Episode 2 Final Bug Moment

After finishing the funeral scene, then the "Next Time On Game of Thrones", the screen just goes black with a foggy corner in the top right corner, ive tried restarting it multiple times. Could do with some help.


  • Exact same issue here on Xbox One. No credits, no decision summary, no save point, no menu return, nothing. Just that frozen moment as you describe it...no way to proceed, you just have to use the Xbox home button and quit out. Please fix this ASAP Telltale! Very frustrating to have a bug like this in a supposedly finished product!

  • Is there a forum that reports bugs like this directly? I feel like tech issues and story discussion shouldn't be fighting for space.

  • Anyone heard any updates on this issue? It is game-breaking for an episodic game....not even sure how ep 3 will work now.

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