I see Susie waving at the District 2 female, she replies by middle fingering Susie. Susie turns away looking sad and walks over to the Buffet table.
"You okay?" I ask her curiously
"Yeah..." Susie says shyly "I just think i want to be alone for a bit, with food"
Susie takes a fancy plate and takes a shitload of food.
"Can someone that small eat all that?" i think to myself
Susie takes a pound and a half of food and walks into her assigned room to eat it all, i keep watching CAPITOL.Tv. I feel kind of bad for Susie, but i dont have much mercy for her.. i dont have mercy for anyone. I think im ready for these games, i mean im nervous but if i need to i will kill.. even if i have to kill Susie. No matter how bad i feel for her or anyone, even the really young or weak tributes.
-- 30 minutes later --
I look out the glass windows as we ride along side the Ocean towards District 4, i see the long white beaches that stretch across the District. I've never left District 3 so this will be pretty interesting, i guess. I grab a plate and put some Chow Mein and Pancakes on my plate, i sit down and keep watching CAPITOL.Tv. Caesar Flickerman is showing the tributes who have been reaped from District 1, the guy seems pretty large and the girl is about average. You could see her hair from a mile away though, its so blonde its almost white colored. Then they cut to District 2, the tributes are holding there hands up to the crowd howling.. the girl looks pretty small and the boy is huge, bigger than me for sure. Then they cut to us, i'm just standing there and Susie is in tears.. ugh!.
I turn off the television in disgust, we look pathetic, i wont be surprised if me and Susie are both killed off in the Bloodbath..
Suddenly the train stops and there's loud noises from outside, i quickly run over and look outside.
There they are hurrying the District 4 boy and girl tribute onto the train away from all the citizens. The girl looks pretty small and is looking with a blank expression. The boy is really small too, he has golden hair and freckles that run down his olive skinned face. He's bawling his eyes out, tears are flowing down his cheek as they board the Train.
I walk back to the living room and my escort walks in
"Hey" I say "When should we be arriving at the capitol"
"Smart of her to take advantage of the food for now" They explain to me
"What do you mean?" I ask suspiciously
"Nothing!" The escort blushes nervously "Now if you excuse me i must go!"
The escort leaves the side of the train cart.
Thats really suspicious... i wonder if the escort is hiding something from us. What if theres no food in the arena this year? Or worse?
My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of someone crying, i walk towards Susie's room and can here her crying inside. Sobbing and mumbling names of her family members and how scared she was.. i froze.. not know what to do. I knock but she doesnt reply back or open it, just keeps sobbing.
REAPINGS: Part 4/12
I see Susie waving at the District 2 female, she replies by middle fingering Susie. Susie turns a… moreway looking sad and walks over to the Buffet table.
"You okay?" I ask her curiously
"Yeah..." Susie says shyly "I just think i want to be alone for a bit, with food"
Susie takes a fancy plate and takes a shitload of food.
"Can someone that small eat all that?" i think to myself
Susie takes a pound and a half of food and walks into her assigned room to eat it all, i keep watching CAPITOL.Tv. I feel kind of bad for Susie, but i dont have much mercy for her.. i dont have mercy for anyone. I think im ready for these games, i mean im nervous but if i need to i will kill.. even if i have to kill Susie. No matter how bad i feel for her or anyone, even the really young or weak tributes.
-- 30 minutes later --
I look out the glass windows as we ride along side the Ocean towards District 4, i s… [view original content]
REAPINGS: Part 4/12
I see Susie waving at the District 2 female, she replies by middle fingering Susie. Susie turns a… moreway looking sad and walks over to the Buffet table.
"You okay?" I ask her curiously
"Yeah..." Susie says shyly "I just think i want to be alone for a bit, with food"
Susie takes a fancy plate and takes a shitload of food.
"Can someone that small eat all that?" i think to myself
Susie takes a pound and a half of food and walks into her assigned room to eat it all, i keep watching CAPITOL.Tv. I feel kind of bad for Susie, but i dont have much mercy for her.. i dont have mercy for anyone. I think im ready for these games, i mean im nervous but if i need to i will kill.. even if i have to kill Susie. No matter how bad i feel for her or anyone, even the really young or weak tributes.
-- 30 minutes later --
I look out the glass windows as we ride along side the Ocean towards District 4, i s… [view original content]
REAPINGS: Part 4/12
I see Susie waving at the District 2 female, she replies by middle fingering Susie. Susie turns a… moreway looking sad and walks over to the Buffet table.
"You okay?" I ask her curiously
"Yeah..." Susie says shyly "I just think i want to be alone for a bit, with food"
Susie takes a fancy plate and takes a shitload of food.
"Can someone that small eat all that?" i think to myself
Susie takes a pound and a half of food and walks into her assigned room to eat it all, i keep watching CAPITOL.Tv. I feel kind of bad for Susie, but i dont have much mercy for her.. i dont have mercy for anyone. I think im ready for these games, i mean im nervous but if i need to i will kill.. even if i have to kill Susie. No matter how bad i feel for her or anyone, even the really young or weak tributes.
-- 30 minutes later --
I look out the glass windows as we ride along side the Ocean towards District 4, i s… [view original content]
REAPINGS: Part 4/12
I see Susie waving at the District 2 female, she replies by middle fingering Susie. Susie turns a… moreway looking sad and walks over to the Buffet table.
"You okay?" I ask her curiously
"Yeah..." Susie says shyly "I just think i want to be alone for a bit, with food"
Susie takes a fancy plate and takes a shitload of food.
"Can someone that small eat all that?" i think to myself
Susie takes a pound and a half of food and walks into her assigned room to eat it all, i keep watching CAPITOL.Tv. I feel kind of bad for Susie, but i dont have much mercy for her.. i dont have mercy for anyone. I think im ready for these games, i mean im nervous but if i need to i will kill.. even if i have to kill Susie. No matter how bad i feel for her or anyone, even the really young or weak tributes.
-- 30 minutes later --
I look out the glass windows as we ride along side the Ocean towards District 4, i s… [view original content]
REAPINGS: Part 4/12
I see Susie waving at the District 2 female, she replies by middle fingering Susie. Susie turns a… moreway looking sad and walks over to the Buffet table.
"You okay?" I ask her curiously
"Yeah..." Susie says shyly "I just think i want to be alone for a bit, with food"
Susie takes a fancy plate and takes a shitload of food.
"Can someone that small eat all that?" i think to myself
Susie takes a pound and a half of food and walks into her assigned room to eat it all, i keep watching CAPITOL.Tv. I feel kind of bad for Susie, but i dont have much mercy for her.. i dont have mercy for anyone. I think im ready for these games, i mean im nervous but if i need to i will kill.. even if i have to kill Susie. No matter how bad i feel for her or anyone, even the really young or weak tributes.
-- 30 minutes later --
I look out the glass windows as we ride along side the Ocean towards District 4, i s… [view original content]
REAPINGS: Part 4/12
I see Susie waving at the District 2 female, she replies by middle fingering Susie. Susie turns a… moreway looking sad and walks over to the Buffet table.
"You okay?" I ask her curiously
"Yeah..." Susie says shyly "I just think i want to be alone for a bit, with food"
Susie takes a fancy plate and takes a shitload of food.
"Can someone that small eat all that?" i think to myself
Susie takes a pound and a half of food and walks into her assigned room to eat it all, i keep watching CAPITOL.Tv. I feel kind of bad for Susie, but i dont have much mercy for her.. i dont have mercy for anyone. I think im ready for these games, i mean im nervous but if i need to i will kill.. even if i have to kill Susie. No matter how bad i feel for her or anyone, even the really young or weak tributes.
-- 30 minutes later --
I look out the glass windows as we ride along side the Ocean towards District 4, i s… [view original content]
Ok I'll do it
District 4
Name: Shelly
Age: 15
Personality: A good person who is determined to return home, even if odds are like… morely against her, typically a humble and generous person. She has no problems killing someone in there sleep, or sacrificing them to save herself.
Weapon: Strong swimmer, traps, hiding, deception, knife
P.S am I supposed to give her an appearance? I guess I'll do it anyways. Shelly is typically found with her hair (dirty blonde) in a wet bun, she's small but has broad shoulders and a few freckles on her tanned face.
REAPINGS: Part 4/12
I see Susie waving at the District 2 female, she replies by middle fingering Susie. Susie turns a… moreway looking sad and walks over to the Buffet table.
"You okay?" I ask her curiously
"Yeah..." Susie says shyly "I just think i want to be alone for a bit, with food"
Susie takes a fancy plate and takes a shitload of food.
"Can someone that small eat all that?" i think to myself
Susie takes a pound and a half of food and walks into her assigned room to eat it all, i keep watching CAPITOL.Tv. I feel kind of bad for Susie, but i dont have much mercy for her.. i dont have mercy for anyone. I think im ready for these games, i mean im nervous but if i need to i will kill.. even if i have to kill Susie. No matter how bad i feel for her or anyone, even the really young or weak tributes.
-- 30 minutes later --
I look out the glass windows as we ride along side the Ocean towards District 4, i s… [view original content]
REAPINGS: Part 4/12
I see Susie waving at the District 2 female, she replies by middle fingering Susie. Susie turns a… moreway looking sad and walks over to the Buffet table.
"You okay?" I ask her curiously
"Yeah..." Susie says shyly "I just think i want to be alone for a bit, with food"
Susie takes a fancy plate and takes a shitload of food.
"Can someone that small eat all that?" i think to myself
Susie takes a pound and a half of food and walks into her assigned room to eat it all, i keep watching CAPITOL.Tv. I feel kind of bad for Susie, but i dont have much mercy for her.. i dont have mercy for anyone. I think im ready for these games, i mean im nervous but if i need to i will kill.. even if i have to kill Susie. No matter how bad i feel for her or anyone, even the really young or weak tributes.
-- 30 minutes later --
I look out the glass windows as we ride along side the Ocean towards District 4, i s… [view original content]
REAPINGS: Part 4/12
I see Susie waving at the District 2 female, she replies by middle fingering Susie. Susie turns a… moreway looking sad and walks over to the Buffet table.
"You okay?" I ask her curiously
"Yeah..." Susie says shyly "I just think i want to be alone for a bit, with food"
Susie takes a fancy plate and takes a shitload of food.
"Can someone that small eat all that?" i think to myself
Susie takes a pound and a half of food and walks into her assigned room to eat it all, i keep watching CAPITOL.Tv. I feel kind of bad for Susie, but i dont have much mercy for her.. i dont have mercy for anyone. I think im ready for these games, i mean im nervous but if i need to i will kill.. even if i have to kill Susie. No matter how bad i feel for her or anyone, even the really young or weak tributes.
-- 30 minutes later --
I look out the glass windows as we ride along side the Ocean towards District 4, i s… [view original content]
I stand by all the 16 year olds in the town center, the ground is concrete. Its rough, our escort is standing on the stage as more citizens circle into the center. District 5 is pretty middle class from what i know, we arent poor but we definitely arent rich. Many kids look dirty though, im from the richer side of town. On the stadium theres a screen projecting everyone walking in, i wonder how many people on CAPITOL.Tv are watching us right now. Theres camera circling all around us, the crowd begins to go quiet as out escort walks onto the stage.
"Hello! Hello!' Out escort exclaims "It's time!"
She doesnt even need to say what its time for, everyone knows. No one in District 5 is happy about it, we almost never win these games... we do electricity which doesnt help us much.
I look up to the sky as the chocolate colored clouds circle around us, District 5 always has unexpected weather.. i hope theres lightning and it hits the escort.
"Ladies first!" Our escort chirps up, she walks with her huge dress with a large glass bowl.
She takes her large fingernails and circles it around the bowl, then she grabs a paper slip. She picks it up and quickly hurries back to the microphone, she clears her throat.
"Lun Kim!" Our escort yells.
"Aw, fuck!" I think to myself, i slowly walk up to the stadium with my head down.
I lift the edges of my skirt as i walk up the steps and feel the wind blowing in my dark hair. I stand beside the escort and look at the crowd, i see my mother in the distance quietly watching.
"Now for the boys!" Our mentor yells loudly, she walks over and grabs a white paper slip hurrying back.
"Santiago Garcia!" She yells loudly
A smaller boy emerges, he's definitely smaller than me. He begins to cry and tries to wipe away the tears he walks up to the stage and doesnt look at me.
"We look so pathetic." I think to myself, i want to look stronger and need to if im going to win.
How should Lun make herself look stronger?
[Grab Santiago's hand and lift it up] [Chant "District 5!, District, 5!] [Have an evil grin] [Do nothing]
"I'll see you later Ruby" I say to my sister as i leave my house and walk towards the town square.
Theres a cool breeze in the air as i walk towards the sign in section of town center. I wait in line and my mind wonders... if i am in this game could i actually kill anyone. Definitely not children, I love kids and theres twelve year olds in these games.. But older kids, i'm not so sure maybe with a little training.
I watch these games every year, they are eerily fun to watch.
"Name please." The Nurse says
"Atlas Cronin" I reply soberly to her, she pricks my finger and i walk towards the 17 year old section.
As the minutes pass the crowd quickly grows and theres a lot of murmuring among the crowd as our mentor and escort come onto the stage. As usual the mentor sits on a chair. District 6 has terrible mentors, they are all drug addicts.. i wonder if winning these games are actually worth it most Victors become prostitutes or alcoholics.
"Its time! For the annual Hunger Games!" Our escort chirps up loudly
"As always we will do the ladies first!" The escort quickly runs over and grabs a paper slip. Picking up the paper slip she walks back over to the microphone.
"Sasha Mirnov" The escort loudly says in the microphone
A taller but frail girl walks up to the stage quickly and looks up to the crowd, im kind of suprised she isnt crying honestly.
"Time for the boys!" The escort yells into the microphone
She runs over grabbing a paper slip and hurries back to the microphone clearing her throat.
"Atlas Cronin!" She yells excitedly.
I'm taken by instant surprise, i begin to walk up to the stage when i hear my little sisters cry.
There will be an overview of the interviews, what they were wearing, there angle. But there wont be a seperate section for it so yes it is, so are training scores and odds.
I stand by all the 16 year olds in the town center, the ground is concrete. Its rough, our escort is st… moreanding on the stage as more citizens circle into the center. District 5 is pretty middle class from what i know, we arent poor but we definitely arent rich. Many kids look dirty though, im from the richer side of town. On the stadium theres a screen projecting everyone walking in, i wonder how many people on CAPITOL.Tv are watching us right now. Theres camera circling all around us, the crowd begins to go quiet as out escort walks onto the stage.
"Hello! Hello!' Out escort exclaims "It's time!"
She doesnt even need to say what its time for, everyone knows. No one in District 5 is happy about it, we almost never win these games... we do electricity which doesnt help us much.
I look up to the sky as the chocolate colored clouds circle around us, District 5 always has unexpected weather.. i hope th… [view original content]
I stand by all the 16 year olds in the town center, the ground is concrete. Its rough, our escort is st… moreanding on the stage as more citizens circle into the center. District 5 is pretty middle class from what i know, we arent poor but we definitely arent rich. Many kids look dirty though, im from the richer side of town. On the stadium theres a screen projecting everyone walking in, i wonder how many people on CAPITOL.Tv are watching us right now. Theres camera circling all around us, the crowd begins to go quiet as out escort walks onto the stage.
"Hello! Hello!' Out escort exclaims "It's time!"
She doesnt even need to say what its time for, everyone knows. No one in District 5 is happy about it, we almost never win these games... we do electricity which doesnt help us much.
I look up to the sky as the chocolate colored clouds circle around us, District 5 always has unexpected weather.. i hope th… [view original content]
NOTE; Not all chapters are connected to each other.
For instance you can still vote for Part 4 even when Part 5 is out because they arent connected parts. Part 4's choice wont actually come into effect until training or chariots. The same goes for many chapters but not all
I stand by all the 16 year olds in the town center, the ground is concrete. Its rough, our escort is st… moreanding on the stage as more citizens circle into the center. District 5 is pretty middle class from what i know, we arent poor but we definitely arent rich. Many kids look dirty though, im from the richer side of town. On the stadium theres a screen projecting everyone walking in, i wonder how many people on CAPITOL.Tv are watching us right now. Theres camera circling all around us, the crowd begins to go quiet as out escort walks onto the stage.
"Hello! Hello!' Out escort exclaims "It's time!"
She doesnt even need to say what its time for, everyone knows. No one in District 5 is happy about it, we almost never win these games... we do electricity which doesnt help us much.
I look up to the sky as the chocolate colored clouds circle around us, District 5 always has unexpected weather.. i hope th… [view original content]
I stand by all the 16 year olds in the town center, the ground is concrete. Its rough, our escort is st… moreanding on the stage as more citizens circle into the center. District 5 is pretty middle class from what i know, we arent poor but we definitely arent rich. Many kids look dirty though, im from the richer side of town. On the stadium theres a screen projecting everyone walking in, i wonder how many people on CAPITOL.Tv are watching us right now. Theres camera circling all around us, the crowd begins to go quiet as out escort walks onto the stage.
"Hello! Hello!' Out escort exclaims "It's time!"
She doesnt even need to say what its time for, everyone knows. No one in District 5 is happy about it, we almost never win these games... we do electricity which doesnt help us much.
I look up to the sky as the chocolate colored clouds circle around us, District 5 always has unexpected weather.. i hope th… [view original content]
I stand by all the 16 year olds in the town center, the ground is concrete. Its rough, our escort is st… moreanding on the stage as more citizens circle into the center. District 5 is pretty middle class from what i know, we arent poor but we definitely arent rich. Many kids look dirty though, im from the richer side of town. On the stadium theres a screen projecting everyone walking in, i wonder how many people on CAPITOL.Tv are watching us right now. Theres camera circling all around us, the crowd begins to go quiet as out escort walks onto the stage.
"Hello! Hello!' Out escort exclaims "It's time!"
She doesnt even need to say what its time for, everyone knows. No one in District 5 is happy about it, we almost never win these games... we do electricity which doesnt help us much.
I look up to the sky as the chocolate colored clouds circle around us, District 5 always has unexpected weather.. i hope th… [view original content]
I stand by all the 16 year olds in the town center, the ground is concrete. Its rough, our escort is st… moreanding on the stage as more citizens circle into the center. District 5 is pretty middle class from what i know, we arent poor but we definitely arent rich. Many kids look dirty though, im from the richer side of town. On the stadium theres a screen projecting everyone walking in, i wonder how many people on CAPITOL.Tv are watching us right now. Theres camera circling all around us, the crowd begins to go quiet as out escort walks onto the stage.
"Hello! Hello!' Out escort exclaims "It's time!"
She doesnt even need to say what its time for, everyone knows. No one in District 5 is happy about it, we almost never win these games... we do electricity which doesnt help us much.
I look up to the sky as the chocolate colored clouds circle around us, District 5 always has unexpected weather.. i hope th… [view original content]
I stand by all the 16 year olds in the town center, the ground is concrete. Its rough, our escort is st… moreanding on the stage as more citizens circle into the center. District 5 is pretty middle class from what i know, we arent poor but we definitely arent rich. Many kids look dirty though, im from the richer side of town. On the stadium theres a screen projecting everyone walking in, i wonder how many people on CAPITOL.Tv are watching us right now. Theres camera circling all around us, the crowd begins to go quiet as out escort walks onto the stage.
"Hello! Hello!' Out escort exclaims "It's time!"
She doesnt even need to say what its time for, everyone knows. No one in District 5 is happy about it, we almost never win these games... we do electricity which doesnt help us much.
I look up to the sky as the chocolate colored clouds circle around us, District 5 always has unexpected weather.. i hope th… [view original content]
Part 6 will be up soon (Yes, i am rushing through reapings like a speed demon but expect things to slow down on Monday as ill go back to just one part a day)
"And here are tributes from District 5!" Our escort cheers to the crowd
I grin and put on a smirk, some of the camera begin to zoom in on my evil looking facial expression. I look like a fucking badass bitch.. i hope the Careers are watching this.
Afterwards, we go to the Justice Building and are loaded onto a cart when we get off theres thousands of citizens there to say goodbye, many are waving a few are cheering.. i saw a few crying even.
Once we get onto the Train we head straight for District 6, hills begin to form all around us. By the time we make it to District 7 the terrain will be mountainous. I check out the 2 train carts we are allowed to go on; one is for eating and lounging, the other is a sleeping cart with 4 different rooms. The train is pretty stylish and modern, I look out the window for a bit but i end up going into my room.
I rest in the bathtub that is in my own room, its nice, warm and very calming. I see theres a little yellow rubber ducky that is on the side of the tub, i place it on the water and it floats around me. Takes me back to when i was a child and would have a bath i always loved the rubber duckys, i mean who didnt? They were the best part by far.
Suddenly someone knocks on the door
"Hello!" A mysterious voice yells out
"Hello?" I answer back "Who's there?"
"Your escort of course!" She chirps "Lunch is ready for you and Santiago!"
"Okay" I reply nonchalantly "Be there in a sec"
"Dont take too long!" My escort yells "Your food will get cold!"
I roll my eyes and lay my head back.
Later i arrive at the table and theres a shit ton of food just waiting to be eaten, Grilled cheese sandwiches, Soups, Salads, and dont forget the exotic fruits ive never heard of in my life.
"Hello Lun!" Our Mentor yelps "So happy you could join us!"
I look at Santiago who refuses to make eye contact with me he just kind of sits there quietly eating.
"Would you like a Pineapple slice?" My Escort offers me
"What's that?" I ask curiously, i wonder if its an apple and a pine cone together.. the Capitol has really weird food.
She snorts as if it were funny i am ignorant to the fact i have no idea what a fucking pineapple is..
"I'm good" I say and sit down
"So are you excited to see all the Capital has to offer?" She asks excitedly "You're so lucky to be here right now, going to the Capital away from such a bad District.."
How should Lun reply?
["Yeah im excited"]["Are you fucking kidding me?"]["You should be lucky i cant punch you out"]["I dunno"][Remain Silent]
District 6: Sasha
I look down and see Atlas or whatever his name is turning around to say bye to his younger sister, it only makes her scream louder. I roll my eyes hoping i can just get off this stage soon i can feel my legs shaking slightly.. but i dont look scared, i cant look scared. Our escort helps usher Atlas up and he has a very sober expression on his face.
"Ladies and Gentlemen... your tributes from District 6!" our Escort yells
No one claps or cheers as we are rushed into the Justice Building, when i look behind me i can already see the crowd is dispersing. I say goodbye to my Mom and Dad, its a bittersweet goodbye. I hope i can win these games so they'll have full stomachs all the time, we are pretty low end family, my dad does dangerous electrical work for a living.
We are loaded onto a Train car and whisked off towards District 7 , i manage to catch a glimpse of the girl from 5. She has very dark hair, i wonder if she will win, or Atlas will win or maybe I will win but theres even a bigger chance non of us will win which scares me. CAPITAL.Tv shows the District 7 town square beginning to fill up with peolpe. Its crazy how well they time these reapings, the exact time the train takes off.. the exact time it lands which is supposed to be just after the Reapings.
I sit back and begin to worry about those interviews with Caesar Flickerman, i have bad stage fright and cant imagine what it will be like when i've got 10000 people looking at me all at once.
I check out the Buffet that has a timer and menu board
Lunch will be ready in ONE hour it reads
I walk away from and stare out the window and see the rolling hill begin to grow and get bigger and bigger.
"Looks pretty cool, huh?" Atlas askes me
"Yeah" I say back to him "Never left District 6 in my life"
"Me either" He says in a sadder tone "It's pretty scary leaving home"
"So are you excited for these games?" I ask him, its a terrible question but its the best i can do.
"Ohhh yeah" He replies sarcastically "I really cant wait to kill somebody"
I laugh a little and wonder what i should do next..
Should Sasha keep talking or train?
[Keep talking to Atlas][Go read Training book in room]
REAPINGS Part: 6/12
District 5: Lun
"And here are tributes from District 5!" Our escort cheers to the crowd
I grin and put on a smi… morerk, some of the camera begin to zoom in on my evil looking facial expression. I look like a fucking badass bitch.. i hope the Careers are watching this.
Afterwards, we go to the Justice Building and are loaded onto a cart when we get off theres thousands of citizens there to say goodbye, many are waving a few are cheering.. i saw a few crying even.
Once we get onto the Train we head straight for District 6, hills begin to form all around us. By the time we make it to District 7 the terrain will be mountainous. I check out the 2 train carts we are allowed to go on; one is for eating and lounging, the other is a sleeping cart with 4 different rooms. The train is pretty stylish and modern, I look out the window for a bit but i end up going into my room.
I rest in the bathtub that is in my own room, … [view original content]
REAPINGS Part: 6/12
District 5: Lun
"And here are tributes from District 5!" Our escort cheers to the crowd
I grin and put on a smi… morerk, some of the camera begin to zoom in on my evil looking facial expression. I look like a fucking badass bitch.. i hope the Careers are watching this.
Afterwards, we go to the Justice Building and are loaded onto a cart when we get off theres thousands of citizens there to say goodbye, many are waving a few are cheering.. i saw a few crying even.
Once we get onto the Train we head straight for District 6, hills begin to form all around us. By the time we make it to District 7 the terrain will be mountainous. I check out the 2 train carts we are allowed to go on; one is for eating and lounging, the other is a sleeping cart with 4 different rooms. The train is pretty stylish and modern, I look out the window for a bit but i end up going into my room.
I rest in the bathtub that is in my own room, … [view original content]
REAPINGS Part: 6/12
District 5: Lun
"And here are tributes from District 5!" Our escort cheers to the crowd
I grin and put on a smi… morerk, some of the camera begin to zoom in on my evil looking facial expression. I look like a fucking badass bitch.. i hope the Careers are watching this.
Afterwards, we go to the Justice Building and are loaded onto a cart when we get off theres thousands of citizens there to say goodbye, many are waving a few are cheering.. i saw a few crying even.
Once we get onto the Train we head straight for District 6, hills begin to form all around us. By the time we make it to District 7 the terrain will be mountainous. I check out the 2 train carts we are allowed to go on; one is for eating and lounging, the other is a sleeping cart with 4 different rooms. The train is pretty stylish and modern, I look out the window for a bit but i end up going into my room.
I rest in the bathtub that is in my own room, … [view original content]
REAPINGS Part: 6/12
District 5: Lun
"And here are tributes from District 5!" Our escort cheers to the crowd
I grin and put on a smi… morerk, some of the camera begin to zoom in on my evil looking facial expression. I look like a fucking badass bitch.. i hope the Careers are watching this.
Afterwards, we go to the Justice Building and are loaded onto a cart when we get off theres thousands of citizens there to say goodbye, many are waving a few are cheering.. i saw a few crying even.
Once we get onto the Train we head straight for District 6, hills begin to form all around us. By the time we make it to District 7 the terrain will be mountainous. I check out the 2 train carts we are allowed to go on; one is for eating and lounging, the other is a sleeping cart with 4 different rooms. The train is pretty stylish and modern, I look out the window for a bit but i end up going into my room.
I rest in the bathtub that is in my own room, … [view original content]
REAPINGS Part: 6/12
District 5: Lun
"And here are tributes from District 5!" Our escort cheers to the crowd
I grin and put on a smi… morerk, some of the camera begin to zoom in on my evil looking facial expression. I look like a fucking badass bitch.. i hope the Careers are watching this.
Afterwards, we go to the Justice Building and are loaded onto a cart when we get off theres thousands of citizens there to say goodbye, many are waving a few are cheering.. i saw a few crying even.
Once we get onto the Train we head straight for District 6, hills begin to form all around us. By the time we make it to District 7 the terrain will be mountainous. I check out the 2 train carts we are allowed to go on; one is for eating and lounging, the other is a sleeping cart with 4 different rooms. The train is pretty stylish and modern, I look out the window for a bit but i end up going into my room.
I rest in the bathtub that is in my own room, … [view original content]
REAPINGS Part: 6/12
District 5: Lun
"And here are tributes from District 5!" Our escort cheers to the crowd
I grin and put on a smi… morerk, some of the camera begin to zoom in on my evil looking facial expression. I look like a fucking badass bitch.. i hope the Careers are watching this.
Afterwards, we go to the Justice Building and are loaded onto a cart when we get off theres thousands of citizens there to say goodbye, many are waving a few are cheering.. i saw a few crying even.
Once we get onto the Train we head straight for District 6, hills begin to form all around us. By the time we make it to District 7 the terrain will be mountainous. I check out the 2 train carts we are allowed to go on; one is for eating and lounging, the other is a sleeping cart with 4 different rooms. The train is pretty stylish and modern, I look out the window for a bit but i end up going into my room.
I rest in the bathtub that is in my own room, … [view original content]
REAPINGS Part: 6/12
District 5: Lun
"And here are tributes from District 5!" Our escort cheers to the crowd
I grin and put on a smi… morerk, some of the camera begin to zoom in on my evil looking facial expression. I look like a fucking badass bitch.. i hope the Careers are watching this.
Afterwards, we go to the Justice Building and are loaded onto a cart when we get off theres thousands of citizens there to say goodbye, many are waving a few are cheering.. i saw a few crying even.
Once we get onto the Train we head straight for District 6, hills begin to form all around us. By the time we make it to District 7 the terrain will be mountainous. I check out the 2 train carts we are allowed to go on; one is for eating and lounging, the other is a sleeping cart with 4 different rooms. The train is pretty stylish and modern, I look out the window for a bit but i end up going into my room.
I rest in the bathtub that is in my own room, … [view original content]
REAPINGS: Part 4/12
I see Susie waving at the District 2 female, she replies by middle fingering Susie. Susie turns away looking sad and walks over to the Buffet table.
"You okay?" I ask her curiously
"Yeah..." Susie says shyly "I just think i want to be alone for a bit, with food"
Susie takes a fancy plate and takes a shitload of food.
"Can someone that small eat all that?" i think to myself
Susie takes a pound and a half of food and walks into her assigned room to eat it all, i keep watching CAPITOL.Tv. I feel kind of bad for Susie, but i dont have much mercy for her.. i dont have mercy for anyone. I think im ready for these games, i mean im nervous but if i need to i will kill.. even if i have to kill Susie. No matter how bad i feel for her or anyone, even the really young or weak tributes.
-- 30 minutes later --
I look out the glass windows as we ride along side the Ocean towards District 4, i see the long white beaches that stretch across the District. I've never left District 3 so this will be pretty interesting, i guess. I grab a plate and put some Chow Mein and Pancakes on my plate, i sit down and keep watching CAPITOL.Tv. Caesar Flickerman is showing the tributes who have been reaped from District 1, the guy seems pretty large and the girl is about average. You could see her hair from a mile away though, its so blonde its almost white colored. Then they cut to District 2, the tributes are holding there hands up to the crowd howling.. the girl looks pretty small and the boy is huge, bigger than me for sure. Then they cut to us, i'm just standing there and Susie is in tears.. ugh!.
I turn off the television in disgust, we look pathetic, i wont be surprised if me and Susie are both killed off in the Bloodbath..
Suddenly the train stops and there's loud noises from outside, i quickly run over and look outside.
There they are hurrying the District 4 boy and girl tribute onto the train away from all the citizens. The girl looks pretty small and is looking with a blank expression. The boy is really small too, he has golden hair and freckles that run down his olive skinned face. He's bawling his eyes out, tears are flowing down his cheek as they board the Train.
I walk back to the living room and my escort walks in
"Hey" I say "When should we be arriving at the capitol"
"About 12 hours!" Our escort chirps, "Its truly exciting i believe!"
I kind of roll my eyes a bit.
"Wheres Susie?" Our escort asks
"In her room eating food" I say to her
"Smart of her to take advantage of the food for now" They explain to me
"What do you mean?" I ask suspiciously
"Nothing!" The escort blushes nervously "Now if you excuse me i must go!"
The escort leaves the side of the train cart.
Thats really suspicious... i wonder if the escort is hiding something from us. What if theres no food in the arena this year? Or worse?
My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of someone crying, i walk towards Susie's room and can here her crying inside. Sobbing and mumbling names of her family members and how scared she was.. i froze.. not know what to do. I knock but she doesnt reply back or open it, just keeps sobbing.
[Open the door] [Leave]
(District 5 & 6 reapings coming very soon)
idk what to do :O
[Open the door]
Let's be nice for the start, Susie has it bad enough already
darn i missed this
I have 3 characters entered, only one has been reaped.
You can have my District 9 male if you want?
[Open the door]
Awesome chapter!
thank you! c:
[Open the door]
I'm cool with it as long as its before i reap the D9M
[Open the door]
i didnt require one but you can if you want (i will follow it)
Awesome chapter!
D5 and D6 reapings will be released in an hours time.
[open the door]
[Leave] If I was crying I would want to be left alone
Are the interviews part of the 12 part training?
I stand by all the 16 year olds in the town center, the ground is concrete. Its rough, our escort is standing on the stage as more citizens circle into the center. District 5 is pretty middle class from what i know, we arent poor but we definitely arent rich. Many kids look dirty though, im from the richer side of town. On the stadium theres a screen projecting everyone walking in, i wonder how many people on CAPITOL.Tv are watching us right now. Theres camera circling all around us, the crowd begins to go quiet as out escort walks onto the stage.
"Hello! Hello!' Out escort exclaims "It's time!"
She doesnt even need to say what its time for, everyone knows. No one in District 5 is happy about it, we almost never win these games... we do electricity which doesnt help us much.
I look up to the sky as the chocolate colored clouds circle around us, District 5 always has unexpected weather.. i hope theres lightning and it hits the escort.
"Ladies first!" Our escort chirps up, she walks with her huge dress with a large glass bowl.
She takes her large fingernails and circles it around the bowl, then she grabs a paper slip. She picks it up and quickly hurries back to the microphone, she clears her throat.
"Lun Kim!" Our escort yells.
"Aw, fuck!" I think to myself, i slowly walk up to the stadium with my head down.
I lift the edges of my skirt as i walk up the steps and feel the wind blowing in my dark hair. I stand beside the escort and look at the crowd, i see my mother in the distance quietly watching.
"Now for the boys!" Our mentor yells loudly, she walks over and grabs a white paper slip hurrying back.
"Santiago Garcia!" She yells loudly
A smaller boy emerges, he's definitely smaller than me. He begins to cry and tries to wipe away the tears he walks up to the stage and doesnt look at me.
"We look so pathetic." I think to myself, i want to look stronger and need to if im going to win.
How should Lun make herself look stronger?
[Grab Santiago's hand and lift it up] [Chant "District 5!, District, 5!] [Have an evil grin] [Do nothing]
"I'll see you later Ruby" I say to my sister as i leave my house and walk towards the town square.
Theres a cool breeze in the air as i walk towards the sign in section of town center. I wait in line and my mind wonders... if i am in this game could i actually kill anyone. Definitely not children, I love kids and theres twelve year olds in these games.. But older kids, i'm not so sure maybe with a little training.
I watch these games every year, they are eerily fun to watch.
"Name please." The Nurse says
"Atlas Cronin" I reply soberly to her, she pricks my finger and i walk towards the 17 year old section.
As the minutes pass the crowd quickly grows and theres a lot of murmuring among the crowd as our mentor and escort come onto the stage. As usual the mentor sits on a chair. District 6 has terrible mentors, they are all drug addicts.. i wonder if winning these games are actually worth it most Victors become prostitutes or alcoholics.
"Its time! For the annual Hunger Games!" Our escort chirps up loudly
"As always we will do the ladies first!" The escort quickly runs over and grabs a paper slip. Picking up the paper slip she walks back over to the microphone.
"Sasha Mirnov" The escort loudly says in the microphone
A taller but frail girl walks up to the stage quickly and looks up to the crowd, im kind of suprised she isnt crying honestly.
"Time for the boys!" The escort yells into the microphone
She runs over grabbing a paper slip and hurries back to the microphone clearing her throat.
"Atlas Cronin!" She yells excitedly.
I'm taken by instant surprise, i begin to walk up to the stage when i hear my little sisters cry.
Should Atlas turn around
[Turn around] [Keep walking]
There will be an overview of the interviews, what they were wearing, there angle. But there wont be a seperate section for it so yes it is, so are training scores and odds.
[Have an evil grin] - That's something I see her doing
[Turn around]
[Chant "District 5! District 5!"]
[Keep Walking] ;(((( feels tho
NOTE; Not all chapters are connected to each other.
For instance you can still vote for Part 4 even when Part 5 is out because they arent connected parts. Part 4's choice wont actually come into effect until training or chariots. The same goes for many chapters but not all
[Grab Santiago's hand and lift it up]
[Turn around]
[Have an evil grin]
[Turn around]
[Chant "District 5! District 5!]
[Turn around]
[Do nothing]
[Keep walking]
[Have an evil grin]
[Turn around]
Part 6 will be up soon (Yes, i am rushing through reapings like a speed demon but expect things to slow down on Monday as ill go back to just one part a day)
REAPINGS Part: 6/12
District 5: Lun
"And here are tributes from District 5!" Our escort cheers to the crowd
I grin and put on a smirk, some of the camera begin to zoom in on my evil looking facial expression. I look like a fucking badass bitch.. i hope the Careers are watching this.
Afterwards, we go to the Justice Building and are loaded onto a cart when we get off theres thousands of citizens there to say goodbye, many are waving a few are cheering.. i saw a few crying even.
Once we get onto the Train we head straight for District 6, hills begin to form all around us. By the time we make it to District 7 the terrain will be mountainous. I check out the 2 train carts we are allowed to go on; one is for eating and lounging, the other is a sleeping cart with 4 different rooms. The train is pretty stylish and modern, I look out the window for a bit but i end up going into my room.
I rest in the bathtub that is in my own room, its nice, warm and very calming. I see theres a little yellow rubber ducky that is on the side of the tub, i place it on the water and it floats around me. Takes me back to when i was a child and would have a bath i always loved the rubber duckys, i mean who didnt? They were the best part by far.
Suddenly someone knocks on the door
"Hello!" A mysterious voice yells out
"Hello?" I answer back "Who's there?"
"Your escort of course!" She chirps "Lunch is ready for you and Santiago!"
"Okay" I reply nonchalantly "Be there in a sec"
"Dont take too long!" My escort yells "Your food will get cold!"
I roll my eyes and lay my head back.
Later i arrive at the table and theres a shit ton of food just waiting to be eaten, Grilled cheese sandwiches, Soups, Salads, and dont forget the exotic fruits ive never heard of in my life.
"Hello Lun!" Our Mentor yelps "So happy you could join us!"
I look at Santiago who refuses to make eye contact with me he just kind of sits there quietly eating.
"Would you like a Pineapple slice?" My Escort offers me
"What's that?" I ask curiously, i wonder if its an apple and a pine cone together.. the Capitol has really weird food.
She snorts as if it were funny i am ignorant to the fact i have no idea what a fucking pineapple is..
"I'm good" I say and sit down
"So are you excited to see all the Capital has to offer?" She asks excitedly "You're so lucky to be here right now, going to the Capital away from such a bad District.."
How should Lun reply?
["Yeah im excited"] ["Are you fucking kidding me?"] ["You should be lucky i cant punch you out"] ["I dunno"] [Remain Silent]
District 6: Sasha
I look down and see Atlas or whatever his name is turning around to say bye to his younger sister, it only makes her scream louder. I roll my eyes hoping i can just get off this stage soon i can feel my legs shaking slightly.. but i dont look scared, i cant look scared. Our escort helps usher Atlas up and he has a very sober expression on his face.
"Ladies and Gentlemen... your tributes from District 6!" our Escort yells
No one claps or cheers as we are rushed into the Justice Building, when i look behind me i can already see the crowd is dispersing. I say goodbye to my Mom and Dad, its a bittersweet goodbye. I hope i can win these games so they'll have full stomachs all the time, we are pretty low end family, my dad does dangerous electrical work for a living.
We are loaded onto a Train car and whisked off towards District 7 , i manage to catch a glimpse of the girl from 5. She has very dark hair, i wonder if she will win, or Atlas will win or maybe I will win but theres even a bigger chance non of us will win which scares me. CAPITAL.Tv shows the District 7 town square beginning to fill up with peolpe. Its crazy how well they time these reapings, the exact time the train takes off.. the exact time it lands which is supposed to be just after the Reapings.
I sit back and begin to worry about those interviews with Caesar Flickerman, i have bad stage fright and cant imagine what it will be like when i've got 10000 people looking at me all at once.
I check out the Buffet that has a timer and menu board
Lunch will be ready in ONE hour it reads
I walk away from and stare out the window and see the rolling hill begin to grow and get bigger and bigger.
"Looks pretty cool, huh?" Atlas askes me
"Yeah" I say back to him "Never left District 6 in my life"
"Me either" He says in a sadder tone "It's pretty scary leaving home"
"So are you excited for these games?" I ask him, its a terrible question but its the best i can do.
"Ohhh yeah" He replies sarcastically "I really cant wait to kill somebody"
I laugh a little and wonder what i should do next..
Should Sasha keep talking or train?
[Keep talking to Atlas] [Go read Training book in room]
["You should be lucky i cant punch you out"]
[Keep talking to Atlas]
Awesome Chapter!!!
["You should be lucky i cant punch you out"]
We're basically building her up as a tough badass right now
[Keep talking to Atlas]
It can never be wrong to have a friend in the games
["I dunno"]
[Keep talking to Atlas]
Hopefully he doesnt end up stabbing her in the back during the games.
Hey, you might want to submit the character now c:
[Are You Fucking Kidding Me?]
What a bitch though
[Keep talking to Atlas]
Yeah ill be doing D9 reapings on Monday
["You should be lucky I can't punch you out"]
[Keep talking to Atlas]
Awesome chapter!
Part 7 will be released soon.
[Remain Silent]
[Talk to Atlas]
[I dunno]
[Keep talking to Atlas]
Sorry for being late....