Come on HBO , give us a spin off !

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Well , I've been thinking and I believe this game can be made into one awesome mini series ! I mean it has everything , not to mention the fact TTG actually managed to get us all teared up in ep 2 !(The last time they did that to me , was ep5 of TWD) .

The part I like the most , is that we all read about Starks/see them , but the thing unseen , is the misery of lesser known houses . We felt so bad for Robb , while there are houses out there that have suffered more than Starks . These kinds of stories expand the universe greatly and give it one whole dimension we'd never seen before .

I know it's wishful thinking , but wouldn't it be awesome if they made an actual spin off ?(BB has its own ! Why not GoT ?!)


  • edited February 2015

    They made the game to tell a story that wouldn't be in the TV series. The show tackles major events and the game being in a lesser known setting allows for the decision making to still have an effect.

    Personally I think the game is great as it is and it doesn't need to made into a TV show for it to be any more valid.

  • I'd rather have couple of movies from Robert's Rebellion or something like that :p

  • No thanks, I prefer the game to stay a game.

  • Wouldn´t they have to make some choices "canon" in order to make a spin off?

    That would go against the whole "the story is tailored by how you play" thing TTG does so well.

  • Just give me the last 2 books and I can die happy.

  • They actually did manage to get me teared up with episode 2, but only because I can't play it :, (

  • Also the only spinoff I would even consider would be if it was about Robert's Rebellion.

  • Even that idea makes me wonder who they'd cast for younger versions of characters like Ned and Robert.

    Also the only spinoff I would even consider would be if it was about Robert's Rebellion.

  • The Fables comics did a 'canon' run through of The Wolf Among Us, they are in Episode 1 right now.

    So yeah, it would.

    Gizzik posted: »

    Wouldn´t they have to make some choices "canon" in order to make a spin off? That would go against the whole "the story is tailored by how you play" thing TTG does so well.

  • House Forrester should remain a TTG story. Most likely we will get spin offs and filler episodes of other houses though since the show will catch up to the book at the rate George RR Martin is writing. There are many other houses barley mentioned in the book that can give birth to other spin offs for the TV show.

    I just hope we don't have branches causing problems in the story like the extended universe books of star wars. Pretty much wasted time reading some of those since they are non existent in the new star wars film.

  • When I first started reading the book series I was hoping the game would cover Robert's Rebellion. I know it would be difficult to do but I really want to see more of that whole story.

    I'd rather have couple of movies from Robert's Rebellion or something like that

  • Aegon's conquest would make one hell of a show/movie.

  • This! Or a miniseries.. would be epic.

    Aegon's conquest would make one hell of a show/movie.

  • edited February 2015

    The dance of dragons or Blackfyre rebellion.

  • They can't do Robert's Rebellion untill they finish with the main story as the truth of Jon's mother would be revealed and they can't cut the Tower of Joy, it's one of the most important events..

    I did see some time ago that they're actually planning on 2 spin offs(not sure if that's true but I would't be surprised that they want to milk the franchise more) and I really wish they'd go back, like Aegon's Conquest or the Dance of Dragons would be cool..Daemon Targaryen is actually one of my favs

    When I first started reading the book series I was hoping the game would cover Robert's Rebellion. I know it would be difficult to do but I really want to see more of that whole story.

  • I'd like a Tv spin off but like, about other people in westros, not about the game thing cause i'd rather be part of than be the viewer of their canon choices

  • Thats true they couldn't any of it until the main story is finished and I would also prefer it that way. A visit back to Westeros after the books/show/game is done would be nice to see.

    Upshaw posted: »

    They can't do Robert's Rebellion untill they finish with the main story as the truth of Jon's mother would be revealed and they can't cut th

  • Star Wars is different though. Disney wiped the slate clean, so everything no the movies, The Clone Wars and Rebels TV series, is canon.

    However, the 'new' canon is coming out now, so don't worry, you can look up some new Star Wars stuff that will always be canon.

    Lee4ever posted: »

    House Forrester should remain a TTG story. Most likely we will get spin offs and filler episodes of other houses though since the show will

  • Stole the words from my mouth.

    Sh4ark posted: »

    This! Or a miniseries.. would be epic.

  • The only "spin-off" that should be made is Robert's Rebellion. Not that I haven't enjoyed the game so far.

  • The game is basically an interactive tv show/movie. So a spin off show is not needed.

  • Yeah that's what I want to see. That is what I hoped the game would be when it was announced.

    The only "spin-off" that should be made is Robert's Rebellion. Not that I haven't enjoyed the game so far.

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