As someone who is on the fence...

Is this episode worth getting? If I enjoyed episode one, then do you think I'll enjoy episode two. I respect gamer's opinions much more than I respect game reviewers.


  • Ep 2 is better than ep 1 so yes

  • EP is vary well done (took about 2 hours to play though) tons of choices, the start was a little too much on the QTE but after you get past that the episode flows very well (I only failed one QTE near the end, because S is used not W.) The story and choices are very "real" they dont feel scripted but more natural in the flow of dialog and props. (every once in a while a prop will disappear because the leading up animation did not match to the animation after the choice) over all EP 2 is much better then EP1 and it has secured from me a season pass.

  • It was great! Way better than the 1st.

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