Ranking the Playable Characters So Far
If there's one thing that you can count from Telltale, it's that they will create memorable, strong and likable characters for you to follow. Of course there are the exceptions (The Walking Dead Season 2 cast is much less memorable than the first), but thankfully Game of Thrones is on the right foot here. And who would have though they could juggle five playable characters so handily! So who are your favorites of the playable characters so far?
Mine are as follows:
Gared Tuttle - I'm not sure why exactly, but for some reason Gared stands out as my single favorite character so far. He not only has the most personal motivation for his objectives (not to say the others don't, but Gared personally witnessing his family's murder makes the feeling much more visceral), but his base personality is the most likable by far. He's a good natured character but he's also skilled when the time calls for him to act and he can take a punch when needed. Here's hoping being the most isolated plot of the story so far doesn't hinder the things we like about him.
Rodrik Forrester - A great late addition to the cast, Rodrik is just the right person to have as a playable character. He has a mixture of humor and authority that makes him a strong leader when given the right choices. Yet at the same time, he can have a compassionate side too that makes his character instantly likable even outside of his skills. He's very much a Robb Stark for the Forresters, but only time will tell where that takes him.
Ethan Forrester - Oh Ethan. We knew thee well. Nonetheless, Ethan was a terrific character and a good person to help get things moving. Having the perspective of a younger character really helped add dimension to the Forrester conflict and Ethan was on the whole a good person even when making tough decisions. He also had to handle one of the scariest canon characters from the show by himself more or less, which speaks a lot for him as a person.
Mira Forrester - Though there's less "action" happening in her plot, she is the center of the most intrigue driven plot of the game so far. She has the base personality of a calm but dedicated person, which may or may not serve her well in the coming events. Still, she is a genuinely interesting character because who she is really does change based on how you think King's Landing should work.
Asher Forrester - Brash, loud, aggressive but motivated and thoughtful. Everything you need for a great rogue character like Asher. We haven't seen a lot of him yet, but here's hoping that he gets to shine more in the next episode. He has the most unique perspective being outside of Westeros and we know he can handle himself based on his general personality. Plus, he has Beskha at his side, who is a suitable foil to work with.
What do you all think?
I agree with all that you've said! I enjoy playing as Gared more than anyone else, i think it's due to the decisions you get. Sometimes I felt like with Mira I was to scared to make decisions that were true in what I believe but end up choosing an answer cause I think it's the right or pick the one that will give me the least backlash. But with Gared I wanted to play to his character, I would say things that may get me in trouble but it's what I thought would be the perfect answer for him.
I think it might be a personal preference, I'm not to keen on the political side of things so I enjoy the action a little more! Still a fantastic game though and so excited for episode 3!
loving everything about your post! i love all of telltale's protagonists/player characters, and as a huge fan of GoT/ASOIAF, i'm impressed that they were able to create characters who felt just as important and real as the canon ones. including several PoV characters like this makes it feel even more true to the original series!
even if we've only just met Asher, his parts are already my favorite omfg. i love him and Beshka; the action sequence at the start of episode 2 won me over immediately, it was just so much fun! i feel a little less scared to go with less diplomatic choices when playing as him as well LOL and just like with Daenerys' parts in the original series, i think that showing scenes in Essos offers a really nice change of pace from everyone else's drama in Westeros :')
Mira is a close second; i love the more cunning, political nature of the actions and words we have to use as her, and King's Landing is my favorite area of the series in the first place! the Lannister twins and Margaery also happen to be my favorite characters, so getting to interact with them makes it even better~
Ethan and Rodrik's are so interesting but excessively stressful to play as omfg, THIS IS TOO MUCH POWER... and Gared is a lot of fun for all the action sequences and also the Jon Snow interactions!
Gared- Funny and adds a comedic dialogue to the story. He's who I enjoy playing as the most
Mira- She's such a babe
Rodrik- Felt he had to much time in episode 2 but enjoyed his story
Asher- Don't know him well enough yet
Ethan - May be in the minority but I thought he was a coward his dialogue options were limited
It's hard to choose a favorite but I'm liking Rodrick a lot.. Thank God he lived because Ethan was very young to lead the house, I loved playing with him though..
Despite we don't know much about Asher I'm really liking him, at the first moment when I heard about him I had this ugly image of him but he turned out being an pretty interesting character. Both him and Rodrick have potential to become great characters.
Mira, feel like I got to be very careful when playing with her, as the hard decitions she has to take, (probably the hardest ones). I love her role, you have make your moves wisely because of where she is and the landscape she faces, and it's like she the has truly potencial to cause strong effects on the upcoming events
I was actually pretty disappointed by Gared's character in episode two.
Unlike episode one Gared had no interesting dialogue in episode two and it almost felt as though he had no purpose whatsoever in progressing the storyline at all. Also, his 'decision' didn't really feel like much of a decision for me - I mean not telling on a brother suddenly means I "stood up" for him?
Mira is the most interesting character for me. Her decisions in episodes one and two felt important and pivotal in the future of House Forrester. Interacting with some of my favourite characters in King's Landing was a great experience for me, as was the caution that I felt was necessary whenever playing as Mira - DO NOT TRUST ANYONE!
Rodrik is also a favourite of mine. It was a pretty huge shocker for me! His personality and dialogue was great in episode two - his decisions did feel quite important and the character interaction between Rodrik, his sister, mother and the maester was memorable - and sometimes humorous.
I have mixed feelings about Ethan! His dialogue and choices didn't seem to amount to much and, as Ethan, the consequences of every action appeared to be the same. I did enjoy building on his relationships with his family and confronting Lord Whitehill and Ramsey but his character didn't really stand out for me.
Asher is probably my least favourite character. He didn't seem to do anything in episode 2 similarly to Gared - but worse. I feel like his "roguish" personality doesn't really shine through and that his part in the story seems, for the moment, fractured and unnecessary. (What does Yunkai have to do with Ironrath?)
Although Gared would be my second favourite character in episode 1, with the inclusion of episode 2 I have to move him down to 4th...
As a result of all this, my list would have to be:
I like Gared and Rodik's story the most so far, but Gared is my top favorite because his story/choices are the imo the most 'relatable', if you get what I mean. A simple man with big dreams, with just the right amount of reckless/stubborness that makes his personality realistic.
I really like them all but..
1. Gared - Just love Gared, even if he does seem like a copy of Jon Snow, I think hes the most relatable character.
2. Asher - Like his recklessness and being able to cut loose as Asher, unlike the others who have to heavily consider the consequences for the house
3. Mira - She seems so lost and powerless in Kingslanding, like a missing puppy. how could you not love and defend her? Every time i'm like 'Awhh Mira
4. Rodrik - Quite like where his story is going but other than the ring scene it seems pretty slow so far to me.
5. Ethan - I did really like him but his choices appeared a little restricted and you know.. his story is over so no more development
I ranked Asher so high on the assumption he will play a bigger part later.
I agree with Asher. He isn't that interesting to me, and I think he is a bit overrated... I also agree with the majority of everything else you said, but I would have Gared and Ethan switched.
Thanks! It's good to know that some people share the same views as me!
As for Gared:
I guess the decision of putting him below Ethan was partly based on the fact that I find the story at the wall tedious (from the TV series) and feel like Gared's personality has been/is being moulded around Jon Snow - whilst he's at the wall atleast. I don't see how his place in the Night's Watch will have any effect on the progression of the Forrester story, it seems to me as though the developers are overlooking the Forrester storyline and are instead heading towards mimicking the TV series (which I really hope is not the case!) I don't really want to re-watch the TV show at the wall and the wall is completely irrelevant for the Forrester family which this game is focusing on - so I'm hoping that Gared will head out for the 'North Grove' soon! The reason why I don't think this is the case is because SPOILER FROM TV: If he were heading to the North Grove then he would do as Bran Stark did and bypass the Night's Watch/not become a brother as his uncle suggested. /SPOILER OVER
Basing my list solely on episode 1 with the exception of Rodrik and Asher it would look like this:
But given Gared's dire personality/performance in episode 2 I felt as if he didn't deserve to go above Ethan as he hasn't really contributed to the story in episode 2 - whilst even Ethan's funeral and legacy felt pretty central in episode 2 and so, for me, dead Ethan played a bigger part in character progression than Gared...
It might change as I hope Asher becomes a more interesting character. He doesn't seem that bad based off what we've seen but we haven't really gotten to know him.
My favorite so far was Ethan, so he's definitely #1 on the list. I don't like playing Rodrik as much as I did Ethan. I really like making decisions for Mira, but trying to get out of situations in her story is really difficult whereas others can be avoided (not that I don't like a challenge, but still.) I liked playing as Gared when he wasn't at The Wall, but then again I'm always dying to know what's going on in his story and I find him more likable than Mira (as of now). I don't have a ton of info on Asher yet and we didn't get a ton of experience playing as him, so he's last. Maybe that will change later on, but for now it stays.
1.) Ethan
2.) Gared
3.) Mira
4.) Rodrik
5.) Asher