Confused at the episode 3 preview

I'm super confused right now. I just finished the game and during the meeting with Damien (damn i honestly thought i was going get laid- I failed getting getting 2 foresters laid tonight. It was not a great day for romance)

Anyways - after the servant boy jumped in to save me I booked it the fuck away (cause mamma didn't raise no fool) but then in episode 3 preview I'm talking to to servant boy and he's talking about people looking for who attacked Damien...

But shouldn't that boy be dead?? and like how is Damien struggling to figure out who attacked him (even though I didn't attack him)? I mean he managed to write my name down on that note and I like to think I'm not so forgetful that he instantly forgot my name after failing to kill me...

Do you think this is an error with the preview or does the servant boy actually survive the drowning??

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