The monkeys are listening...
Psst...the monkeys are listening...the zombie pirate LeChuck, master of one undead (Murray), awaits in the shadows. The Voodoo Lady wishes to exorcise... She insists that the terms and conditions in her contract have not been met in an orderly and timely fashion. All said characters are requesting their terms be met or their contracts hereby nullified.
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What is everyones favorite? I really liked the artwork and design of CMI. The fourth game, EMI, was very frustrating to play without a mouse, and the storyline fell short.
Btw. Whats the deal with the TellTale Explorer?
And a Grim Fandango sequel would be great as well, but only if Tim Schafer heads the project.
Definitely Haggis-man - A Ron Gilbert and Tim Schafer team up would rock!
After playing Grim Fandango, I immediately jumped to the wasd keys for EMI - I don’t remember using the mouse at all (though I haven’t played it since it's initial release, so I may be completely wrong
I do remember thinking that it felt like the game was developed with a console port in mind, limiting some aspects of game design, dumbing down (for non-adventure playing console users) the puzzles, rather than concentrating on making it the best game they could (wasn’t that about the time LucasArts dropped pretty much everything but Star Wars titles and shifted focus to console development? (& generally turned a bit naff))
Still a lot of fun though - Definitely loved the crashed X-Wing in the swamp.
I think of Indiana Jones & the Fate of Atlantis as the greatest adventure game of all time.
It has a real plot, real characters, very exciting locations, multiple story paths. It is awesome, no way around it.
I really loved CMI. But EMI was astoundingly mediocre. The best ones were prolly 1 & 2 because CMI was a little more... I don't know... Kiddy? It felt sort of like the usual Monkey Island experience had been briefly run through Disney. Don't get me wrong, it was still excellent but maybe not really part of the same story as the first games. Like a spin off I guess. If there was a final game it would have to be more in the style of the first two games. Of course that will never happen anyway because Lucasarts does not want to give anyone the licenses to MI and they sure as hell aren't going to make another one.
See, thats why I reckon they shouldnt make another MI game - It was a top notch fanshise - But a new one is never going to match up to either the original titles or the nostagia.
I still think it could work
Especially when you look at the source - Phillip Marlow books are all stand alone stories with occasional returning characters - There's no need to have the whole cast return (it's not Monkey Island after all), just maybe a few Cameos - Equally there’s definitely a lot of unanswered questions from the first game still left unanswered. B-)