Coal boy

I trusted him. But I realized that he is still alive even if I chose run for a life. (Next episode)
I don't think he and Damien(who tried to kill me) are in the same side.. But then how can he be alive?


  • No no, it's all part of their cunning plan - Damien would PRETEND to drown Coal Boy, then get ACTUALLY stabbed to death. That'll definitely get Mira to trust Coal Boy! I bet Damien is totally on board with that plan!

    Joking aside, I haven't not killed Damien, so I haven't seen the relevant episode preview - if I had to guess, it's possible that if you don't kill Damien, Coal Boy, or more likely an accomplice of his, manages the job instead. It's possible, if unlikely, that he somehow escapes Damien - maybe something distracted Damien and he managed to get a blow in, loosen the grip, get loose and run. Or that, somehow, it is a plan that they're both in on, that went horribly wrong when the helpless handmaiden stabbed an armoured guard to death with his own dagger.

    Yeah, I have no idea what's up. Probably has something to do with whatever's up with Coal Boy in the first place, as it's very unlikely he's just some random, nameless urchin with no ulterior motive.

  • I have no doubt damien wasnt in on the coal boy being there but the coal boy being there he obviously knew she would be out there. the guy/gal in charge may have sent them both so they have dirt on mira to manipulate her

    maimed_dan posted: »

    No no, it's all part of their cunning plan - Damien would PRETEND to drown Coal Boy, then get ACTUALLY stabbed to death. That'll definitely

  • You know, when I first saw Mira's room, that vase and the mark on the floor, it looked like someone was hit and dragged out. I had a feeling Coal boy and Somebody accidentally met there. But maybe i'm just going crazy x) But Coal boy probably knew that something was going on in the gardens.

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