At my wits end...

Had the other version of Mac before I had to upgrade to Mac X O. Now my computers slow because of this upgrade, the mouse in the game is messed up and laggy. Every time I quit the game it freezes the computer for five minutes. Downloaded the patch, Episode 2 is still not available. Like what the hell. I just don't understand. I pay $40 for this game, and it's done nothing but cause me problems. Even worse, now my Mac is screwed up because I HAD to upgrade in order to play this game.
Screwed up Mac
Game still doesn't run the best

Part of me feels I'm in too deep now to even bother asking for a refund but seriously, what do I do? Try and go back to my old version (if I can) and see where we go from there? It took hours for Mac X to upgrade. I'm so ticked. Is anyone else having this problem? I absolutely loved both of the Walking Dead games and managed to play those on my iPhone no problem, except for the fact that my iPhone only has 5 GB of memory and uses 2GB to install.

Where do I go from here folks.

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