Sera Flowers

Anyone think there might be an interesting twist later where Sera's father is revealed to be someone important/relevant, thus altering the story and character allegiances? I'm not sure who exactly, or how, but I hope she ends up with a clearer narrative purpose.
The only character I can think of as a possibility would be Malcolm, given the Branfields were originally from the south, which would make Mira and Sera cousins.


  • edited February 2015

    I really hope that is the case. at the moment I am regretting being friends with her, she tends to break the rules, which gets Mira into trouble - moving he map figures that symbolise where troops are on the battle, drinking the queen's fav wine, this act is seen by Tyrion Lannister - this act almost change Tyrion's mind on helping Mira with the ironwood. Seriously if something happens like that in future episodes then I am seriously call of the friendship right hen >_>.

    There is must be something plot wise with marring Sera to a husband. But I can't see how it would help or effect Mira in anyway. To me it seems to be a side plot, but we will see.

  • The way Sera was talking, it sounded like she might have already had someone in mind to marry, but was holding off on it until she got Margaery on board. As odd and convenient to the storyline as it would be, I kind of hope it was Damien she had her eye on. That would definitely affect Mira and cause some conflict to sort through.

    I really hope that is the case. at the moment I am regretting being friends with her, she tends to break the rules, which gets Mira into tro

  • As much I would love to, I don't even know if I can trust Sera. She seems like the kind of girl who doesn't care what happens to her friends as long as the end of the day she has what she needs. But, if she does end up being part of a strong family and she herself is trustworthy, it'd be interesting to see how they implant it into the story.

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