I think Legend of Kyrandia would be a fabulous game to telltale games obtain the license and start a new series. It's damn funny and would be great to play as a young jester malcolm getting into trouble.
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Well. I only played Malcolm's Revenge. But I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel.
It did end on a good note and it had three games so if it never saw one I would not be heartbroken.
Also, you guys know that the third game was the only one where you play as Malcolm, right? In the first game Malcolm is the antagonist. I don't think he's even in the second.
Hand of Fate had loads of atmosphere, it's probably my favourite but I never completed Malcolm's revenge for one reason or another, mostly because the audio used high tech (at the time) compression to playback live music in game rather than streaming from an audio cd just sounds tinny and hissy through modern speakers
That maze was one of the most frustrating experiences of my gamer life as a kid.
Me too. And the first one I played was Malcolm's revenge. Played a bad guy but not so bad was very fun !
I´d love to see a new Kyrandia but I doubt this will ever happen.
It's held up really well. A lot of fun - it's been so long I only vaguely remember some of the puzzles.
I tried it few days back, but I used DOSBox and didn't encounter any problems. So if ScummVM is acting up try that instead.
Interesting, did it gave any error messages?
Personally I just started DOSBox*, installed the game, selected sound card** and started the game.
I guess it's most likely sound or memory related, like in most old DOS games, but both can be tweaked easily in DOSBox.
*I have written to config that DOSBox will always mount my adventure games folder as C:\ and my DVD as CD-ROM drive
**Even though DOSBox emulates several old sound cards, sounds can occasionally cause troubles. In my own case selecting basic Sound Blaster as sound device is usually safest choice, although Gravis Ultrasound, Roland and AdLib seem to work with most games too, but sometimes it can cause troubles to pick other than Sound Blaster 16.
That is indeed weird, have you tried if the game works after it is installed?
I'll run it for you and check.
"Malcom.bat" asks me to install it again.
It's no big deal as it works great in Scummvm. Other stuff generally works in DosBox for me - I don't really love using it though as I always forget the commands and have to type in "intro" constantly.
I tried it with two different computers and neither had problem with install, but you're not alone. Several people have had install problems with the game under modern systems. I don't know if anyone has actually figured out the cause of these problems, but I'm glad that you got it working under ScummVM (some people have had problems with that too).
Anyhow, I don't think I would like TTG to make a sequel of them any more that I would any of the LucasArts franchises...
LucasArts' adventures are really the best of the crop in my opinion.
It's not a series I particularly recommend for Telltale, but I reckon if they did decide to make a new series of Kyrandia games they'd come up with some good scenarios. Also, I imagine they would be in the spirit of the third game mostly.
Some of the jokes of the third game now make much more sense to me.
It kind of makes me sad that there'll never be a 4th Kyrandia game but there were three games and two with Malcolm, although the Malcolm from the first seems exceptionally different from the third. Well. Except at the end. He seems to channel the necessary evil there.
It's not only a dead series but pretty much no one talks about it or knows of it really. I couldn't even find a lousy fan game.
Hell yeah
The game took me about 10months to complete, and most of that was spent in the caves. I had pages of maps drawn on old computer paper (where you tear the sides off). I think I still have those maps somewhere.
My entire family had save games in those caves including my alcoholic aunty.
I used to panic and save the game if I knew I was about to die, which was a stupid thing to do because I used to get trapped without any fire berries and then not have a save game. I swear that game used to get my heart racing. My first ever adventure game.
The only cheat system for that game, was premium rate phone number read by a guy who'd never played the game. Or reading through the text file of all the game dialogue.
I have only played bits of the second 2. I downloaed them from the underdogs but had trouble playing them fully.
Regarding the Serpent's Grotto cave in the first one, yeah, you draw a map. This is what I did (I still have it! Go go MS Paint!). But the real trick is that you can drop the Fire Berries in each room. Fill your inventory with them, and you can leave one berry per room to keep it permanently illuminated until you get to the point where you've gone X rooms past the bush location (I forget how many screens it took for the berry to die out, 5?). Just keep backtracking to the bushes and repeating, and then this leaves most of the cave explorable without dying.
I never owned Malcolm's Revenge because a friend of mine had the CD and I just borrowed his copy. I may need to track that down though, I haven't played it in years.
Edit: I will add Kyrandia was one of the only games I could actually get my mother and aunt to play (in fact, my Aunt bought Hand of Fate).
Edit 2: Found my map!
Yes, I made that in the early 90s. And yes, I drew all those detailed screens (they would look even better if this was not a jpeg). Yes, I am indeed crazy.
It was (and still is) one of my favorite Adventures I ever played, mostly because of all the bizarre characters and Enviroments you encounter (and the sometimes really hilarious opportunities to let Malcolm die).
My favorite part of that game was when you learn the true nature of the Shadow Wraiths (which are talked about all the time in the first game but you never seen them, only glowing eyes who maul you when you step into a dark room of Serpent's Grotto)