How is it possible to survive 10 years of winter?

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Currently it is rather cold, snowy and windy at where I live. A normal winter last a few months in this world. And already these few months feels uncomfortable and harsh. Now try and imagine this kind of weather and cold lasting for ten years. If we say that there are no White Walkers and no wars, how is it possible to survive a winter this long?


  • You do know that in some places of the world, people live or used to live where winter is permanent? My own ancestors, along with lots of people in this country, were banished to Siberia by the USSR, forcing them to live there for many years, until the USSR fell and the exiled ones were allowed to return. Many of them died, yes, but quite a few survived, proving that yes, it is possible to survive in a frozen wasteland with no power or modern amenities. I imagine it's hardly any different for the Westerosi folk. Many die, but many find ways to adapt and endure.

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