Does lady Elena have any siblings?
I just agreed to give her half of our house's ironwood forests. That's frankly too much a fortune to give up.
Is she is the sole heir to her Glenmore family? Then giving her father ironwood didn't cost us a thing.
If she has other siblings though, I might have to discreetly assassinate them, flay their corpses to blame Bolton in order to bring all ironwood forest's control under our house after her father's death.
It's unlikely scenario, but I hope we get some evil options towards later episodes.
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Given that the decisions we get to make are usually consistent with the disposition of whatever character we're playing, I doubt very much that we'll get to turn to the Dark Side. That's what Crusader Kings is for
Although, if you do want to be evil, the other way to secure the marriage is to have Mira forge a letter from Margaery, strongly implying that the marriage would be in the Glenmore's best interest, and you can have Rodrik either disavow the letter and let Elaena make her own choice, or go along with it and effectively force her into the marriage. That's kind of evil, but only somewhat by Game of Thrones standards.
Also, regarding "half the ironwood forest" - the way I see this going, by the time we've dealt with the Whitehills and Elaena and Rodrik get to marry, "half" will be somewhere around half of nothing, so don't feel too bad about it. Then we transplant trees from the North Grove or whatever, and bam, back in the Ironwood business.
Yes. Her brother's nameday feast is mentioned.
Elena is a S**G and would only marry me when I offered Iron wood.
Yes, cause everyone would jump on a sinking ship because they trust the captain.
She's still a b****
It's not that simple - she even said it didn't matter how we felt.
The Ironwood is purely an incentive - and think of it this way. That Ironwood will be used for her father's army, now YOUR army.
She's a bitch to decide to not risk her life and the lives of her entire family by antagonizing a bunch of armed sadists who do whatever the hell they want? Better a bitch than a dead idiot who got their whole family killed, I guess.