Mira was the most entertaining character this episode
I loved her parts, I don't know what it is but the whole intrigue of Kings Landing is so tempting and I love the fact a lot of decisions you make as her seem to have long term consequences.
The letter forgery choice was excellent, makes me happy I stole the stamp previously, even though I didn't actually use it. As well as that the bonding between Mira and Rosa was nice and I feel that promise to keep her secret will come back to bite me.
Then there was the Tyrion deal, which I loved for it's foreshadowing, I can just feel the whiplash I'm gonna get for the promise I made and how it will affect House Forrester.
Then there was the scene in the garden at midnight, man that choice was a tough one, but I ran and disposed of the weapon, couldn't risk such an act not when Mira was established in the gardens by the other guard, and keeping a weapon in my possession would only lead to an incriminating scene somewhere along the line.
So yeah Mira was a ton of fun to play as this episode.
Agreed. I just wonder who the midnight assassin was sent by.
I thought Rodrik was better, but Mira was second. I wasn't that impressed with her part in the first episode, but this was much better, but what enemies was that man talking about, and why did he want to kill me.
I still found Mira my least favorite part of the episode
Cersei. I bet it's the bitch I love very much:-)
I dont know, her story was alot better in ep 2, but I just prefer the other characters
I'm sorry but Fat Naked man was the most entertaining.
Her or the Whitehill dudes. Or a collaboration of their bitchiness :P
I really liked the Rodrik parts. Mira was fun but I dunno. There are a lot of parts where I really didn't understand the necessity of such scenes.
Like Sera's confession. What the hell does it have to do with anything?
You do realize that this game is a series, right?
sera's confession is eather a Red hering choice (something to lead you down the wrong way) or Foreshadowing.
Yes, but all other's people choices and dialogues actually had a meaning, or a reason one can easily understand. The part with sera seemd kinda out of the blue
How do you know that it won't have an impact on anything later in the game? Are you a fortune teller?
I liked Rodrik the most, but Mira's story is good at making me feel like I fucked up after every little thing I do. :S
Mira was really only fun when I was sliding a knife into that asshole's neck.
I don't.
I'm just saying that particular part didn't have previous events that led to Sera confessing her bastard origin to Mira. Other characters had a reason to act or say something in determinate situation, because events we saw in the past, or motives we can deduce in the future explain their behaviour.
Sera telling Mira about her lineage...I dunno. I'm sure it will have some repercussion in later episodes, but the premise seemed a bit weak to introduce the matter. I mean I know it's not so easy to insert something like that in a two hours episode, but in that moment, I felt like Sera didn't really have any reason to tell Mira something that personal. It's not like they're the bestest of friends, or that Mira hasn't something a little more important to care about
She could also be lying(about being a bastard or to marry) and simply wants to be in her Ladies favour. It is not like she asks you to ask Margaery for help but to send Margaery to her when she wants to talk to you. It of course makes sense that Sera wants to talk to Margaery in person, but she could just be trying to undermine you.
I just love how much intrigue is happening around Mira and shes just pushed around by everybody. So I kinda enjoyed being in a stronger position for once with her.
Sera is going down. I'm not gonna let Mira go down with her; she's already in too much deep shit after the last episode ._.
+ bonus back shoulder stab
She found out about the wine! Got to check on Rosa make sure she's okay!
Who tried having Mira killed?!
Was it Marj because she suspected we stole the mail seal?
Was it Rose because she regrets telling us her secret?!
Was it the Whitehill negotiators because they don't like ironwood deals being taken from under them?
Was it Cercei because we didn't swear fealty to pig Joffry? and also drank her wine? and called her a bitch under our breath?
Was it the Imp because he regrets to inform you that he is doing business with the Whitehills?
Was it Joffry just "cuz"?
She wants Mira to point Margery in her direction right? She did do it as a request.
I'm surprised you ran and ditched the knife. I'm sure Damien knows who you are, so you can't deny what happened. I figured keeping the knife would be a good idea at least so Mira would be armed, and maybe even have something valuable to sell if it came to that.
I disagree. I thought all of them were pretty entertaining. I'm especially loving Gared's story more and more.
A hand maiden running throw the castle, blood all over her with a knife in her hands? I doubt it. Besides if Damien ever decided to ramsack my room again he would find the knife.
If you let Damien alive, you wouldn't be covered in blood.
Best choice for me was killing Damian and keeping the knife. Coal by would dispatch the body, but if they looked around and found the knife, they'd think something happened.
No body, no knife, no suspects
Of, all of these, I just don't think it could be Sera. The killer guy straight-out mentioned that Mira had angered some powerful people. Also, the guy seemed really high profile, how would Sera get someone like that to do the killing?
I also doubt very much that it was Margaery, because the guy was clearly a Lannister knight. But I think all of the other suspects are totally possible.
Yes, it wasn't out of the blue, Sera needs Margaery to arrange her a good marriage, and I feel like she is more and more desperate about this. Also, there was something really important about the conversation: not only does Sera want Mira to help her, she thinks Mira has too much of Margaery's favor. She asked if Mira could make Margaery trust her (Sera) as much as she trusts Mira.
For those of you that betrayed Margaery and wrote the false letter, Sera comes in and sees that the last written letter is for Elena. I think that if you anger Sera later not promising to help her, that will come back to bite you.
I love Mira, she is my favorite character by far. In all Telltale games you usually have the good choice, the bad choice and the practical one, but your character's choices are usually based on emotions, while Mira's choices, well, Telltale managed to balance her choices for family and her desire to survive, to play that game of thrones quite remarkably.
I love how you can suck up to Cersei without appearing weak and still make Margaery respect you, how you can be on par with Tyrion's wits and how you can remain cool headed when danger approaches.
She feels like a perfect mix between Sansa's innocence, Tyrion's silver tongue, smarts and a little sprinkle of Littlefinger's practicality and oh so needed cruelty.
About her assassination, I think Damien is just one of Cersei's lovers and just hates the Imp, although there is little chance of that happening or is taking some kind of bribes from the Whitehills and he decided to act by himself because he feared that Mira's influence with Tyrion and Margaery could actually help her family and and he would loose money and standing if that deal Tyrion and Mira did went through.
P.S. Oh, it could have also been the Varys's doing somehow since that boy's rescue came at a perfect time and we all know that all the poor, homeless children are just Varys's little spies and that would have granted him Mira's trust although she would have no idea, of course.
And who knows what plans does the eunuch have, as far as I know, his plans can take years to develop.
Most of my accusations were wild and not meant to be really taken seriously.
Yes, Lannister armor does seem to narrow the list of suspects. Or does it? He could have just been paid really handsomely to do a side job. With no evidence everything is still up in the air.
I suspect Sera to be a Cercei spy, but that's a discussion for another threat.
I´m always at a loss of what to do and who to trust when I´m playing Mira; more so than with any other character so far. I suppose that´s a good thing, though, actually getting nervous about your decisions and what you´re doing. Her story was much better this episode, too.
One thing I learned from the books; don't trust anyone, don't confide, don't reveal anything personal because all you say or do can and will be used against you. You'll either end up rotting in a dungeon, you'll be fleeing for your life across the Narrow Sea or your head will end up on a spike somewhere.
Ya'know, I thought she was the most boring character but her story development is getting much better. She is definitely turning into my favorite after Asher.
That sounds...lovely! Let´s trust everyone, Mira!
i loved every second of this episode...LOVE THIS GAME!! CANT WAIT TIL EPISODE 3!!!!
I wouldn't think so. She's the queen, I doubt she would wasted her time sending an assassin to kill a handmaiden. If she wanted Mira dead all she'd had to do is say so.
Sure, was just trying to keep the brainstorm going
Yeah, Sera sure has the feel of a spy, most probably Cersei's spy. I had a strong feeling about that in the first episode (on this one I felt kinda confused — why is she "confessing" about being a bastard to us?! What would she gain with that?!).
Joffrey, perhaps? Same resources as his mother, willingness to go behind her back, higher authority, tenancy for disproportionate retribution against perceived slights...
Exactly Cloudchaser, Sera wants us to let her gain favor and station within Margary's inner circle. Margary lets us write her letters, remain in her room alone while very important House items are left lying around, takes our advice and needs into consideration, in short she Trusts us. And we really need that trust.
If i wasn't in such a bad position and in need of the new Queens favor so much myself, i might be more inclined to help Sera. She seems alright, but also very flippant and kind of arrogant. Especially for someone with that type of secret. I guess im not really sure, but i think her being there when Tyrion comes to get Mira will bite me in the ass somehow.