Purple Wedding effects

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I am really curious how the death of joffrey will affect mira because that changes the position of margary who mira depends on to help her family. Any thoughts?


  • I think he is asking if his death will affect Mira's position in King's Landing. It is almost certain that it will affect her deal with Tyrion in one way or another.

  • she does not know him and thats not my point. But all influence Mira takes on family business from Kings Landing so far is only possible because of the strong position Margary is in because she willl be queen soon. If Margary is not in this specific position of power how will it affect Mira when she wants to help her family from that distance. ;)

  • Joffery dies? :O

  • Spoilers in the title dude

  • way to put a major spoiler in your title..

    maybe some people haven't watched the show or read of the book yet

  • Yeah, you should probably change the title to Purple Wedding or something, which people will recognize if they are in the know.

    Also, I don't think there's any way that Mira doesn't know Joffrey. He's the King, after all, and she is handmaiden to his betrothed.

    That said, it's hard to tell how much this will effect things. It probably depends on who she is counting on more for support, Margaery or Tyrion.

  • She says

    "Not joffrey"

    when asked if she wants to marry him so she clearly doesnt like him, Everyone at court knows joffrey, he the king. That said I hope people who just play the game get to see joffrey at his worst or they might actually be sad when he dies

  • edited February 2015

    I hope we get to see Joffery die. This time it will be in game form LOL!!

  • It doesn't change Margaery's position that much. She still gets to be queen. It's just a different boy that's going to be her husband.

  • sorry for spoilers in the title. i thought since the game takes place right after season 3 and the purple wedding is on episode 2 of season 4 people who play this game are aware of joffreys death

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