How long was episode 2?

that is basicly it.
I do not have the steam edition so I can't really tell how long the episode was, since I forgot to look at the clock when I started playing.


  • Took me around 100 minutes to get through, I don't recall skipping over anything either. Definitely shorter than episode 1 but I don't think it's that big of a deal anyway.

  • Close to 2 hours

  • My playthrough was 103 minutes. Great episode, way better than 1.

  • 1:50:00, including a quick break.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited February 2015

    For me, it was around 105 minutes. I didn't really explore the extra/optional areas in the environments; I had tried to, but I would always end up completing the objective or looking at/using the object that would advance the story.

  • Took me slightly over 2 hours.

  • 2 hours exactly, including all optional examinations and dialogue stuff.

  • I'd say the same or longer than episode 1, maybe two hours.

  • edited February 2015

    I don't know maybe 1 hour and a half. I felt it was way shorter than the first one, though.. or maybe it's just my assumption, as the second was was so intense, so good that it seemed to be over so quickly

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