How to win the betrothal? I chose only honest answers as Rodrik, didn't kiss the ring and didn't get Lady Margaery's help as Mira, didn't want to ask her to help again.
Besides, through offering her family the Ironwood, which will supply her, now YOUR army. You really think people married for love back then, and not Political interest and gain? Even when Whitehill says something along the lines of "Well you want Ironwood, we have Ironwood!" Eleana tells him how they'll "Stand proudly with the Forresters"
Seems winning Elena's hand only derives from either giving her a reward or having the soon-to-be queen coercing her into it. Marriage is doomed. But hey, that Gwyn chick seemed pretty cool.
True, but Lady Forrester did warn you to be gentle . I think people who forged the letter and still managed to scare Elaena away should rewind a try to find the right tactic. I mean... Mira is probably going to get herself in a crapload of trouble for that letter, so if Rodrik still dropped the ball on that one, he needs to hand in his man card right away.
didnt' forged Margaery's letter, but I stole the sigil in the firs episode... I didn't want to betray Margaery, plus I thought Tyrion would help me with the Whitehill thing;
I didn't kissed Whitehill's ring. C'mon, guys, that fat bastard must understand that he can't just act like an asshole and win! He could keep my brother, if he wants to, but I can't just kiss a ring like a weak wimpering rabbit!
I didn't win my betrothal to Elaena. That bitch.
I stood up for Cotter. Are there really people who did't?
Didn't forge the letter - Margaery seems to be Mira's only ally
Refused to kiss the ring - Can't show weakness to an enemy or risk pride in front of Elena.
Won Elaena - Offered the Ironwood and was just polite/funny.
Stood up for Cotter - Can't be doing with bullys, He needs putting in his place.
Surprisingly didn't kill the attacker - Tossed the knife, The guard captain can't kill Mira in daylight for no reason in front of people like Margaery and when Tyrion has business with me, And there wont be a manhunt as Mira never did anything, So maybe i can somehow pursuade Tyrion/Margaery to protect Mira. Cos im sure she's not stupid enough to meet a stranger at midnight again. Also Mira would be killed regardless as the other guard will know It was her?
Realized offering Eleana the Ironwood means the Forresters have no Ironwood left though surely, Seen as Ramsey gave the other half to the Whitehills in Episode 1? But i'm hoping you can somehow reclaim it once you have Eleana's army at your back, Or Rodrik somehow finds out about the North Grove where there's a 'secret stash' of Ironwood? Also realized that means Mira has offered Tyrion Ironwood that isn't technically her families to give anymore
I didn't forge Margaerys letter - Considering she is Mira's only ally and did attempt to persuade Joffrey to aid the Forresters, seemed foolish to then betray her. Plus it would easily be found out and the consequences will be pretty bad considering she is a 'future queen'.
I refused to kiss Whitehill's ring - Did not want to show weakness in front of Rodriks advisers, betrothed (and the potential support she brings) and lord whitehill. Show him weakness and he is likely to become even more demanding, Ryon might be a hostage but being weak won't bring him back. Just make Whitehill more likely to use him as a weapon against you.
I won Rodriks Betrothal To Elaena - Though I do not like the idea of giving up half the ironwood, makes me believe the alliance is fragile and the Glenmores won't be very dependable. Still its not like the forresters have a lot of allies to choose from.
I stood up for Cotter - To be honest, I would of happily not got involved at all but didn't want Gared to appear weak by not retaliating after being hit.
I killed Mira's attacker - Didn't want him to come and try again later. Plus the Coal Boy might be a useful ally of some form later, particularly if he is working for varys. Kept the Knife too - could be useful in a later episode to help Mira in helping herself.
(took me forever to find free time to play this episode, I'm so late to the game lol)
Forged Margaery's letter. I doubt Margaery will find out about it, and if she does, it's a consequence I will deal with. I had to do whatever I could to help Mira's family.
Refused to kiss Lord Whitehill's ring. The guy is an asshole, and I don't believe he would have let Ryon come to the funeral either way. Also, kissing his ring would have made it seem as though House Forrester is conceding to the enemy. I don't want Lord Whitehill to think that he's won, nor do I want Elaena to think of Rodrik as a pansy. Can't be looking bad in front of your future wife, especially if her family has an army you desperately need.
Hell yeah Rodrik won Elaena's betrothal. I didn't even have to offer any Ironwood, she couldn't resist the Forrester charm~. Rodrik is a ladies' man in my playthrough, all the chicks gonna dig him.;)
Stood up for Cotter aka The Potato Fucker. Finn is a dick, and I think it's hilarious that Cotter stole his precious sword so easily. I also think having a guy with sticky fingers on your side could be an advantage, who knows if Gared will have to steal something in the future.
Killed Mira's attacker. At this point I still think Coal Boy can be a valuable ally, and it doesn't seem right to let the guy who saved your life drown. I also chose to throw the knife away, I still don't know who was searching Mira's room, and I didn't want anyone to find it and connect Damien's murder to her. I hope that was the right decision.:/
Didn't forge Margaery's letter. I was pretty confident Rodrick could handle Elaena on his own and I didn't want to risk pissing off one of the wiliest families in Kings Landing.
Refused to kiss Lord Whitehill's ring. Booooooo he's a sack of crap. I felt bad after Lady Forrester scolded Rodrick though, so maybe I'll do a different playthrough...
Won Elaena's betrothal. Little uneasy about offering her HALF of our Ironwood, but maybe it doesn't matter as much after the Whitehills seized it all lol
Stood up for Cotter. Mainly because I just didn't like Finn and Potato Fucker made me laugh
Killed Mira's attacker. I couldn't let the Coal Boy drown, but after seeing the sneak peek for next episode I'm a little anxious...I kept the knife, mainly because I was scared someone would find it in the garden, but now I'm worried someone will find it in Mira's room...
I'm unsure what my alternate playthroughs should be, gaaah, this game makes me so anxious...
I forged a letter to Elaena Glenmore (I felt obligated to do so since the game swayed me to do it, always reminding me that it was Elaena's choice)
Refused to kiss Ludd's ring (I didn't want to suck up to the man who taunted Ethan all last episode and kidnapped Ryon, though Lady Forrester made me feel bad when I didn't)
Won Elaena's betrothal (I was uneasy about letting her decide whether or not she could marry me, but it worked out in the end)
Told Finn the truth about Cotter (I didn't trust Cotter at all, since he was sent to The Wall for theft. My only reason for that.)
Killed Mira's attacker (It was less of a 'oh shit, let me think about this' kind of choice than a 'oh, this is pretty obvious' kind of choice. I wasn't going to let the coal boy drown and die, because he is my informant and can help me if what he says is true)
Offer her your Ironwood, and woo her slightly. It's political intrigue my friend.
It's not that simple though.
Besides, through offering her family the Ironwood, which will supply her, now YOUR army. You really think people married for love back then, and not Political interest and gain? Even when Whitehill says something along the lines of "Well you want Ironwood, we have Ironwood!" Eleana tells him how they'll "Stand proudly with the Forresters"
Seems winning Elena's hand only derives from either giving her a reward or having the soon-to-be queen coercing her into it. Marriage is doomed. But hey, that Gwyn chick seemed pretty cool.
True, but Lady Forrester did warn you to be gentle
. I think people who forged the letter and still managed to scare Elaena away should rewind a try to find the right tactic. I mean... Mira is probably going to get herself in a crapload of trouble for that letter, so if Rodrik still dropped the ball on that one, he needs to hand in his man card right away.
I stood up for Cotter. Are there really people who did't?
I killed Mira's attacker
Didn't forge the letter - Margaery seems to be Mira's only ally
Refused to kiss the ring - Can't show weakness to an enemy or risk pride in front of Elena.
Won Elaena - Offered the Ironwood and was just polite/funny.
Stood up for Cotter - Can't be doing with bullys, He needs putting in his place.
Surprisingly didn't kill the attacker - Tossed the knife, The guard captain can't kill Mira in daylight for no reason in front of people like Margaery and when Tyrion has business with me, And there wont be a manhunt as Mira never did anything, So maybe i can somehow pursuade Tyrion/Margaery to protect Mira. Cos im sure she's not stupid enough to meet a stranger at midnight again. Also Mira would be killed regardless as the other guard will know It was her?
Realized offering Eleana the Ironwood means the Forresters have no Ironwood left though surely, Seen as Ramsey gave the other half to the Whitehills in Episode 1? But i'm hoping you can somehow reclaim it once you have Eleana's army at your back, Or Rodrik somehow finds out about the North Grove where there's a 'secret stash' of Ironwood? Also realized that means Mira has offered Tyrion Ironwood that isn't technically her families to give anymore
Interesting to see how the percentages of the choices changed after a few days, especially the last one. From 50% to 90%? Damn.
Does the boy (Tom) that helps Mira die if you leave him? If you kiss the ring does Ludd Whitehill still demand the other half of ironwood?
However,as I'm a victim to the Choices Bug of Episode 1 I may change some, like not forging the letter, not kissing the ring.
No, and yes
I refused to kiss Whitehill's ring
I won Rodrik's betrothal to Elaena
I didn't forge Margaerys letter - Considering she is Mira's only ally and did attempt to persuade Joffrey to aid the Forresters, seemed foolish to then betray her. Plus it would easily be found out and the consequences will be pretty bad considering she is a 'future queen'.
I refused to kiss Whitehill's ring - Did not want to show weakness in front of Rodriks advisers, betrothed (and the potential support she brings) and lord whitehill. Show him weakness and he is likely to become even more demanding, Ryon might be a hostage but being weak won't bring him back. Just make Whitehill more likely to use him as a weapon against you.
I won Rodriks Betrothal To Elaena - Though I do not like the idea of giving up half the ironwood, makes me believe the alliance is fragile and the Glenmores won't be very dependable. Still its not like the forresters have a lot of allies to choose from.
I stood up for Cotter - To be honest, I would of happily not got involved at all but didn't want Gared to appear weak by not retaliating after being hit.
I killed Mira's attacker - Didn't want him to come and try again later. Plus the Coal Boy might be a useful ally of some form later, particularly if he is working for varys. Kept the Knife too - could be useful in a later episode to help Mira in helping herself.
I forged Margaery's letter
I kissed Whitehill's ring
I won Rodrik's betrothal to Elaena
I stood up for Cotter
I killed Mira's attacker
(took me forever to find free time to play this episode, I'm so late to the game lol)
Forged Margaery's letter. I doubt Margaery will find out about it, and if she does, it's a consequence I will deal with. I had to do whatever I could to help Mira's family.
Refused to kiss Lord Whitehill's ring. The guy is an asshole, and I don't believe he would have let Ryon come to the funeral either way. Also, kissing his ring would have made it seem as though House Forrester is conceding to the enemy. I don't want Lord Whitehill to think that he's won, nor do I want Elaena to think of Rodrik as a pansy. Can't be looking bad in front of your future wife, especially if her family has an army you desperately need.
Hell yeah Rodrik won Elaena's betrothal. I didn't even have to offer any Ironwood, she couldn't resist the Forrester charm~. Rodrik is a ladies' man in my playthrough, all the chicks gonna dig him.;)
Stood up for Cotter aka The Potato Fucker. Finn is a dick, and I think it's hilarious that Cotter stole his precious sword so easily. I also think having a guy with sticky fingers on your side could be an advantage, who knows if Gared will have to steal something in the future.
Killed Mira's attacker. At this point I still think Coal Boy can be a valuable ally, and it doesn't seem right to let the guy who saved your life drown. I also chose to throw the knife away, I still don't know who was searching Mira's room, and I didn't want anyone to find it and connect Damien's murder to her. I hope that was the right decision.:/
Didn't forge Margaery's letter. I was pretty confident Rodrick could handle Elaena on his own and I didn't want to risk pissing off one of the wiliest families in Kings Landing.
Refused to kiss Lord Whitehill's ring. Booooooo he's a sack of crap. I felt bad after Lady Forrester scolded Rodrick though, so maybe I'll do a different playthrough...
Won Elaena's betrothal. Little uneasy about offering her HALF of our Ironwood, but maybe it doesn't matter as much after the Whitehills seized it all lol
Stood up for Cotter. Mainly because I just didn't like Finn and Potato Fucker made me laugh
Killed Mira's attacker. I couldn't let the Coal Boy drown, but after seeing the sneak peek for next episode I'm a little anxious...I kept the knife, mainly because I was scared someone would find it in the garden, but now I'm worried someone will find it in Mira's room...
I'm unsure what my alternate playthroughs should be, gaaah, this game makes me so anxious...