Minor plot hole in Episode 2?

Before anyone jumps to assumptions, I'm loving the game and the problem I have with it is very minor.

As Mira, if you didn't ask for help in episode one, Margaery will comment on how loyal you've been and that she'll be glad to help with Rodrik's betrothal. She says she's meeting her Grandmother later and will get her advice on the situation. After this, there is no mention of Margaery offering to help you and it's pretty much dropped from the story.

I guess it's safe to assume that Olenna advised Margaery against helping Mira? I suppose I'm just a little disappointed that they didn't add a scene to tell the player that Margaery won't be helping them. Apologies if I come across as nit-picking.


  • Speaking of plotholes. It seemed kinda ridiculous in Episode one how the Whitehall or hill douches march right into your hall uncontested. I was so sure there was traitors in the house after that. I suspected the mother and the healer could possibly be liars somehow.

    Now after finishing episode 2....I don't understand how they brush over this like its nothing. They don't seem to mention that at all. This seemed to be a hot topic of discussion back when ep1 came out. I mean I still feel like someone in Forrester is a traitor who should die....but the way ep2 goes makes it almost seem like nope because they just brush over it.

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