Xbox One - Ep. 2 Still Says "Coming Soon"..?

I have been waiting so long to play this. I was so excited. I have the season pass, but everytime I get on to download Episode 2, it still says "coming soon." I tried resetting the game and my xbox. I'm not sure what to do. If there is abother thread that will solve my problem, you can just refer that to me. Any help is appreciated. Thanks a lot. I just want to play the game! :(


  • I swear Teltale has something against xbox owners. This same shit happens every time they release a game. The second episode is available on xbox one, however you have to go into the game store to purchase it. It isn't available in-game for some freaking reason, meaning you either have to purchase the second episode for another five bucks or wait however long it takes to fix their shit. There is almost no point in buying a season pass for any of their games if you are playing them on xbox, You figured they would have learned how to fix this problem after the first time it happened...

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