Gryff the fourth born son

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Hearing the line "Nothing is worse than a fourth born son trying to prove something" in "Next time on...” there is bound to be some trouble caused by him right? Seeing as that the "leaders of Ironrath” are holding a secret meeting of sorts in the woods concerning the matter. What sort of trouble do you think he will cause?

And what of his other three brothers, hopefully we`ll get to see them around as well. My guess is that Gryff will probably try to force himself upon Talia, or at least allow the man who tried to block the path for Rodrik do so, considering he stared at Talia a lot during that conversation.


  • One of the "brothers" might be his sister, the other 2 I don't know.

    Gryff will probably go around acting all macho and trying to defy you all the time + doing a lot of stupid stuff, like Theon after taking Winterfell

  • I just hope Asher gets there soon. Which probably won't happen. All I know is everyone is gonna treat Rodrik like shit since he's hurt, if he wasn't, maybe they wouldn't have been such pricks.

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