think the scene with Malcolm and Asher at the beginning was set a couple weeks after Rodrik arrived at Ironrath. It might not have followed chronological order.

    True. Although Malcolm has still made record time. Also raises a few questions about them not having cremated Ethan's body yet. Not to menti

  • edited February 2015

    Possibly, although that does cause unnecessary confusion. What's more it said it was 3 days after the liberation of Yunkai, which happened at the end of season 3, seemingly not that long after the Red Wedding, so now I've got no idea where things are supposed to be on the timeline. Unless Essos is way out of sync with everywhere else, it doesn't make sense at all.

    I think the scene with Malcolm and Asher at the beginning was set a couple weeks after Rodrik arrived at Ironrath. It might not have followed chronological order.

  • I'm just going to accept what I said as a headcanon. Don't have to worry about it that way.

    Possibly, although that does cause unnecessary confusion. What's more it said it was 3 days after the liberation of Yunkai, which happened a

  • I guess what I'm getting at is, I would have preferred Malcolm to be absent for an episode to emulate just how far he's travelled, rather than have him pop up instantly (time jump or not), like he's just strolled down to the corner shop, as opposed to being on the other side of the world.

  • Well, GoT usually has different timelines with characters, especially if you've read the books so it's not unusual that what's happening in Ironrath actually already happened while Malcolm was traveling, and who's not to say that he got lucky, sailing on a nice, fast ship, like a clipper with some good tailwind and there he is in Yunkai a week or two sooner than expected.

  • I remember a discussion about how travel is a lot quicker in the show. It was in one of Elio and Linda's videos I believe. Basically character appear to be able to travel half way across westeros in a couple of days. Whereas in the books travel would take weeks.

    True. Although Malcolm has still made record time. Also raises a few questions about them not having cremated Ethan's body yet. Not to menti

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