Did you help Sera?
I'm curious, do you guys think helping her out will favor us in any way?
It seems a bit pointless... What could she possibly do for Mira in the future if we agree to help her?
Do you guys have any ideas?
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She marries into a Noble family and gives soldiers to the Forrester's to help against the Whitehill's. Just a theory I honestly have no clue.
Friendship isn't supposed to be about usefulness.
I honestly feel that she is the type that would sell Mira out if someone presented her with enough gold, regardless of how much you've helped her before.
She just seems like those types. In her words : "I'd do anything to become a Queen", "I don't want to be Sera Flowers forever, I want to be a noble"
She's desperate to hide her roots, and she seems a bit selfish and vain.
In this case, the help would consist of suggesting to Margaery she should confide in Sera instead of me. It would really depend on the situation. If Margaery would come to me with an issue that's completely unrelated to me, my family or my ironwood, I wouldn't have a problem with deferring the matter to Sera. But if there's a chance to improve my own family's situation, I wouldn't pass on it - no matter what I promised Sera.
I refused to help her... I don't trust her at all, she's lying and she's doing stupid things. I don't believe it's selfish that Mira places her family over Sera's request. She keeps stating she's her friend, but I don't feel like it.
Oh yeah, 100%. The only reason I want to help her is because I suspect that somewhere along the line, she'll witness Mira doing something she shouldn't, and whether or not you're on good terms might make the difference between her ratting you out and helping, or at least keeping quiet. It's all about who likes you and who owes you at court, you never know when you might need someone.
I mean, maybe if someone actually offers her something, sure, she'd take it, but I'm more concerned with her telling on Mira out of spite.
She cemented herself as a total pawn this episode, honestly if Mira helps her she will owe her big so it might be good to consider. Right now we are already trying to gain several armies I dont think Mira needs to worry about anything other than the crown at this point so if a potential suitor appears suggest Sera.
Mira's main disadvantage is that she has to do everything herself, she needs someone she can control, lets be honest if mira doesnt cersei will for her
I did not help her. Sera is to dumb or up to something or both. I'm planning on using her somehow at the moment having a bloody knife planted in her things is looking pretty good.
Now that's an interesting idea...
I don't trust her one bit. She'd do "anything" to be queen and when I asked her how she got so far in life being a bastard, she said she was "lucky" . Puh-lease.
I had no reason to care about her other than the game saying "this is your friend". I didn't help her. The needs of House Forrester outweigh those of some random girl. I wasn't going to waste my time on her.
The reason I grabbed Talia when Ramsay took her is because TT made me care about her. I was invested in her as a character. But why should I care about Sera? I haven't been given reason to. It seems forced.
Yeah I'm not feeling the friendship thing I don't trust her. She should not have told me her secret I will use it against her if it will help my family.
I offered help to her. Mostly for selfish reasons of hoping she helps me somehow but...
She stole from Cersei and kept insisting I drank the wine. So no, I told her I couldn't make any promises. I mean, honestly, Sera is either really stupid or a really obvious spy.
Well, detail-wise, she tells you that Lady Olenna basically took her in and gave her her name since her mother's family abandoned her.
I'm convinced she's a spy for Cersei, and that Cersei gave her the wine to 'test' Mira, to see if she'd betray Cersei by drinking her stolen wine. I don't trust her one bit.
I believe her story that she is a bastard, which just gives her more motive to sell her friend down the river, if Cersei has promised her something in return.
I think its intended that way Mira is clearly troubled and Sera just comes across like early sansa, with troubles clearly not important in the grand scheme but important to her, Mira's behaviour is up to the player do you care or not?
Real lucky...
I'm going to trust her, since it seems like what Mira would do in that situation.
I'm going to trust her, since it seems like what Mira would do in that situation.
Considering how easily Olenna partnered up with Littlefinger to remove Joffrey from the table and how easy it was for her to put the blame on someone innocent, I think back to my very far-fetched theory that Littlefinger could be Sera's father lol.
I honestly just leave it open with everyone, I never say yes or no, say some bs like 'I can't make any promises, but I'll try'. That way you can't upset anyone and you don't get cornered sometime later in the future through false promises, just like real Game of Thrones!
Help her? You must be kidding.
With all that's going wrong for House Forrester, Mira really can't weaken her position by randomly asking favours for her "friend".
"Friend", because I keep worrying she's going to plant a knife in Mira's back.
I offered to help her, too. I'm a bit on my toes around her (it is King's Landing, after all!) but I want to believe that there is something good in her even though she seems a little reckless and vain. Maybe I just like to live dangerously.
Edit: In my second play-through I chose not to offer my help, just to see what would happen.
so i'm the only one who actually likes Sera? i guess i'm just naive who tends to see the best in people.
Meh not sure if it is wise to trust her, she could say something to cersei or other people...so...not sure
stay away from kings landing then
Lucky my ass, where's the beard ???
Ahaha, that colour.
I'm fairly sure she's a spy for Cersei. It would suit her character, because Cersei probably promised her much gold and she has already been established as somewhat selfish (I don't even mean this in a bad way, anyone is selfish at some point, I just think she couldn't resist Cersei's offer)
I know sorry XD.
I accidentally got the one where the firelight goes on the left on Kenny's beard so it's kind of orange there :P
I'm actually thinking that with the trial coming up, Cersei will be looking for people to undermine Tyrion and promising titles and nobility to everyone (like with Bronn). So Sera will probably see that the only way she can get what she wants is if she allies with Cersei.
Nah. I no longer have any clout with Margery, so I have to focus on improving my relationship with her anyway. I'll also consider it a plot twist if Sera isn't a spy for Cersei, and her 'problem' isn't significant enough for me to bother getting involved.
When she offered Mira the Queen's wine, I saw a huge red flag right there. This might sound crazy but I believe Sera could be a spy for the Lannister's. If this is true, she is trying to screw the Forrester's and the Tyrell.
Answering your question though, she is from a noble house. Who knows if in later episodes, that noble house comes for her and gives her power? If you were kind to her in Episode 2, she remembers that and helps you. That would be awesome in terms of replay value.
Didn't help her, don't trust her at all
That's actually a very valid point. I'm especially glad I agreed to help her now, although I instinctively did it anyway.
That's part of the reason why I kept Coal Boy alive in the end. It seems like he's the type of character who won't say anything, and may know something that will help us later on in the game. Sera's an interesting character because I think that who she turns out to be will depend on your choices. If you choose to be unkind to her, she will be the same way back and won't help you. That's when she would probably say something to get you in trouble. If you're nice to her and help her out, I think she'll be on your side. I think it's just an interesting theory- that her balance of good and evil all depends on you.
I see people are worried that she might be bribed by Cersei, and I just remembered a quote from the Queen herself in-game:
"This city is filled with all sorts of ambitious opportunists looking to reinvent themselves, pretending to be something they're not. Who knows what lurks within their hearts?"
Ambitious opportunist? Sounds like Sera. She'd do anything to become a noble, in her own words.
Looking to reinvent herself ? Sera doesn't want to be a bastard handmaiden anymore, no matter what.
Pretending to be something she's not? She pretends she's not a bastard.
Who knows what lurks within her heart? I wonder if Cersei's line is some sort of foretelling by Telltale.