My opinion on the 2nd episode
It was kinda slower than the first one, and yea, there were some boring parts, but I really enjoyed it overall.
I feel like I fucked up everything I could :P
I didn't forge the letter as Mira, because I was too afraid of consequences, so I didn't convince that girl to marry Rodrik (I'm bad with names and she has an especially difficult one to remember). Also I didn't kiss the Whitehill's ring, so Ryon couldn't be on the funeral. And damn... I killed Damien because I felt sorry for the coal guy. I hope it will affect a story of the future episodes somehow.
To be honest, there weren't many difficult choices in Gared's and Asher's parts. By the way I like the girl that's traveling with Asher. She looks a bit like Dothraki, but I don't think she's actually is one of 'em.
Also the Talia's song was so beautiful. My eyes got a little wet from the tears while she was singing it...
Gimme more.
I literally shed a few tears when Talia sung that song
I also didn't forge Margaery's letter, because I decided I'm loyal to her at all costs.
I kissed the ring only for Ryon, and for me it was the hardest decision so far.
I also killed Damien, because I didn't want the coal boy to die. And I wanted Mira to kill someone.
Also, Rodrik's beloved one is Eleana
Eleana, that's it!
So you HAVE to forge the letter to affirm the marriage? Or is there a way to convince her even without it?
The ending was goddamn perfect. The Talia song, the shots of others and the badass look Rodrick gave that screamed Vengeance.
Rodrick is my new favourite character.
Coal boy decision was by far the hardest in the game. I killed the guy and tossed the weapon.
Asher was slightly underwhelming. Not the character just how little screen time he had.
Beshka was awesome.
This will be unpopular but I prefer it to 'Iron From Ice'.
This was definitely a Mira and Rodrick heavy episode
I wish i could get the soundtrack with Talia, but i can't they patch up the soundtracks, i do not cry at the song but i was a little sad
p.s coal boy (Tom) isn't determinant i figure that out, i forge the letter because i wanted to save House Foresters anyway i almost forgot i give 9.5 "Damien you bastard" -BetterChoice 2015
I think you can either convince her by forging the letter or proposing the Ironwood during the conversation, but I didn't do it, because Mira had her own plans with Ironwood.
I thought the episode was really good for the most part, although it feels like they could have benefited from a little more time in certain plot elements. I'd have loved to spent more time with Asher and Gared. Overall, though, I feel this episode is leading to some really intriguing character development for the rest of the Season. The differences between Rodrick and Ethan as Lord were fun to compare from having played as them both.
Also, the Whitehills have it coming for them big time next episode if I have a say in anything.
I wanted to be loyal to my family, but I also figured Margaery would catch on that I forged a letter. I abstained from doing so, as I wanted Margaery to more easily appreciate my loyalty down the line and perhaps do me a solid then.
There is another way to convince her to affirm the marriage if you don't forge the letter. I won't spoil too much, but Rodrick can later make a choice on his own that will make her agree to marry him even without the forged letter.
There's another choice you can potentially make (as Rodrick) that will make her agree to marry you even if you don't have Mira forge the letter.
so..ironwood? its kinda silly decision since MIra promised all gathered ironwood to Lannisters.
But Rodrik doesn't know about this.
We do though so I kinda agree.
What is this other choice to make her marry Rodrick then ? really want to know
Offer her half of the Ironwood when she visits Rodrick in person.
Yeah, Talia's song was awesome!
Sera is a real party girl stealing wine and stuff.
Kinda sad that Ethan is gone, he was awesome as the lord because he was more of an artist type of person and had to make really tough choices that he was never groomed to make, found most Rodrick parts not that interesting in comparision.
Miras parts where awesome again.
Overall liked this episode a lot, maybe even more than the first one apart from Ethans parts.
I did't forge the letter but thank god, I convinced her to marry me. I feel like as long as you offered her ironwood, she accepts,
So I was right! Damn, I really didn't want to offer her Ironwood since it would conflict with Mira's actions, but didn't want to forge Margaery's letter either.
I'm not sure what to make of this episode. It was good, but it kinda felt like a setup episode for us to suffer the repercussions in the next installment. I'm hoping we start to see some stronger story development though as right now we're still in the doom and gloom with little lift for the family.
I felt the opposite about it moving slow and having boring parts. I thought the pace was much better than the first. I was much more interested this episode than the last. I liked the first, but it definitely served as an introduction to the series and it felt like it ended right as it was starting to get to the meat of the story. The second episode gave us a bit more of I thought. It was a lot of fun and I thought it felt like it had more replay value than episode one. Both episodes are good though and I have a good feeling about the series as a whole. Like you, I can't wait for episode 3. :-)
I forged it and I'm looking forward to seeing the fallout, if there is any. ;-)
95 percent of my fellow ps3 players backed up the thief at the wall... so you know that's gonna come back to bite us.
I couldn't resist forging it. I'm interested in the long term repercussions. I wonder if she'll be found out. Sera saw the letter, so there is a witness.
Re the song. I pretty much said this in another thread:
The lyrics, the music, all fine... but the accent? There have been some noticeable lapses where it's quite clear a non-Brit is struggling badly, but that song couldn't have stuck out more. For example, we Brits never say 'anoo' we say it like 'a-knew' (like 'sinew'). Wam bam American, after all that effort.
Like I said, if you take out the accent it was still making me cringe a bit but it was... OK. But that completely burst my disbelief bubble. Perhaps non-Brits won't hear it, though. I'm not sure that's reason enough.
What I definitely liked was the fact that this episode seemed longer than the first one.
Fuck shit cunt motherfucker bitch pickles.
I fucke up, man. I fucked up big time. I was certain that i could convince Eleana to marry ma without a forged letter, but i fucked up dude. I seriously fucked up.
tell me how. Tell me or the cat dies
I also feel like I fucked up in most of the things I did...but I absolutely loved it.
Funny fact.
Turns out Coal Boy lives even if you don't kill Damien, not sure whether that was a design flaw or the guard stopped him before he could finish him off
That song, it was beautiful. That may be my new favorite song in a Telltale game, whoever sung it did an amazing job, Credit to Jared Emerson Johnson and Arthur von Nagel (who I believe wrote the lyrics).
You monster...
The deal was to obtain all ironwood through house forrester not that all forrester ironwood be given to the crown. Eleana's dad can just use Rodrik as a middleman.
What a sad, sad ending. But hey, at least I got Rodrik engaged, woohoo! :P
Of course Coal Boy lives. He's probably mira's main antagonist.
But then again, if he died there, it wouldn'tve mattered if we saved him or not. He would've died soon after
Thanks! Talia's voice actress, Molly Stone, actually sang the song herself. She's fantastic.
I guess the Damien stops choking him, the other guard stops him i guess?
Thanks, she's a very talented singer I must say.
Why does it conflict? You're not giving ALL your Ironwood to her family. And it's not like the Forresters just sit on it not to do anything with it. It IS for selling, and there's still plenty to give to the crown. Besides, the other half will belong to a family you're allied to by marriage. Also not much of an issue.
It won't matter, though, since it's Tyrion's plan and the Purple Wedding is coming up. So I doubt it matters what Mira does.
i feel your suffering x)
in private conversation with Mira, Tyrion says something like "after Stannis' defeat at King's landing, Crown needs all possible ironwood", or atleast i do remember it this way. anyway, Rodrick's ironwood promise will conflict with interests of the Crown.
:0 what if coal boy set up that entire scene?
That's actually not unpopular. Most people like it better.