Love the TellTale feel of GoT...See you all in 2 months

It's funny. After the whole Ethan/Ramsey debacle in Episode 1, I felt incredibly tense playing this Episode. Although now I look back at it, there's no way they would kill off Mira this early in the game, I thought she was screwed when we had to fight the knight in the end.

My Mira is going to end up causing some serious trouble or end up being in serious trouble lol, making deals with Tyrion, failing to influence the Glenmores because I was too dumb to grab the seal that Margery left on the table or write letters in Margery's name.

Bringing back Rodrik, good or bad? Some interesting things can come from this. When/if Asher comes back, who will rule Ironrath? Will there be an Ironrath left to rule?

Gared off doing his own thing on The Wall with the brothers of the Night's Watch. It seems Jon sees something in Gared. Can't wait. I think this whole North Grove thing is going to tie into the overall story nicely.

Rodrik is an alright character I guess. He doesn't really have a lot of wiggle room in Ironrath...Well at least mine doesn't. I flunked the betrothal, so I have no allies and I look like a coward. Still, I get

Asher is cool. Don't know what Beskha (Sorry I don't know how to spell it) gets out of traveling with Asher and Malcolm? Maybe she honestly enjoys looking after Asher. Anyway, I don't know if we can trust her in the end.

Well, I used to be able to make better posts. Meh, guess that's what being away for two months will do.

See ya'll in 2 months!


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