Pacing Issues with the Episodes?

So, in the FAQ it says that by the time we reach the credits of the 6th Episode, we will be at the beginning of Season 5 of the actual TV show time-period wise? We have already finished the first two episodes of the game, and have come about... an episode in length in? (End of S3E9 to the end of S3E10.) I mean, I'm not really criticizing the pacing because obviously I don't know what TT has planned, I'm just wondering how we're going to still manage to cover about 10 more episodes show-wise with only 4 episodes left in the game? Timeskips maybe? Or perhaps we won't make it to Season 5?


  • I'm guessing a timeskip will happen. The game is covering the Forresters story so it doesn't have to cover every major event in the T.V. show story other than the ones that take place where they are (red wedding, purple wedding etc.) this means that the timeline could go anywhere at anytime from 309-501 without being restricted to how the show is paced.

  • Probably time skips

  • (SEASON 4 SPOILERS) Well they really only have to cover what the characters see in relation to big events in season 4, so I think that they will probably cover Joffrey's wedding, and Oberyn Martell's death (Maybe). And I don't see them doing Tywin's death so I don't think it will be that big of issue.

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