I've been so dumb...

Who else feels the same way about the choices you've made? As most of my choices seem to be the same as majority's (my choices haven't been influenced by anyone beforehand but me), I feel that I'm too mainstream type of player. One doesn't win anything without taking risks...


  • Mine were mixed though the choices were hard this time around

  • There's no point in being contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian. If your choices reflect your interpretation of the character's and how the story should progress, and if you made them because you really stand behind them, you're doing a good job. If you're only thinking about "what other players would choose", you're doing yourself a disservice.

  • I did feel dumb not being able to secure the betrothal, and re-did that part a few times, but then I feel that maybe even if they do get married, Eleana may still not want her house to stand against the Boltons, so I just stick with my original choices anyway.

    I think you just never know until the end, and if you just go against the majority no matter what, it is just conforming in a different way. I agree with what Rogarth said, what matters is your own interpretation.

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