A Song of Bugs and Loading Screens

Anybody else having serious issues with this episode? I keep having trouble with Ascher's fights: the game stutters when it switches shots, frequently freezes for 5-10 seconds, and when it unfreezes I get to watch Ascher be stabbed, then "Valar Morghulis" and 60 seconds of watching that stupid spinning gear to start the process over again.

Also, the audio keeps cutting out, and some lines get delayed so long that they overlap or come after the dialogue that's supposed to follow them. I had to turn on the subtitles.

I'm playing on a 360.


  • Apparently the only people really suffering with the game are the Xbox 360/Xbone users. I played the episode on the PC and it barely stutters at all for me.

  • i am playing on iphone 5 and has the same problem

  • I recently switched from Xbox360 to a PS4 and I noticed the same problems on Xbox (previously, when playing episode 1 even). On PS4 everything works really a lot smoother, loads faster, no stuttering at all. I think this is something they should look into on their side.

  • I agree. It's almost unplayable on iOS

    watevrs posted: »

    i am playing on iphone 5 and has the same problem

  • I play on a PS4, and in episode 2, the scene where Rodrick is in the dead wagon, his father and the wagon rider were just siluetes, like if they didn't put the models. It didn't feel like it was supposed to be that way.

  • hey bro i just uninstalled the game and redownloaded ep2, tested it for a bit and it dont have the horrible lag in ep 2 anymore, guess i will play ep 1 again and carry the choices to ep 2 to see if its all good

    I agree. It's almost unplayable on iOS

  • Hmm, I may need to start playing on PC in the future. I had some trouble with the initial sequence in Season 1, but the rest of the episode was smooth. You can delete the content without deleting your saved games, I may re-download the episodes and see if things are any better.

  • Not particularly, but once when I loaded up the game it crashed my computer on a black screen. I kept trying to use ctrl+alt+delete but the game kept popping back up as a black screen so I had to manually shut down my computer.

  • Hm. Maybe Ill try that. Thanks

    watevrs posted: »

    hey bro i just uninstalled the game and redownloaded ep2, tested it for a bit and it dont have the horrible lag in ep 2 anymore, guess i will play ep 1 again and carry the choices to ep 2 to see if its all good

  • I had the exactly same problem. Bevor i could press an A for moving on the left hand side, i was stabbed by Tazal. I found a solution. I pressed a D for moving on the right hand side and after that everything worked the way it should be

  • Yes, playing on PS3 and the framerate dropped so horribly during action scenes I had to die, and then anticipate what buttons I had to press.

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