Forrester Decision
Did anyone manage to keep Rodrik's betrothal with Elaena Glenmore?
If so, how?
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Did anyone manage to keep Rodrik's betrothal with Elaena Glenmore?
If so, how?
I lost it but the end stats said only 59.1% did so...
Yeah, don´t know what I could´ve done to keep her fucking happy.
I had Mira forge a letter, and she didn't like that at all.
But I told her she had a choice, and she agreed.
I don't really know what I said before.
You can offer her family ironwood but it means losing half the grove.
She didn't want her family to go to war, so probably had to tell her there wouldn't be a war. I don't know though, she dumped me too.
Ah well, not bothering to rewind, she can do whatever she wants.
I didn't have Mira forge the letter but offered ironwood to Elaena, that worked.
Didn't forge the letter and went all "practical" with her. Offered her half the Ironwood if we destroy Whitehill occupation. She agreed. I was ok with that. Assuming the BEST case scenario (which will probably never happen in a GoT game, regardless of your choices) we would break the Whitehills and instead of them having half (or all) of the Ironwood, the other family will. And that honestly sounds as good to me as a best case scenario could be. I don't really see a way for the Forresters to come out of this with their entire supply of Ironwood intact. Either the Whitehills will have it, or someone else would. But that's only assuming the Boltons will be cool with that... which they won't. Honestly? I think the Forresters are screwed either way.
That's how I got her to agree as well.
Well, depends on how much consequence to our choices Telltale will give. Knowing them AND Game of Thrones, however, I'm sceptical. More likely at least one or even both of those matches will end up badly.
Agree with everything. At least the one I'm married to will have it, so it practically stays within the family this way. I do suspect though that by the end, Asher will also marry Gwyn, uniting the two feuding families and the grove won't be lost. Am I too hopeful? :P
I did. I didn't forge a letter with Mira. I told her that she could have some the Ironwood. But now that I think about, I told Tyrion he could have some too. And now Lord Whitehill has it now.
I had Mira forge the letter, but then when Rodrik meets Elaena I had him say that the decision would be up to her and that she was free to decline if the wished. That made her accept the engagement.
I know it seems odd to put pressure on her at first to make her accept, and then in the end letting it be up to her anyway. That is beacause I am trying to play every charachter individually and let their decisions depend on their exact situation. My feeling was that Mira would feel she had to do this for her family, no matter the cost, while I on the other hand felt that Rodrik would aproach this quite differently
Question, the coalboy doesnt die? I didnt help him yet i saw him in the preview for the next episode. Tho when i ran away i saw that other guy going to check on the guard.
I just offered ironwood because I panicked and I'm terrible at doing things sneakily
Feh, the way I see it, I promised the Glenmores half of the Ironwood forest once we go ahead with the marriage - any deals I make before then reduce what "half" happens to mean.
I didn't, I fucked up.
I kept it. I'm not sure if it was because I made Mira forge the letter, or because my Rodrik is devilishly charming.
I got her to marry me! Don't remember exactly what I said but I remember she doubted me. I did refuse to bend the knee though.
I lost the betrothal even though we had a romantic and cheerful conversation. As I later noticed, without betraying Margaery the only way to secure the alliance is to offer the ironwood. Since everybody in this game wants it so much I decided NOT to offer Elaena the ironwood forest. Mind games with Tyrion, Margaery's promise to help with the new marriage alliance for Rodrik, Asher's business in Essos, the mysterious 'North Grove' - well, a lot of possibilities for my House Forrester to survive, though, since it's Game of Thrones we're playing, I expect the ultimate fall of the Forresters in the end anyway. I think the escape of some family members will be the best conclusion we can expect, unfortunately.
That was my way.
I was surprised so many people didn't win the betrothal. I thought the questions were easy to answer in order to get her on your side. I guess it all must've come down to the ironwood.
Forged the letter. I wasn't as nice about it as most people on these forums seem to have been. She asked me if I would force her to marry me, and I pretty much said, "yes, if that's what it takes to save my family." Felt bad about it, but you gotta do what you gotta do. She definitely wasn't happy, but she agreed to marry me anyway, but not before claiming "it'll be a marriage of necessity then, and likely not a very happy one."
I forged the letter then when she said she felt obligated/manipulated and felt like she had no choice I told her she could make her own decision. I got her on LOCK.
There are only 2 real choices that matter to keep the betrothal:
If you forged the letter with Mira -> tell her she has a choice
If you didn't offer -> offer her ironwood in the last dialogue
No other choices matter at all. If you stand up to the asshat after that part you get an extra one liner from Elena as well supporting you.
(yeah I rewinded this part like 20 times..)
I got her that way too, and I can always play the it so that I say I never would have forced her anyway. She may not want a war but it looks like that a war will happen.
Got it first try. Offered the Ironwood to her family. Saw nothing wrong with it, would have made her father king of the whole damn nation if it meant slitting Whitehill's throat and getting my brother back. Sadly I don't think flaying Ramsey's going to be part of the bargain, but a man can hope.
Got it on the first try by offering Ironwood. Once she talked about 'practicality', I knew I had to offer something to get the marriage. Just have to think of it as a dowry......a very, very large dowry....
I offered half the ironwood assuming we beat Whitehill
The way I see it, is if the contract for the Crown to only buy ironwood from forester is held up, then allowing others to harvest from the ironwood is essnetially worthless, as the major buyer of it will only deal with foresters.
I offered half the iron wood, to be honest the half will be the half we get back from the whitehills
yup it was easy and also we are getting hint like what to answer
Gave her family half the ironwood. With the way it is now, there's no way the Forresters will survive. So I might as well give up that if it means survival. Half is better than none.
i forged the letter with mira and then i talked really nice with her after that she asked about lady Margery's letter and i tell her that i have to do this for my family and she gets really mad and says that she feels manipulated But i still win the betrothal Anyways
I kept it. Offered half the ironwood to secure her family's army. I'll happily give up half the ironwood to her family, so long as it means I can deprive the Whitehill's of any ironwood.
Its really easy. Just listen to what she says. Stop with the mushy mushy stuff. Love doesnt win war or allies. And marriage is signing the alliance. Start nice and cozy, then when she says its not practical, give her something practical.
Don't the Whitehills now own all the Ironwood?
It seems pretty understood that they're talking about getting half after the Whitehills are dealt with.
I fucked up, so I lost the betrothal
Rodrick says that her father will get the half that the whitehills own. Which means that you tell him directly that you expect him to support you in the war, if he wants to be paid.
You don't have to tell her that she still has a choice if you forge the letter. I told her she had no choice and that she would have to marry me, and she still agreed.