The Golden Company

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Does anyone think that Asher may eventually end up with or be part of the Golden Company?
Considering what happens in the books.


  • No. They are one of the best sellswords in the series asher doesn't have the money to hire them. The golden company are hired only if the problem is big sack a city or take the iron throne.. I don't think they would cross the narrow sea to help a meaningsless house (forresters) fight another meaningsless house (whitchell)

  • I get the feeling Asher will form and lead a small Sellsword company called The Sons of Winter.

  • I think whichever company Asher recruits will be one that wasn't mentioned in the books, to avoid using one that might contradict what Martin later writes in the books. Any mercenary companies mentioned in the books/TV series could end up with Dany when she eventually invades Westeros.

  • Why the Golden Company specifically? They're miles away in Myr on their way to Volantis.

  • edited February 2015

    The Golden Company is the most expensive, the biggest, most well equipped and generally the best sell sword company in the world. They can field over 10,000 men and that includes armored horses and friggen war elephants. They are only contracted by the Ultra rich cities of Essos in important wars and they fought the Iron throne a couple of times in the past. So no Asher would never have the coin or the standing to hire such a company, He might join though...

  • The golden company is busy they can't be hired.... considered what happens in the books

  • I think some of you may have misunderstood my question. I did not say Asher would hire them; I asked if you thought he would become part of or end up with the Golden Company, as in perhaps traveling with them on a passage back to Westeros, in some way or joining Stannis or...Aegon.

  • I don't think Asher would need the best, just enough to take out the Whitehills. We'll probably end up deciding between two companies, probably one showing specialties in brute strength and one focusing in stealth.

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