why did ''spoiler'' try to kill ''spoiler''

Why did Damien want to kill Mira?

Did Queen Cersi send him after Sera got them in trouble for the wine?

Did Tyron tell Queen Cersi about them?

Did Magery set Mira up?

I don't know. Just asking


  • Well, we don't know yet, which is the point, but I would have thought the more obvious option was Lord Andros or his companion, the merchants trying to sell Ironwood for Lord Whitehill. Although they sort of seem like an obvious red herring.

  • cersi will never kill her for the wine (stupid reason)
    i think whitehills who did this

  • edited February 2015

    I doubt Cersei would want to kill her and Tyrion and Marge don't really have a reason. Like @troublesomebirdsong said, the best guess would be the Whitehill merchants, though it could be someone else entirely.

  • We dont know, but Im guessing he was in with the Whitehills

  • Tyrion would never tell Cersei about the wine, although he would threaten to do so to get what he want from Mira and Sara. Since it is a Lannister guard, it was most likely Cersei for some reason. Although he could also be be bribed by the Whitehills, who know him from when he guarded the Throne Room. Time will tell :)

  • I think it's Cersi for the integration segment of the first episode.

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