Episode 3's dragon

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

What do you think will happen with Asher and the Dragon. Do you think Asher will kill a dragon, or have to run or other

edit: i didnt know that the dragons cant be killed for cannon reasons, maybe he will just hurt it


  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited February 2015

    Well, I think that Dany's dragon, the women referred to as the 'Mother of Dragons' (You know, the show's prime nudity star). I would assume it's the big one, I think his name is Drogon, and I believe in the show he escapes from her control.

  • There are only three dragons that we know of. Since the Purple Wedding is coming up I think Viserion and Rhaegal are still in Daenerys' possession, but Drogon flies off but since all dragons are canon, Asher most likely won't kill it so he'll have to run. Hopefully nobody gets killed but if somebody does I'm guessing Beskha.

  • Well he's not going to kill a dragon, we know that.

  • edited February 2015

    It's one of Dany's dragons probably the biggest meanest one(I forget his name). It pretty much has to be because Dany's dragons are the only three in existence.

  • Likely a dragon given the picture and the ending, still I do like the next times dont give much away allows for more surprise and freedom

  • There definitely won't be any dragon killing. There are only three known dragons in the ASoIaF/Game of Thrones lore, and those are Dany's dragons. Like the others I think they are going to run across Drogon. Because I think Drogon still has a big part to play in the books/TV series, I think the encounter ends with Asher having to flee. Maybe he loses his female companion then, or Malcolm bites it.

  • He won't kill the dragon,that's for sure. But i believe it's his way to connect his story with Dany. Mira is connected to Tyrion, Margery and Cersei, Ethan and Rodrick to Ramsay Snow, and Gared to Jon Snow. Asher is going to be connected to Dany's story.

  • Yeah, I am not looking forward to having to deal with one of Dany's dragons, especially not Drogon. But I guess we need to find some way of getting Dany to appear since, for reasons that are beyond me, she is one of the most popular characters.

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