Game story redundant due to comic?
I'm pretty new to the episodic telltale games and the first series that I completed was TWAU. Since, I've been catching up on the rest.
Initially TWAU was my favourite but now it feels like my least favourite. The others seem to be based upon the world with ttg characters and story but in TWAU we're playing as existing characters as part of an existing story and we're just playing through some story fluff to the comic?
When playing the game I decided that I dislike Snow but it's wasnt of consequence... Then I stumble across the comic and we're married with a million kids and suddenly the whole implied romance triangle thing feels pointless. There is a load more story in the comics that makes TWAU dull and tunnel vision in comparison.
I feel like I've lost my enthusiasm as they'll never be able to pack more than a glimpse of the comic story into the games.
Are people playing just to see their comic characters materialise?
Well, here are some things I feel that I have to point out:
(Bear in mind that not every character in these games was created by TellTale, there are several, particularly in TWAU, that come from source material)
I personally had never heard of Fables when I played TWAU, I wasn't a comic reader at the time and I had no idea such a comic existed... So after I finished Ep.5 I set about acquiring the entire series including it's spin-offs. I absolutely LOVE this comic to bits, it's sooo damn good!!!
Yes Bigby and Snow do get married a 1/3 of the way through the comics and a 1/4 of the way through Snow gives birth to 7 Cubs who are all fathered by Bigby. I don't think TWAU is shunned by the comics, far from it actually.
TWAU is a prequel, it's telling us a story that was never told in the comics; we have been introduced to at least dozen new characters and we have an opportunity to see what Fabletown was like 20 years before the comics began.
The time when Snow wasn't the Deputy Mayor, when Bigby was still on thin ice with the community; it also explains things like Crane's absence and possibly why Snow changed upon acquiring her new position...
If you want to label something that will shun the game then you should've used TWAU comic that is being released; that comic is a version of the game that includes extra backstory for new characters and Bigby's thoughts on situations.
This is a prequel, only part of a much bigger story. It doesn't make the game redundant. It's telling another tale within the universe. Ive read almost every comic and I played the game because I enjoyed seeing the Fables universe brought to a new medium and telling a story that we havent seen in the comic. Big and Snow don't get together for a long time so why wouldn't he flirt with other women in the meantime? The Walking Dead games are based on a long running comic series, Game of Thrones is based on the tv show, and Tales is based on the video game series. Their all expanding on these universes not retreading old territory. Im sorry that made you dislike the game but I honestly dont really understand why.
TWAU is the game based on the comics (and it is considered to be canon by Bill Willingham to the Fables Universe). While the comics have vast amount of content, there are still gaps which are left to be filled, such as period before when #1 begins.
And TWAU is Telltale's answer for those fans who were wondering about that, and I praise them for taking a leap of faith (it's not like Fables is well known brand to general public like The Walking Dead, or Game of Thrones).
Walking Dead, Borderlands, and Game of Thrones all have huge worlds where you can fit in a new canon story easily. FABLES, unfortunately, isn't like this so yeah, they had to pick existing characters. I wouldn't call it "story fluff" to the comic though.
Its hard to fit the same amount of story in a multi-issue comic series in a 5 episode game series