Huge historical inaccuracies in season 2

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I am not certain if anyone else noticed this, but there are most certainly some historical inaccuracies compared to the book in season 2.
I am mainly talking about Garred and the wall.

The following thing happens in the game, either Garred arrives at the wall after jon snow arrives back at castle black, or he arrives at the wall before the great ranging lead by mormont.
Now here is the issue, In the game Jon snow says that mance raider is on the way with a 100 thousand wildlings. This is historical not possible as.

  1. The red wedding occurs AFTER the great ranging is gone, so if mance raider was on the way to castle black, jon snow would be beyond the wall.
  2. If Garred arrives the 1 day where jon have returned to castle black before mance raider arrives with his host, and castle black have been warned, there would be much more panic, more moletowns people and jon snow would be wounded in the leg.
  3. If Garred arrives after the battle is fought, why then would jon snow say that mance raider is on the way with a 100 thousand wildlings?


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