Does Asher know?

If you kill the Lost Legion soldier during Asher's second POV scene, Malcolm warns him to not be so rash and Asher says "I will kill anyone who gets in my way before I carve Ramsay Snow's face in!" (or something along those lines.)

So do Malcolm and Asher know what Ramsay did? I doubt the Whitehills would have let Malcolm leave after Ramsay stationed them there so if Malcolm left before, how would he know? Raven (doubt it), Malcolm sneaks away after Ethan's death, or just a plot hole?


  • Either a plot hole or he really hates Ramsay for some reason :p

  • Well they knew he was coming and he knows that he would just bring trouble

  • edited February 2015

    Ha! Good observation. Yeah, seems unlikely that either of them received word from Ironwrath since news in GoT travels through ravens, and no one knew where to send one to find Asher (or Malcolm who went looking for him) to tell them about Ethan's death at Ramsey's hands

  • Well, I'm not sure how it would work with Ethan sending Malcolm to Essos, but maybe if he was ordered to stay by Ethan, he only left after his death and so he was able to tell Asher about it?

  • If you tell Malcolm to stay (which I did, thinking it might actually have an impact on the meeting with Ramsey; it didn't...), Lady Forrester just sends him after Ethan dies. So I wasn't really thinking about it, because it makes sense in my version; Malcolm is still in Ironrath when Ramsey kills Ethan.

  • I thought the same, it makes sense this way.

    If you tell Malcolm to stay (which I did, thinking it might actually have an impact on the meeting with Ramsey; it didn't...), Lady Forreste

  • I told Malcolm to go to Essos but in ep 2 Asher still says that phrase.
    Probably they sent a raven from Ironrath, though I would've liked to see a reaction from Asher about his brother's death.

    If you tell Malcolm to stay (which I did, thinking it might actually have an impact on the meeting with Ramsey; it didn't...), Lady Forreste

  • Travelling there would of taken months at a time. One of them probably sent a Raven to one of the ports or something.

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