Does Iron wood only grow in the north grove?

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

"The north grove must never be lost"

Seems pretty obvious that that's where Iron wood actually comes from and why the white hills can't grow their own Iron wood but is it too obvious that the plot is pointing to that.

Really hoping we get a curve ball instead that's more epic.

What do you think is really in the north grove?


  • No, I don't think it only grows in the North Grove but I think that is where the most abundant source is right now. My theories for the North Grove is that Gared is gonna bring some of it back to Ironrath to help harvest more Ironwood

  • Then again how would they even get the wood over the wall if the north grove is beyond it?

  • I think two different things:

    1. Secret cache of a ton of Ironwood.

    2. Red Herring. Ice Dragon anyone?

    In Episode 2, at the funeral, seeds are laid in the hands of the two lords, and burned. I am 99% sure those are Ironwood seeds, and they can grow at Ironrath.

  • No, it might be the original source for the Iron wood. But I don't think that is there current source for it. They'll need the north grove when they lose all the iron wood/the Whitehills ruin it all.

    More people would know about it in house Forrester if it was their current source.Getting a lot of wood from beyond the wall wouldrequirealot of people.

  • It wouldn't be a big myth and secret if that is where the Ironwood is held. So basically what you're saying is that only the lord of the house can collect Ironwood. It's a well known myth so it seems. If you ask Frostfinger or Malcom about it, they seem to have some knowledge

  • who says it has to be ironwood in the north grove it could be a completely different type of tree all together something much more valuable

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