Who sent the killer?



  • It seems to me that Damien has been spying on Mira for a long time, even before we meet the merchants. He searched through her room for something, so maybe there is an another reason for this murder attempt.

  • As other posters pointed out, if all Cersei wanted was death, then there would be a head on a spike. Otherwise, even if she has it out for Forrester/Mira, she would try to manipulate the situation and hold her hostage to further her plans. Cersei might make stupid decisions, but she's certainly not Joffrey.

    My main suspect is Andros, the Whitehill merchant. After I told him to tell whoever he wants to and it's not my concern, the last thing he s

  • edited February 2015


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    geekeftes posted: »

    You fuck Whitehill?

  • Still the coal boy has no motive and I sincerely doubt a coal boy is going to convince a kings guard to murder someone. I don't see any motive for the coal boy to put up this whole thing unless of course the coal boy somehow framed Mira.

    Davissons posted: »

    Game of Thrones is set in a fantasy world of dragons, magic and ice zombies, but a literate, capable coal boy/spy isn't believable? You only have to look at Varys to see how a person from such a small, harsh background can go so far.

  • in this case she would have accused mira of high treason and had her handed over to either illan payne or the mad doctor.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    I think Cersei did. Discovered her favourite wine is missing and blamed Mira.

  • After the last episode, i'm quite positive it was ludd, why else would he send large amounts of gold to king's landing?

  • I'm going with Ludd himself.

  • to pay his salesman?

    But yeah he wouldn't get a big amount of money aforehand. It's pretty obvious.

    Choombi posted: »

    After the last episode, i'm quite positive it was ludd, why else would he send large amounts of gold to king's landing?

  • edited March 2015

    After what Gwynn told us, that Ludd knows everything that goes on in the council,and that he's been sending copious amounts of gold to King's Landing, he most definitely was the one to hire an assassin to kill Mira.

  • So depending on how to play the convo with Tom the Coal Boy in the bushes he reveals that he's been sent by someone to protect Mira. I don't think he's part of the assasin's plot.

    Ok so I think the Coal Boy is up to some shady shit. He's a little too eager to help. Also I think he was the one that left the note on the

  • To be honest, I actually think it was not Cersie, because if you watch the series or read the books, she had bigger concerns at that point in time. I actually think she wouldn't have cared too much about Mira, even if she did not like her. I think it was just a Whitehill assassin.

  • edited July 2015

    After episode 4, I think that the person who sent Damien was Andros, since he had Lyman Lannister with him at the time, Damien could've been one of Lyman's guards, since it's said he's a Lannister guard.

  • I thought the "previously on" segment sort of confirmed that it was one or both of the merchants, but it could have just been Ludd.

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