“Jesus, I just confirmed that she’s fine and after all of that arguing, nothing at all? I expected there would be some sort of excitement.” … moreHe continued.
Careful, Sammy, you're using the J word, I'm sure the devil won't approve
Anyways, great part! This is so freaking creepy, like, I'm terrified for every single member of the group, because that is by far the most dangerous situation they have ever been in.
[Go with Samael to see Miyako]
You know, I am really concerned that Samael is doing something nasty to the rest of the group while Tony is gone, but then I had to think, why would he do that only if Tony leaves? No, I think he has something planned with the asians and Miyako. This is probably some sort of trap and I could see something bad having happened to Miyako. My early guess would be that she has gotten brainwashed to join the cult, or maybe just tricked Samael into thinking that. But whatever it is, Tony's presence … [view original content]
Chapter 8: Part 2
March 18th, 2017. 3:16 P.M.
[Drown the man]
I didn’t give a verbal reply to Samael. I just raised my arm slowly, … moretrembling slightly, and pointed to the lake. Samael smiled and nodded. “Very well. I see you want the Devil to have a full course meal today. I like your generosity.”
He pushed the man to me, and he fell helplessly into my chest. It was almost as if he was a little kid running up to hug his or her parents after not seeing them in a long time. It broke my heart knowing that it was now my job to murder this man. For no reason at all.
“Go on now.” Samael stated bluntly, and I reluctantly approached the lake. I was so unstable that I nearly tripped over tiny branches that lay on the ground.
I reached the bank of the lake, where it started off shallow but the dropoff to the deeper portions of the lake were very close. The lake was really dirty too. It was dark and murky. I turned around to see Samael … [view original content]
Hey guys, I know I'm a day late but I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you all had a great time with your families. Enjoy it because you never know what can happen the next day. As for the new part, it will be out either tomorrow or Sunday. I would finish it tonight, but I'm going out so therefore I cannot. If the choice changes somehow, then it should still be out relatively soon. Just wanted to give you all that quick little update.
Chapter 8: Part 2
March 18th, 2017. 3:16 P.M.
[Drown the man]
I didn’t give a verbal reply to Samael. I just raised my arm slowly, … moretrembling slightly, and pointed to the lake. Samael smiled and nodded. “Very well. I see you want the Devil to have a full course meal today. I like your generosity.”
He pushed the man to me, and he fell helplessly into my chest. It was almost as if he was a little kid running up to hug his or her parents after not seeing them in a long time. It broke my heart knowing that it was now my job to murder this man. For no reason at all.
“Go on now.” Samael stated bluntly, and I reluctantly approached the lake. I was so unstable that I nearly tripped over tiny branches that lay on the ground.
I reached the bank of the lake, where it started off shallow but the dropoff to the deeper portions of the lake were very close. The lake was really dirty too. It was dark and murky. I turned around to see Samael … [view original content]
Sorry for the delay, I actually finished this part on Sunday but was not satisfied and decided to re-write it. I ended up hitting a mini writer's block, but luckily that went away quickly and I finished. Hope you enjoy this part!
Chapter 8: Part 3
March 18th, 2016. 3:31 P.M.
[Go with Samael to see Miyako]
“I feel like I have to go.” I shook my head in response to my group. “I’ll be safe, don’t worry. There’s no way I’m gonna let him do anything to me… I’ll be back soon.”
Before I took off, Eric grabbed my arm and pulled me back. “What the fuck? Why would you risk your life doing it? It’s their problem, not yours.”
“And I don’t want to risk them being killed. I’ve gotten to know them the past few days and they’re good people who just wanted to look for their friend. Now we got them into this mess and if they get killed I’ll feel guilty.” I explained. It was true. Although this was their problem, I couldn’t help but feel bad for dragging them into this. At least Miyako is here. Well, hopefully…
I sped out the front door and easily caught up with Emi, Kazuhiko, Yoshiro, and Haya. They were all following Samael through the woods.
“You’re coming?” Emi whispered to me. “Thanks.”
I nodded and kept following. I didn’t feel comfortable saying anything out loud near Samael. I felt like that he could gain the urge to kill me for saying the most simple thing.
We hadn’t been walking for long, but we had already reached the fence to enter the amusement park. We were very close to a large, steel yellow roller coaster. It was definitely a thrill ride for the teens. I had been to this park a few times, but I never really did much. I didn’t remember the name of this coaster.
Before we hopped the fence, Samael turned back and faced us. “Believe it or not, this big ass thing still works. And working behind the podium to control it isn’t as hard as you’d think. Me and my companions have had lots of fun with this… eh, I’m sure you’ll find out what we do later. Your friend Miyako is in that shed, right over there.”
He pointed to beneath the coaster. There was a shed with metal walls and a wooden roof. It seemed to be only a tad bit bigger than the shed that me and my group were staying in. It was in the beyond the coaster restrictions, basically the danger zone when the coaster runs. What would she be doing in there?
“Can we please see her?” Yoshiro asked concerningly.
“Oh, sure. Go ahead. I’ll stay here.” Samael responded as he climbed the fence and leaned on it, facing us.
“You aren’t gonna come?” Haya asked.
Samael smiled. “Do you want me to?”
Yoshiro didn’t hesitate to answer. “Yes.”
Samael shrugged and picked himself up from the fence. “Fine, fine… good choice, I wouldn’t trust me either.”
We all stood there, waiting for Samael to make the first move. He was standing, intently staring at the shed for a good five seconds until he finally decided to approach it. He walked a bit sluggishly, but we didn’t move much faster behind him. I was pretty concerned for what he had in that shed…
Samael reached the entry gate into the construction area of the coaster, where the shed was located. The concrete ground beneath us became dirt. Samael made his way towards the shed, and grasped the two door handles with both of his hands. He was about to open it, but stopped himself. “You guys want me to open this?”
“Stop fucking hesitating and open it.” Kazuhiko hissed.
Samael shrugged and sneered in response. “You asked for it.”
With this declaration, Samael swung open the doors as hard as possible. And now, I can finally see her. She was the only one inside the shed, and seemed to be asleep on the floor; lying on her side and facing us. She looked a bit fragile to me, but I wasn’t surprised since she was being held hostage by Samael. She had long, black hair tied up in a hairpin and had dark eyes. She was wearing a moro T-shirt with dark green cargo pants and army heavy shoes.
“Miyako, wakey wakey.” Samael kicked dirt in her face to wake her up. “Apparently, you have close friends here to see you. I’m glad you aren’t alone here anymore.”
Miyako kept her eyes closed and groaned in response, She rolled over and was now facing away from us.
This irritated Samael. “Excuse me?” He kicked more dirt onto her. “Did you not hear what I just said?” He then faced Yoshiro.
“Miyako!” Yoshiro shouted with excitement. “It’s us! We’re all here!”
“Huh?” She finally spoke and immediately rolled over to face us again. “Yoshi! Emi! Kazu!” Her dark eyes were now filled with joy. She stood up and ran to hug them, but Samael stepped in between the doorway.
“Chill the fuck out.” He growled. “You’ll have time for that lovey shit in a bit. No contact yet.”
“Move the fuck out of the way!” Kazuhiko tried stepping forward, but Emi pulled him back. “Miyako!”
Surprisingly, Samael tilted his head and nodded. “....Okay.” He stepped away. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.” He walked out of the construction site and back into the amusement park. I had no idea where he was going.
I turned back to face the shed, where I saw Yoshiro, Emi, Kazuhiko, and Miyako all hugging it out in the doorway. Haya and I stood still, awkwardly watching everything happen.
“You guys are okay! You’re all here!” Miyako was smiling the entire time.
“Yeah… what happened to you? How did you get here?” Emi asked.
“That guy, Samael. That evil man… he found me and took me when I went to look for food that time almost two weeks ago. He’s kept me here ever since… this place is torture.” She explained. “What about you guys?”
“It’s a long story.” Yoshiro began explaining. “We were camping in our original spot waiting for you to return. That was the only thing we were concerned about. We searched the entire woods for you, but you were nowhere to be found. But, this caring young man named Tony and his group of friends offered us to travel to Ohio where they have a safe spot. It pained us to leave, we ended up losing hope at that point. Kazu left you a letter on a napkin just in case you returned.”
“How did you get here?” Miyako asked another question.
“Oh, right. The three of us and Tony’s group were all travelling to Ohio until we came across this amusement park. Samael captured us and we found more of Tony’s friends. As a matter of fact, here’s Tony right here.” Yoshiro introduced me.
“Hi!” Miyako waved very politely.
“Hey.” I waved back.
“And that’s Haya. Her and Tony both volunteered to come with us to find you.” Emi told her.
Miyako waved to Haya like she waved to me, and she waved back.
“How long have you been in there?” Emi asked with concern.
“A few days straight. I’m so scared that he’ll kill me…. even though I haven’t done anything wrong.” She replied. “But now since you’re all back, I can feel so much better.”
“So… I’ve found my old friends, you’ve found your old friend… we just gotta get out of here and we can all head to Ohio safely.” I grinned. “We’ll be safe. No more worries, no more stress of our missing friends….”
“That sounds great” Kazuhiko smiled. “I’m not gonna let this Grim Reaper fucker kill any of us and ruin our lives. We’re all gonna make it out together in one piece.”
I certainly hoped he was right. There was something inside of me that just knew…. that just knew that death was inevitable at this place. I didn’t want to lose any of my friends but I haven’t felt this prone to disaster in my entire life. This place just gave me that uncomfortable vibe.
Just as we finished talking, Samael stomped his way back to the construction site. He seemed angry, and I didn’t like it one bit.
“Now that you guys had your time to yourselves, it’s my turn to shake things up.” Samael chuckled menacingly.
He grabbed Kazuhiko by the throat and lifted him from the ground with his left hand. He pulled a dagger out of his right pocket and placed it beneath Kazuhiko’s neck. “I see you’ve had a problem with me, you tough wannabe fucker. Do you know what happens when people piss me off?”
“Stop!!!” Miyako interrupted, and kicked Samael right in the stomach. Samael dropped Kazuhiko and fell to the ground with his hands on his gut.
“Miyako, don’t do that!” Kazuhiko frowned. “I won’t let him kill me.”
“Shut up!” Miyako growled and pounced on top of Samael, holding his arms to the ground. “Somebody help me! Kill him!”
“Hold on, hold on…. hold on now.” Samael smirked. “I just want to remind you that there are cameras all over this place. I have almost two dozen of my companions watching you right now, weapons aimed at all of you and ready to pull the trigger. Is killing me, one man, really worth the death of all of you? And your friends in the other cabin in the woods?”
No one responded.
“Listen, I’m just speaking from your perspective here. Besides, if you are all killed at once, we won’t be able to feed all of you to the Devil all together. That’ll take weeks, and we don’t want the meat going bad. So, I advise you to get off of me and I’ll give you one more chance. Just one.” He continued.
“..... I love you guys too much.” Miyako sighed and freed Samael. I hated seeing him get up to safety, but it was definitely the best option. I saw a ton of his companions and what he had set up around the park when I tried to break in, so I knew he wasn’t lying.
“Very wise of you, Miyako. This is why I’ve kept you around this long. Sometimes you just find that one diamond in the rough that you don’t want to give up, and that’s you. I understand, you’re in the moment and I’m literally about to kill your friend whom you haven’t seen in weeks. So I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt there. But like I said before, just one more chance.” Samael repeated. “Now, the four of you, get your asses in that shed.”
Silence filled the area. The asians obeyed and headed into the shed. Samael shut the door, which left me and Haya outside. “You two wanna join them?” He asked us.
“Uh…. I….” I trailed off.
“What do you mean ‘join them’?” Haya speculated.
“I need you in a shed now. I have some goodies saved for later. But I can’t have you two roaming around the park, hell no. I’ll lead you back to your old cabin in the woods, or just stay here. It doesn’t matter, since all of you guys will be brought out shortly. Just get your asses into a shelter.” He answered.
I guess it didn’t matter… I didn’t want to trust a word this guy said, but I didn’t want to stress myself over-thinking it either. “Where are you going?” I asked Haya.
“I guess I’ll go wherever you go.” She told me. I guess it was up to me.
[Enter the shed in the construction site with the asians][Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
And there she is, finally, at last. Having Samuel under her knee was cool but unfortunately this could just bring more trouble for them in the future. As it appears he got some sort of sick liking for her which worries me though but I hope he will get surprised one day, while dropping dead.
As for the choice, it's kind of hard for me to choose, since I clearly would love to see more of newly introduced character and on the other hand I would like Tony to reunite with his team closer as well.
I will think about this and decide then.
Edit: [Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
Sorry for the delay, I actually finished this part on Sunday but was not satisfied and decided to re-write it. I ended up hitting a mini wri… moreter's block, but luckily that went away quickly and I finished. Hope you enjoy this part!
Chapter 8: Part 3
March 18th, 2016. 3:31 P.M.
[Go with Samael to see Miyako]
“I feel like I have to go.” I shook my head in response to my group. “I’ll be safe, don’t worry. There’s no way I’m gonna let him do anything to me… I’ll be back soon.”
Before I took off, Eric grabbed my arm and pulled me back. “What the fuck? Why would you risk your life doing it? It’s their problem, not yours.”
“And I don’t want to risk them being killed. I’ve gotten to know them the past few days and they’re good people who just wanted to look for their friend. Now we got them into this mess and if they get killed I’ll feel guilty.” I explained. It was true. Although this was their problem, I couldn’t help but feel bad… [view original content]
Ah, it appears I have been wrong with my theory about Miyako having joined the cult (if only as a ruse). I am definitely surprised she is all well, but this is good. This was really good how sh almost killed Samael in this part. I wish she would have gone through with it, but to be fair, I can understand her reasons not to do it. Anyways, she kicks ass, which is nice
[Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
Alright, so, I don't want to leave the asians, but the thing is, I believe they are in less danger. Samael seems to have a strange fascination with Miyako, so I doubt she will be in danger, which makes one of them save already. The same can't be said about the rest of the group. If Tony is with them, maybe he can prevent the worst. Thing is, I also see this as the more likely choice. I mean, Tony's girlfriend and his best friend are there, as well as a couple of people he considers family. The asians meanwhile are people he knows for about two days at most. It would just seem weird for a person to stay with them as opposed to his friends, family and loved ones, especially after he just found them again by sheer luck. I mean, I like Miyako and the others and I hope this won't mean that they will have a drastically reduced screentime this chapter, but this just seems like the more natural option.
Sorry for the delay, I actually finished this part on Sunday but was not satisfied and decided to re-write it. I ended up hitting a mini wri… moreter's block, but luckily that went away quickly and I finished. Hope you enjoy this part!
Chapter 8: Part 3
March 18th, 2016. 3:31 P.M.
[Go with Samael to see Miyako]
“I feel like I have to go.” I shook my head in response to my group. “I’ll be safe, don’t worry. There’s no way I’m gonna let him do anything to me… I’ll be back soon.”
Before I took off, Eric grabbed my arm and pulled me back. “What the fuck? Why would you risk your life doing it? It’s their problem, not yours.”
“And I don’t want to risk them being killed. I’ve gotten to know them the past few days and they’re good people who just wanted to look for their friend. Now we got them into this mess and if they get killed I’ll feel guilty.” I explained. It was true. Although this was their problem, I couldn’t help but feel bad… [view original content]
Oh, wow!! I missed some again, sometimes this thread goes off my followed threads its really weird. Anyway, i've caught up and can weigh in on this chapter.
Ok, when this guy says one more chance, I believe him. The group has to be smart in picking their moment to escape but when will that be happening, if indeed it happens at all? He is bat-shit crazy and could kill any of them at any time, so they need to be quick too.
(Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group)
I agree with Liquid, this is just more natural and something Tony would do really since they're all gonna be out later anyway according to Samael. Gives him a chance to properly reconcile with everyone in the group as well after they got seperated.
Sorry for the delay, I actually finished this part on Sunday but was not satisfied and decided to re-write it. I ended up hitting a mini wri… moreter's block, but luckily that went away quickly and I finished. Hope you enjoy this part!
Chapter 8: Part 3
March 18th, 2016. 3:31 P.M.
[Go with Samael to see Miyako]
“I feel like I have to go.” I shook my head in response to my group. “I’ll be safe, don’t worry. There’s no way I’m gonna let him do anything to me… I’ll be back soon.”
Before I took off, Eric grabbed my arm and pulled me back. “What the fuck? Why would you risk your life doing it? It’s their problem, not yours.”
“And I don’t want to risk them being killed. I’ve gotten to know them the past few days and they’re good people who just wanted to look for their friend. Now we got them into this mess and if they get killed I’ll feel guilty.” I explained. It was true. Although this was their problem, I couldn’t help but feel bad… [view original content]
[Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
I agree with the others. This sounds like the choice Tony would do. I think everyone would chose this in his situation because the others are his family and the asians are just strangers. But I like them as well just not as much as the rest of the group yet. I hope to see more of them soon.
Sorry for the delay, I actually finished this part on Sunday but was not satisfied and decided to re-write it. I ended up hitting a mini wri… moreter's block, but luckily that went away quickly and I finished. Hope you enjoy this part!
Chapter 8: Part 3
March 18th, 2016. 3:31 P.M.
[Go with Samael to see Miyako]
“I feel like I have to go.” I shook my head in response to my group. “I’ll be safe, don’t worry. There’s no way I’m gonna let him do anything to me… I’ll be back soon.”
Before I took off, Eric grabbed my arm and pulled me back. “What the fuck? Why would you risk your life doing it? It’s their problem, not yours.”
“And I don’t want to risk them being killed. I’ve gotten to know them the past few days and they’re good people who just wanted to look for their friend. Now we got them into this mess and if they get killed I’ll feel guilty.” I explained. It was true. Although this was their problem, I couldn’t help but feel bad… [view original content]
Sorry for the delay, I actually finished this part on Sunday but was not satisfied and decided to re-write it. I ended up hitting a mini wri… moreter's block, but luckily that went away quickly and I finished. Hope you enjoy this part!
Chapter 8: Part 3
March 18th, 2016. 3:31 P.M.
[Go with Samael to see Miyako]
“I feel like I have to go.” I shook my head in response to my group. “I’ll be safe, don’t worry. There’s no way I’m gonna let him do anything to me… I’ll be back soon.”
Before I took off, Eric grabbed my arm and pulled me back. “What the fuck? Why would you risk your life doing it? It’s their problem, not yours.”
“And I don’t want to risk them being killed. I’ve gotten to know them the past few days and they’re good people who just wanted to look for their friend. Now we got them into this mess and if they get killed I’ll feel guilty.” I explained. It was true. Although this was their problem, I couldn’t help but feel bad… [view original content]
Sorry for the delay, I actually finished this part on Sunday but was not satisfied and decided to re-write it. I ended up hitting a mini wri… moreter's block, but luckily that went away quickly and I finished. Hope you enjoy this part!
Chapter 8: Part 3
March 18th, 2016. 3:31 P.M.
[Go with Samael to see Miyako]
“I feel like I have to go.” I shook my head in response to my group. “I’ll be safe, don’t worry. There’s no way I’m gonna let him do anything to me… I’ll be back soon.”
Before I took off, Eric grabbed my arm and pulled me back. “What the fuck? Why would you risk your life doing it? It’s their problem, not yours.”
“And I don’t want to risk them being killed. I’ve gotten to know them the past few days and they’re good people who just wanted to look for their friend. Now we got them into this mess and if they get killed I’ll feel guilty.” I explained. It was true. Although this was their problem, I couldn’t help but feel bad… [view original content]
Just letting you all know that the next part will be out tomorrow 100%, and the story will continue regularly. Lots of things have been occurring out of nowhere that have prevented me from writing and with holiday season around, it isn't much easier. However, I should be free tomorrow to get it done. Sorry for the delay.
[Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
“I think I’m just gonna go back with my old group.” I told Haya. “You fine with that?”
She nodded. “It’s fine. Better get going now before Samael does something.”
“Damn right.” I agreed. We kicked the dirt from the construction area as we headed out to the public area of the park. Luckily, I knew the entire park pretty well. Well enough to know where to go, at least.
We began walking towards the fence that led to the woods. “I wonder why he always wants us in those damn sheds.” Haya began speaking.
“Hell if I know.” I shrugged. “I guess he just doesn’t trust us. If I was a sick, evil bastard like him and was in his position I’d do the same.”
She gave me a skeptical look. “Not trying to be rude or anything, but you don’t really seem that fazed being here.”
I didn’t really know how to answer this question. I was scared shitless deep down, but I tried my best not to show it. If Samael noticed me being a coward, it’s something that he could definitely take advantage of.
“Of course I am. I don’t want that man killing my friends. I consider them family now. And I just… I don’t know what he’s gonna do. The suspense is killing me.” I replied.
“I feel you.” She responded. “My friend Celeste is here too. I just don’t know where she is… Samael took her somewhere. Have you seen her? African American?”
“Nope.” I stated bluntly. “I’m sorry to hear that. If that fucker took one of my friends I’d be concerned as hell too.”
“It’s so stressful… I’ve known her for so long. I don’t want to lose her. I just want to find out already.” She sighed.
“You never know.” I gave her a cliche reply. But I honestly had no idea. For all I know, the poor woman could be dead as we speak.
We reached the fence to the wooded area. I stuck my shoe through the fence holes to climb the fence and stumbled over. Haya went second, and I helped her over the top bar.
She fell on her side, but very lightly. I helped her up as she brushed dirt off of her shirt. We began to traverse through the woods, which was very dense. The trees were tall and bulky, and with the leaves growing back it was hard for sunlight to seep through the leaves. This made it much darker.
“How long have you known your friends in the shed?” Haya asked suddenly.
“Ever since the outbreak started.” I told her. “One of them, Eric, has been my friend for years. He was my neighbor. And one of them, Katrina, is kinda my…. girlfriend now.” I said that so awkwardly. I still didn’t really get the romantic stuff.
“Oh, well that’s good.” She smiled. “Having friends you’ve known for a while and that you’re comfortable with makes this entire thing much, much easier.”
“You got that right.” I responded. “I’ve lost a good amount of people though… there used to be a decent amount of more people. We haven’t had it too great.”
“Sorry to hear that.” She muttered. “Besides all of the death and insanity… me and Celeste, we’ve been enjoying life much more. I know it sounds crazy, but being a Muslim and all…”
“I get it.” I stopped her so that she didn’t have to finish her sentence. I didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable. “The world has always been fucked up.”
“I just wish people wouldn't judge me just because I'm Muslim. My dad got murdered when we moved to America just for being Muslim. It's terrible.” She went on to explain.
“That's awful…” My eyes widened a bit.
“I know.” She mumbled. “Thank God I was still very young at the time, so I didn't feel too much.”
“I'm afraid people will never just be respectful to everyone. Forget religion, forget race, all of that. People are assholes.” I agreed with Haya. I almost forgot how bad society was even before all of this. She made me realized that nothing has really changed, and just the way people act has.
“I agree! One hundred percent!” She grinned. “I was actually trying to become an advocate for equal rights for all people. Until, you know… this.”
“Yep.” I nodded. “Man, you don't deserve this. You don't deserve to be here with the torture of not knowing the state of your friend.” I could tell she was a good person.
“It happens.” She shrugged. “Absolutely nothing we can do about it.”
It was at this time when we finally reached the shed. I looked around in precaution just in case. Then, I opened the door to see everyone remaining in their previous positions.
“Hey, everyone.” I greeted myself as Haya and I walked in and closed the door behind us.
“Hey, what happened? How'd it go?” Dylan asked.
“Not bad, actually.” I replied. “They found Miyako alive and okay.”
“That's good.” Tina smiled. “Where are they?”
“They're in a different shed not too far from here.” Haya answered for me.
“Why didn't they come back here?” Ryan asked.
“Samael made them stay in that shed.” I answered this time. “He said he's gonna take us all outside in a bit…”
“Great. Just fucking great.” Dom smashed his fist against the ground. “What the fuck does he want?”
“Your guess is as good as mine.” I told him.
“Just don't lose your temper guys. That means you too, Dom.” John spoke.
“Don't count on it.” He retaliated.
“I just want to shoot his face off. Blast his brains out.” Deryck chimed in.
“You're crazy.” Fiona told him.
“You know you want to do it.” He smirked a little bit.
“........Maybe a little.” Fiona sighed. I had to agree, Deryck was a bit messed up in the head. But at least he was friendly, for the most part.
“How long exactly until that fucker wants us out there?” Mark added a question.
“He didn't say specifically.” I told him. “Just gotta wait.”
I decided to move to the corner where Katrina was sitting next to Tom. I said with Katrina to my right and Eric to my left. Eric was talking to Dylan at the moment. “Hey.” I told her.
“Hi.” Katrina smiled. “Glad you're okay.”
“I'm glad too. Man, you don't know how good it feels to have you back Tony.” Tom smiled along.
“You don't know how it feels for me.” I grinned. “I don’t think I've ever felt so lost mentally. I was so nervous for you guys.”
“I'm just glad I never have to see that thing that killed my brother ever again.” Katrina’s smile went away.
“I miss him.” Tom frowned.
“It's hurting so much.” Katrina mumbled. Tom’s frown grew bigger.
“We all miss him, Kat. In that situation there was nothing we can do.” I stated, remembering what Haya had just said to me before.
“Can we stop talking about this, please.” Tom suggested.
“Yes please.” Katrina and I said almost in unison.
“I wonder how my family is doing…” Eric joined in. “Probably all bit the dust.” He was upsettingly.
“Not knowing their fate is much worse than knowing their fate.” Dylan said.
“I know.” Eric agreed. “I even miss my girlfriend at this point.”
“You mean the one who you said you were glad that she was dead during the beginning of the outbreak?” I questioned him.
“Yeah, that one.” He responded without emotion. “I don't know why I said that. I guess I was just trying to find an excuse to be content with her being gone.”
“We’ve all lost people. All of us should at least know that they are not alone.” I reminded everyone.
Then, someone knocked on the door. “That's gotta be Samael.” I grunted as I stood up to answer the door. I was kind of glad that he was here, because I didn't want to talk about our unknown and deceased loved ones.
However, as soon as I was about to open it, the knocking became extremely frantic. “Open the door! Hurry, please!” A male voice called.
“That's not Samael.” Haya pointed out. “Doesn't sound like one of his men either.”
“What do I do?!” I looked around, and no one answered.
Chapter 8: Part 4
March 18th, 2017. 3:53 P.M.
[Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
“I think I’m just gon… morena go back with my old group.” I told Haya. “You fine with that?”
She nodded. “It’s fine. Better get going now before Samael does something.”
“Damn right.” I agreed. We kicked the dirt from the construction area as we headed out to the public area of the park. Luckily, I knew the entire park pretty well. Well enough to know where to go, at least.
We began walking towards the fence that led to the woods. “I wonder why he always wants us in those damn sheds.” Haya began speaking.
“Hell if I know.” I shrugged. “I guess he just doesn’t trust us. If I was a sick, evil bastard like him and was in his position I’d do the same.”
She gave me a skeptical look. “Not trying to be rude or anything, but you don’t really seem that fazed being here.”
I didn’t really know how to answer this question. I w… [view original content]
Chapter 8: Part 4
March 18th, 2017. 3:53 P.M.
[Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
“I think I’m just gon… morena go back with my old group.” I told Haya. “You fine with that?”
She nodded. “It’s fine. Better get going now before Samael does something.”
“Damn right.” I agreed. We kicked the dirt from the construction area as we headed out to the public area of the park. Luckily, I knew the entire park pretty well. Well enough to know where to go, at least.
We began walking towards the fence that led to the woods. “I wonder why he always wants us in those damn sheds.” Haya began speaking.
“Hell if I know.” I shrugged. “I guess he just doesn’t trust us. If I was a sick, evil bastard like him and was in his position I’d do the same.”
She gave me a skeptical look. “Not trying to be rude or anything, but you don’t really seem that fazed being here.”
I didn’t really know how to answer this question. I w… [view original content]
“I'm just glad I never have to see that thing that killed my brother ever again.” Katrina’s smile went away.
You know, it warms my heart how Kat just casually defined that Billy is not a human, but a thing now. It seems I'll have my revenge at last No one will remember him fondly in this new world and he will go down in history as exactly the monster he was. I believe, if he would be alive to see it, this must be the worst for him, having people see his true self and not that mask he tried to deceive others with. The old world had Charles Manson, this new world has Billy O'Nazifuckturd. Or rather, it had him, thankfully.
Ah, this was a sad part, with this talk between Tony, Eric, Tom and Kat. It's always hard for me to read such scenes, but I appreciate them immensely, because of the character growth it brings. I feel like especially Eric benefitted from that scene. Good talk, yes, good talk. I will also never grow tired of how absolutely awkward Tony is about all things romantic. Tony and Kat both, really, but she isn't showing it so openly. I mean, somehow Tony managed to make it sound awkward when he just calls her his girlfriend and I'm loving it
[Open the door]
I seriously wonder who that is. First of all, I doubt it is a trick by Samael, because why would he? He has the absolute control over them, it's not like he needs to play such a trick. Then, what would he possibly achieve with this? By opening the door to this man, the group doesn't break any rule, right? And if he wants to punish them, then I believe he has made it clear that he can do so whenever he wants. So, I say we let this mysterious stranger in. I just have to think, who can it possibly be? Maybe it really is a stranger, some guy we never met before, but I don't know why he would approach this hut in particular then. Though it could also be Kazuhiro, who escaped somehow (which would have been seriously fast) and is now trying to free the group. Speaking of their situation, I really wouldn't be surprised if Myiako has some sort of plan. She has been Samael's captive for the longest time of them all, she has to know more than the others. So maybe she helped Kazuhiro escape and he tries to help the group now? I am most likely wrong with that, but if it is not a new character, then my money is on Kazuhiro.
Chapter 8: Part 4
March 18th, 2017. 3:53 P.M.
[Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
“I think I’m just gon… morena go back with my old group.” I told Haya. “You fine with that?”
She nodded. “It’s fine. Better get going now before Samael does something.”
“Damn right.” I agreed. We kicked the dirt from the construction area as we headed out to the public area of the park. Luckily, I knew the entire park pretty well. Well enough to know where to go, at least.
We began walking towards the fence that led to the woods. “I wonder why he always wants us in those damn sheds.” Haya began speaking.
“Hell if I know.” I shrugged. “I guess he just doesn’t trust us. If I was a sick, evil bastard like him and was in his position I’d do the same.”
She gave me a skeptical look. “Not trying to be rude or anything, but you don’t really seem that fazed being here.”
I didn’t really know how to answer this question. I w… [view original content]
Hey guys, I know I'm two days late but I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas. I hope you enjoyed it and had a great time with your family. The next part should be out tomorrow or Thursday!
Sorry for needing so long to vote, I had no internet in the last two weeks. I agree with the things that have been said. I dont think it is a trap and I dont remember that Samael ever gave them a rule not to open the door. Maybe it is the chance we have hoped for to escape.
Chapter 8: Part 4
March 18th, 2017. 3:53 P.M.
[Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
“I think I’m just gon… morena go back with my old group.” I told Haya. “You fine with that?”
She nodded. “It’s fine. Better get going now before Samael does something.”
“Damn right.” I agreed. We kicked the dirt from the construction area as we headed out to the public area of the park. Luckily, I knew the entire park pretty well. Well enough to know where to go, at least.
We began walking towards the fence that led to the woods. “I wonder why he always wants us in those damn sheds.” Haya began speaking.
“Hell if I know.” I shrugged. “I guess he just doesn’t trust us. If I was a sick, evil bastard like him and was in his position I’d do the same.”
She gave me a skeptical look. “Not trying to be rude or anything, but you don’t really seem that fazed being here.”
I didn’t really know how to answer this question. I w… [view original content]
Chapter 8: Part 4
March 18th, 2017. 3:53 P.M.
[Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
“I think I’m just gon… morena go back with my old group.” I told Haya. “You fine with that?”
She nodded. “It’s fine. Better get going now before Samael does something.”
“Damn right.” I agreed. We kicked the dirt from the construction area as we headed out to the public area of the park. Luckily, I knew the entire park pretty well. Well enough to know where to go, at least.
We began walking towards the fence that led to the woods. “I wonder why he always wants us in those damn sheds.” Haya began speaking.
“Hell if I know.” I shrugged. “I guess he just doesn’t trust us. If I was a sick, evil bastard like him and was in his position I’d do the same.”
She gave me a skeptical look. “Not trying to be rude or anything, but you don’t really seem that fazed being here.”
I didn’t really know how to answer this question. I w… [view original content]
Hi everyone, I know it's been a few days after when I said the next part should be out. Thing is, I've been redoing ideas and ideas that I think may be better than the last, but nothing has stuck. I guess you can say it kind of is writer's block, but I really don't know. It's weird.
However, I am mainly making this post because I want to ask something which I need your opinion on. As you all know, the entire story so far has been written in first person point of view, through the eyes of Tony. It's been going great so far, but as of recently, it's been a bit more difficult for me to showcase as much as I want in the story, especially at which point of the story that we're in right now.
Now, I asked this at the end of Chapter 1, which was a very long time ago. Since then, I have received a good amount of new readers and the last time I asked this, I was met with mixed responses. Basically, I'm kind of considering switching to third person point of view writing. This way, not every single part focuses solely on Tony; which makes it a lot easier for me to develop characters the way I want to and overall, make the story more complex. For example, in Chapter 7 when the old group went missing, I could have probably added a whole extra chapter before they all ultimately reunited with Samael. I could have had some parts focusing on Tony's new group, and then other parts focusing on the old group.
The reason why I don't want to do this though, is because the first person style of writing has been working fine so far. Also, a change like this is a pretty major change. I mean, it's not too huge, as Tony will still remain a character and most of the parts will probably still revolve around him. It's just that having a change like this out of nowhere, in the middle of a chapter may be too out of place. Another problem is that some relations and connections may not feel the same as they were before, with Tony and Katrina as an example.
So, I'm really stumped here. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, and both of those aren't necessarily great things. I just don't know what to do and it's kind of stressing me out more than it should. With that being said, any feedback would be GREATLY appreciated. I will still go with the majority here, as I am still open to write a first person point of view. The thing is, it's just a bit more difficult for me than it used to be. If it wasn't difficult, I wouldn't be asking this. Maybe I could continue writing Tony in first person, but have other parts in third person with other characters? Any feedback or ideas are extremely appreciated. Sorry for going on for so long, I just really wanted to get it all out there.
Sorry if you weren't expecting this at all, because I know none of you probably were. I just felt like it needed to be addressed. As always, thanks for sticking along and all of your support.
Hey guys, I know I'm two days late but I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas. I hope you enjoyed it and had a great time with your family. The next part should be out tomorrow or Thursday!
Hi @Partition, I'm more than happy to give you my opinion on this.
I've been an advocate of multiple POV's, not necessarily a third person perspective but the principles of multiple POV's remains the same. It's just a question of who you decide to have as a POV and how many you have. Based on who you have developed already and the relationships you have focused on, Katrina is one who I believe should be a POV. Santiago is also a good shout imo. As you say, chapter 7 would have been an ideal time for this to have been implemented, but i'm sure other opportunities to do this or your third person perspective will present itself. I agree that something like this should not be done during the middle of a crucial plot point.
I understand your concerns about doing this. After all, why change what's working right? And it has been working, really well. Whatever you decide to do, I have full faith that you will continue to make this story even more amazing with every part
Hi everyone, I know it's been a few days after when I said the next part should be out. Thing is, I've been redoing ideas and ideas that I t… morehink may be better than the last, but nothing has stuck. I guess you can say it kind of is writer's block, but I really don't know. It's weird.
However, I am mainly making this post because I want to ask something which I need your opinion on. As you all know, the entire story so far has been written in first person point of view, through the eyes of Tony. It's been going great so far, but as of recently, it's been a bit more difficult for me to showcase as much as I want in the story, especially at which point of the story that we're in right now.
Now, I asked this at the end of Chapter 1, which was a very long time ago. Since then, I have received a good amount of new readers and the last time I asked this, I was met with mixed responses. Basically, I'm kind of considering switching to third perso… [view original content]
I thought there is new part, when saw the activity in the topic... and there we have it, surprise :-p Of course I am not mad or anything, I can totally understand that you got a block which stops you from writing... happened to me myself as well.
As for your question, to be honest, I think it's easier to write from one character perspective...but! You are good at writing and because of that I would like to see the story from few different perspectives - especially, that this way it's easier to get attached or simply know more about other characters, which at that moment are somewhere away from the center of action. I would love to see my character perspective in all of this, since she is kind of different by default.
I even have idea for writer's motivator... expect it soon :-)
Hi everyone, I know it's been a few days after when I said the next part should be out. Thing is, I've been redoing ideas and ideas that I t… morehink may be better than the last, but nothing has stuck. I guess you can say it kind of is writer's block, but I really don't know. It's weird.
However, I am mainly making this post because I want to ask something which I need your opinion on. As you all know, the entire story so far has been written in first person point of view, through the eyes of Tony. It's been going great so far, but as of recently, it's been a bit more difficult for me to showcase as much as I want in the story, especially at which point of the story that we're in right now.
Now, I asked this at the end of Chapter 1, which was a very long time ago. Since then, I have received a good amount of new readers and the last time I asked this, I was met with mixed responses. Basically, I'm kind of considering switching to third perso… [view original content]
Well, I got my thoughts on the topic as well of course. I know you have brought this up ages ago and I am not entirely sure of my thoughts back then. I think I was against such an idea, but that only meant that I was against having completely different storylines unrelated to the main one, kind of like the system I have in FoT. I think this wouldn't work as well in this story. While reading your thoughts on the matter, I couldn't help but to think of the system TheKingOfWalkers has included in his story. You mentioned such an idea yourself. Tony could remain a character whose parts are written in first person, also to set him apart from the others a little bit. I would also appreciate if he could remain the clear main character, though he doesn't need to remain the only PoV. I would have loved to see what the group was up to after they got separated from Tony, or what the asians are up to right now. Even before, you could have shown the events that led to Samantha's death at the hands of Billy in Chapter 6 and whenever such a situation comes up again, where members of the group are separated from Tony but still go through important events, you would have a way of showing them. They don't need to get equal attention compared to Tony, who is the main character for a reason, but occasional parts from someone else's Point of View could really spice things up a little bit, as well as making many things easier for you to show in the story.
So, if you wish to make such a change, go for it. I know, the only thing that could make Kat even more awesome at this point would be a PoV and there are many other characters I would also like to see in such a way. I also know that no matter what you decide for, the story will remain one of my favourites and worth reading, so if this change will make some things more easy for you, then it sounds like an overall good idea. I think that keeping Tony as a first-person PoV could be a good idea though, so that his parts keep feeling the same way as they do. Through his eyes, the relations with the characters would also remain the same, like with the Tony/Kat example you mentioned. At the same time, other PoV's from a third-person perspective would give you a chance to show different thoughts on a subject, to show the relationships in the group from a different angle and maybe even to show some sides of the characters you are otherwise not really able to show. On top of that, as I said above, it can help to keep some characters present in the story even when they are separated from Tony for a while.
When it comes to a point to introduce such a change, I agree that Chapter 7 would have been a perfect opportunity to do this, in retrospect at least. The beginning of Chapter 8 could have been another opportunity, but now I am not sure how well it will work in the middle of the chapter itself. Maybe, if there are, for example, important things happening for the asians in this chapter, you could already do it, but I think it would make for a cleaner start of this new style if you would introduce it at the beginning of the next chapter. Then again, we're only 4 parts in, so I don't really think changing it now would bother me that much if you prefer it.
Hi everyone, I know it's been a few days after when I said the next part should be out. Thing is, I've been redoing ideas and ideas that I t… morehink may be better than the last, but nothing has stuck. I guess you can say it kind of is writer's block, but I really don't know. It's weird.
However, I am mainly making this post because I want to ask something which I need your opinion on. As you all know, the entire story so far has been written in first person point of view, through the eyes of Tony. It's been going great so far, but as of recently, it's been a bit more difficult for me to showcase as much as I want in the story, especially at which point of the story that we're in right now.
Now, I asked this at the end of Chapter 1, which was a very long time ago. Since then, I have received a good amount of new readers and the last time I asked this, I was met with mixed responses. Basically, I'm kind of considering switching to third perso… [view original content]
A little motivator from my side. I think i did not create even one fanart for your story so far I suppose and I noticed with others that those things are kind of motivating to the writers, therefore I would like to present you and the rest how Miyako looks from under "my hand". I hope this will help you a bit to move forward from the block you have. (She of course ties those hair up when fighting zombies :-D)
Wow! Did you make that? It's incredible! Thank you very much for this, this is the first real fanart I have received and it is great. This has definitely helped me out and motivated me more, and I love Miyako's design she looks badass and only gets me more hyped to write her.
A little motivator from my side. I think i did not create even one fanart for your story so far I suppose and I noticed with others that tho… morese things are kind of motivating to the writers, therefore I would like to present you and the rest how Miyako looks from under "my hand". I hope this will help you a bit to move forward from the block you have. (She of course ties those hair up when fighting zombies :-D)
Thank you for the feedback UKilledKenny your support throughout the entire story has not gone unnoticed at all and I really appreciate always trying to be a helping hand. It seems that third person is not a majority either, so I will not do that. I will consider doing multiple POV's, but not too many other POV's. And I will make sure to make the most ideal characters have certain POV parts, like you mentioned. You are correct about how the current style is working, so changing it shouldn't be a main priority. A change like this will definitely not happen dead smack in the middle of the chapter, but know that your suggestions have been considered
Hi @Partition, I'm more than happy to give you my opinion on this.
I've been an advocate of multiple POV's, not necessarily a third perso… moren perspective but the principles of multiple POV's remains the same. It's just a question of who you decide to have as a POV and how many you have. Based on who you have developed already and the relationships you have focused on, Katrina is one who I believe should be a POV. Santiago is also a good shout imo. As you say, chapter 7 would have been an ideal time for this to have been implemented, but i'm sure other opportunities to do this or your third person perspective will present itself. I agree that something like this should not be done during the middle of a crucial plot point.
I understand your concerns about doing this. After all, why change what's working right? And it has been working, really well. Whatever you decide to do, I have full faith that you will continue to make this story even more amazing with every part
Yes, I apologize for the tease by the post popping up in your notifications. Whenever I post an update, that is always by biggest fear. I hate teasing people and thinking that there is a new part, instead to be greeted by another update.
Writing from one perspective has been fine and it has worked for the most part, there are just certain instances where I want to expand and go to other perspectives, such as the examples I provided. I was thinking of probably just adding occasional different POV's, not necessarily third person. However, I plan on keeping the main POV as Tony. That is, if most people are okay with this idea. I have no problem with Tony still remaining as the story's only POV.
Also, your compliments and kind words are greatly appreciated. That statement and your fanart below has helped
I thought there is new part, when saw the activity in the topic... and there we have it, surprise :-p Of course I am not mad or anything, I … morecan totally understand that you got a block which stops you from writing... happened to me myself as well.
As for your question, to be honest, I think it's easier to write from one character perspective...but! You are good at writing and because of that I would like to see the story from few different perspectives - especially, that this way it's easier to get attached or simply know more about other characters, which at that moment are somewhere away from the center of action. I would love to see my character perspective in all of this, since she is kind of different by default.
I even have idea for writer's motivator... expect it soon :-)
Yes, I have come to believe that the constant amount of switching POV's such as in FoT would definitely not work for this story. I was thinking about implementing something similar to TheKingOfWalkers' story, but I don't think switching to third person would be a wise idea.
This is why I have considered doing only a few other POV's when necessary. This being said, Tony will still remain the main POV and be the story's main character. However, in certain instances where I want to show up other things that are going on that I can't do with Tony, I will give them the occasional POV to fill the readers in. This way, I feel like I can make the story a bit more complex and open to the readers so that they know what else is going on, and the relationships can stay the same. If this idea was in Chapter 7, Katrina would have most definitely been the POV of the old group. However, when the reunion comes, Tony will become the main POV as he is the central character.
Thank you for your kind comments as well. I'm glad you really enjoy this story a lot and consider it high up there it really is greatly appreciated!
Well, I got my thoughts on the topic as well of course. I know you have brought this up ages ago and I am not entirely sure of my thoughts b… moreack then. I think I was against such an idea, but that only meant that I was against having completely different storylines unrelated to the main one, kind of like the system I have in FoT. I think this wouldn't work as well in this story. While reading your thoughts on the matter, I couldn't help but to think of the system TheKingOfWalkers has included in his story. You mentioned such an idea yourself. Tony could remain a character whose parts are written in first person, also to set him apart from the others a little bit. I would also appreciate if he could remain the clear main character, though he doesn't need to remain the only PoV. I would have loved to see what the group was up to after they got separated from Tony, or what the asians are up to right now. Even before, you could have shown the event… [view original content]
Yes, I have come to believe that the constant amount of switching POV's such as in FoT would definitely not work for this story. I was thinking about implementing something similar to TheKingOfWalkers' story, but I don't think switching to third person would be a wise idea.
This is why I have considered doing only a few other POV's when necessary. This being said, Tony will still remain the main POV and be the story's main character. However, in certain instances where I want to show up other things that are going on that I can't do with Tony, I will give them the occasional POV to fill the readers in. This way, I feel like I can make the story a bit more complex and open to the readers so that they know what else is going on, and the relationships can stay the same. If this idea was in Chapter 7, Katrina would have most definitely been the POV of the old group. However, when the reunion comes, Tony will become the main POV as he is the central character.
Thank you for your kind comments as well. I'm glad you really enjoy this story a lot and consider it high up there it really is greatly appreciated!
Well, I got my thoughts on the topic as well of course. I know you have brought this up ages ago and I am not entirely sure of my thoughts b… moreack then. I think I was against such an idea, but that only meant that I was against having completely different storylines unrelated to the main one, kind of like the system I have in FoT. I think this wouldn't work as well in this story. While reading your thoughts on the matter, I couldn't help but to think of the system TheKingOfWalkers has included in his story. You mentioned such an idea yourself. Tony could remain a character whose parts are written in first person, also to set him apart from the others a little bit. I would also appreciate if he could remain the clear main character, though he doesn't need to remain the only PoV. I would have loved to see what the group was up to after they got separated from Tony, or what the asians are up to right now. Even before, you could have shown the event… [view original content]
Wow! Did you make that? It's incredible! Thank you very much for this, this is the first real fanart I have received and it is great. This h… moreas definitely helped me out and motivated me more, and I love Miyako's design she looks badass and only gets me more hyped to write her.
So, that mini writer's block that I had is now gone, and that situation I was in that I posted two days ago is now feeling MUCH better thanks to your help. Thanks so much for the help. The option that I am considering the most is leaving Tony as the main POV, but occasionally switching to an occasional different POV, just in case the groups are separated and I want to showcase what else is going on. Is this an okay idea? And if so, when should it be implemented? Please let me know. Anyway, thank you for your patience as always and I hope you enjoy the part.
Chapter 8: Part 5
March 18th, 2017. 4:09 P.M.
[Open the door]
I thought about it for a bit, but then came to the conclusion that; what could go wrong? Surely, many things. But under these circumstances, the chances of that were pretty unlikely.
I approached the door and swung it open rather quickly. I was greeted to one of Samael’s guards.
“What? What do you want?” I asked him, confused.
He smiled in response. “Opened it. Interesting.” He responded. “Samael ordered me to test you guys. Would you answer the door in that situation? Most people we’ve tested in the past didn’t. This helps us figure out the type of people you are, the type of survivors. Not that it really matters, since Samael will probably end up feeding most of you to the devil, but you know, just in case.”
Those words worried me. Was he being serious? I knew that unfortunately, there was a chance that Samael would do some sick shit to us. But most of us…
“Alright, that’s it. Just letting you know, this was the first of many experiments that go on around here. That is, if you can even call this an experiment,” The man chuckled. “Trust me when I say this, but there are much worse shit that is gonna happen to everyone here.”
“Like me blowing your fucking brains out?” Dom hissed from the back.
“Ha! Try that and see what happens. I’ll gladly welcome it. As long as it means for the better for the Devil.” He snickered.
There was no response.
“Anyway.” He continued. “I’ll remember that. Expect more crazy shit to happen anytime soon.” He said as he closed the door behind him and walked away.
“Dom, why do you always have to get angry?” Tom asked in a worrying tone.
“I don’t take shit from anybody.” His brother replied. “You know that.”
“You’re gonna get us killed one day. You’ve almost done it a handful amount of times.” Tom responded.
“I agree with your brother, Tom.” Deryck spoke. “Who do these people think they are trying to take control over us?”
“I just don’t want to get killed and not be my fault. And I don’t want any of you to die either.” Tom murmured.
“I’m not gonna let him do anything to you, Tommy.” Dom told him. “He’ll kill me first.”
“Dom!” Tom got worried. “He isn’t killing anyone. Just please control your temper with him... please.”
Dom huffed at his statement. “I’ll try my best.”
“So, what do we do now?” Dan asked. “Do we just wait for him to come and torture us?”
“I… I’m afraid that’s all we can do right now.” Tina replied.
“And how would you know?” Dan seemed annoyed by her answer, as if he was expecting a good reply when it clearly wasn’t coming.
“Uh, how about you look at your surroundings instead of coming at her with an attitude.” Mark immediately defended his friend.
“Sorry, I’ve known you for how long? A couple of hours? And you wanna come at me?” Dan retorted.
“I’m sorry, Dan, right?” Tina spoke. “I didn’t mean to offend you or anything. I was just giving my honest thoughts and answering a question that you asked…”
“What if I wasn’t asking you? Again, I haven’t even known you for a day. We’ve been here longer than you, so I’d rather trust a more reasonable answer from my friends.” He responded.
“Hey, jackass.” Mark stepped closer to Dan. “She’s just trying to help. If you wanted to ask your friends, then you should have asked your friends instead of announcing it in front of everybody. And it doesn’t take a genius to know that we obviously can’t escape.”
“Dan, just stop please-” Mina tried to stop him, but he ignored.
“Yes we can! Just wait, I know we’ll have the perfect opportunity to when the time comes. When he opens the door, we can all pounce on him and knock him out and leave!” He tried to talk himself into believing that he was correct, but it wasn’t working. Dan was acting delusional and I was pretty sure that everybody knew it.
“Stop acting retarded and open your eyes!” Mark snapped in his face. “You wanna get us all killed? Didn’t we JUST have this fucking conversation A FEW MINUTES AGO?”
This set Dan off, as he grabbed Mark’s left hand and twisted it the other way, causing Mark to scream in pain. “Don’t you fucking get in my face!”
At this point, Mina pulled Dan back away from Mark, releasing his grip from Mark’s hand. Mark fell back into Tina, where she caught him and sat him down beside the wall.
“What the hell is wrong with you!” Kelsi yelled towards Dan as she looked at Mark’s twisted hand.
“Everyone just stop.” I stood and spread my arms out. “That was so fucking unnecessary. The last thing we need is all of us arguing and fighting.”
Dan, realizing what he had just done, put his hand on his forehead and his head went down. “I’m sorry… I just….. I hate this so much. After all the shit I did with Ashton and being his right hand man, it sure sucks knowing how it feels being on the other end of the spectrum.”
“I’m sorry for upsetting you.” Tina apologized.
“It’s alright I guess… your hand okay?” He asked Mark.
“Fuck no.” Mark angrily replied. “You might have broken it.” I looked at his hand and it was twisted to the side. It didn’t look that bad, but it was a reddish-purple color.
Dan shook his head and we all remained silent for a few moments. That was until the door knocked again. Before any of us can get up to answer it, Samael barged in.
“Hello.” He smiled, before he gazed down at Mark’s hand. “Wow, what a time for me to interrupt. How did this happen?”
“Just an accident.” I answered before anyone can start another argument. I did not want that, especially with Samael standing right in front of us.
“An accident?” He raised an eyebrow. “How unfortunate.”
Silence filled the room again. This was until it was broken by Samael.
“Well, I guess I oughta help you out there.” Samael reached his hand out to Mark, who was still sitting on the ground.
“Why should I take your hand?” He asked. “For all I know, you can be taking me to murder me.”
“Please.” Samael scoffed in response. “Just take my fucking hand. I’m going to take you to our medical staff. They will fix it up just fine. I need you. I need all of you. And if you decline my hand, you can count all of your friends dead.”
Mark looked at us with slight concern, before quickly reaching his right hand out in which Samael helped him up.
“I want all of you to follow me. Out you go.” Samael ordered us to stay behind him. Mark stood by his side.
We traversed through the usual path to re-enter the amusement park. Nothing much happened, as none of us felt safe starting a conversation while Samael was right next to us.
We all hopped the fence, and made it inside. “Man, I gotta get that taken down. It really has been becoming a nuisance having to hop over it all the damn time.” Samael groaned.
We didn't walk far from the fence. We were near the photoshoot area and the photo booth, where you can take pictures with the people in character costumes. We met with a few of Samael’s men.
“You guys, take this man and fix his hand now. Give him the special treatment.” Samael spoke to his men.
“Special treatment?” Mark asked, almost in a panicked tone.
“Take him.” Samael ignored Mark’s comment as two of his men took him away to another area of the park.
“Fuck, that's my fault!” Dan whimpered in a hushed tone so Samael wouldn’t hear. “Why did I have to do that? What if they do something to him?”
“It’s okay Dan, you made a mistake.” Tina tried to comfort him, to my surprise. “It’s his fault too for reacting the way he did.”
“Alright… for this next task, I need one volunteer in particular…” Samael moved his finger back and forth towards all of us.
I looked around nervously, and of course, Tom was the most noticeable nervous. I prayed that Samael did not pick him.
But of course, he did.
“You.” Samael pointed at Tom.
“M-m-m-me…?” He stuttered tremendously.
“Yes, are you deaf?” Samael grabbed Tom by his shirt and pulled him forward.
I knew something bad was about to happen. It was going to happen to somebody. I looked at Dom, and I knew he was about to burst with anger and charge towards Samael. Dom had already gotten on his nerves way too much, and I knew that if he did something here, it might have been the final straw for him.
Katrina was right next to me. “Kat!” I whispered to her as Samael was saying things to Tom that I couldn't pay attention to at the moment. “Dom is about to attack Samael and fuck himself over!”
“I know!” She replied.
Dom was one of my closest friends, and so was Tom. I did not want anything happening to them. But I did not want to do anything stupid. What Samael had in store for Tom, I knew it wasn't good.
But that was when it happened. Katrina and I were too late, and Dom charged towards Samael and tackled him. “LET GO OF MY FUCKING BROTHER!”
With Dom on top of Samael, Tom fell to the side and remained in the ground. He was bawling in tears at this point. “Dom, please stop! Samael please don't do anything to him please!” He cried. “DOM!”
I wanted to do something but I couldn't. I knew I couldn't. Samael shoved Dom off of him and grabbed him instead.
“You! You are going to pay for that!” He growled and some of his saliva splashed onto Dom’s face.
“Do what you want with me, but not my brother.” Dom spoke in a very monotone voice.
Samael narrowed his eyes on Dom, and then looked at us. “Alright then.” He threw Dom to the floor, and then pointed at me, Adam, John, and Mina. Lastly, he pointed at Tom. “The biggest punishment to a costly mistake is endangering the lives of the ones you care about most.”
“What are you doing?” Dom asked, and for the first time in my life, I heard uneasiness and worry in his voice.
“You will find that out later.” Samael answered. “All of you, get your asses back to the shed. Including you.” He told Dom.
They all started heading back, as my group turned to face us on last time. I nodded at them, as Katrina and Eric namely nodded back.
Dom was the last to leave. “I'm so sor-” he began to speak, but was punched in the gut by Samael.
“Shut the fuck up and head back with them.” He ordered.
Dom obeyed and began heading back. Samael then turned to face us and starting speaking. “You know, it's really convenient how all of this happened right where my plan for you guys are.”
He walked past us and went behind the photoshoot backdrop where I heard a loud noise. “All of you, over here.”
Tom, Adam, John, Mina and I all grouped up at Samael’s location, where a really badly constructed cellar door was opened, heading straight underground.
“Enter. Now.” He stated very bluntly. “Now!”
It was pitch black in there. I didn't know how deep it was, where it headed, and how large it was.
“I'm waiting! Go!” Samael barked once more.
Me, being the leader, decided to step in first. I dropped a good seven to ten feet before landing on concrete. The rest acknowledged that it didn't lead to instant death, so they all followed. I was scared and concerned out of my mind.
That's when I heard Samael say “Have fun.” And he closed the cellar door, eliminating the only source of light we had, and walked off.
Glad to see you back in the mood. :-) It was nice part and tension was quite high. I wonder what is down there, maybe some walkers chained to the walls. :-o
So, that mini writer's block that I had is now gone, and that situation I was in that I posted two days ago is now feeling MUCH better thank… mores to your help. Thanks so much for the help. The option that I am considering the most is leaving Tony as the main POV, but occasionally switching to an occasional different POV, just in case the groups are separated and I want to showcase what else is going on. Is this an okay idea? And if so, when should it be implemented? Please let me know. Anyway, thank you for your patience as always and I hope you enjoy the part.
Chapter 8: Part 5
March 18th, 2017. 4:09 P.M.
[Open the door]
I thought about it for a bit, but then came to the conclusion that; what could go wrong? Surely, many things. But under these circumstances, the chances of that were pretty unlikely.
I approached the door and swung it open rather quickly. I was greeted to one of Samael’s guards.
“What? What do you want?” I as… [view original content]
Me, being the leader, decided to step in first. I dropped a good seven to ten feet before landing on concrete. The rest acknowledged that it didn't lead to instant death, so they all followed.
Okay, I know this situation is not funny and I am still scared shitless about all of this, but this particular sentence cracked me up a little bit. I don't even know why, but the final sentence was darkly comedic. Maybe it's just my stressed-out mind trying to look for anything to ease the situation.
And man, the situation is grim. I was hoping for someone who might offer a chance to get them out there, but it was just another sick mind game from Samael. And man, this part certainly messed with me. First I thought Tom was a goner for sure. Then I thought he'd kill Dom on the spot. We had villains who would have done such a thing. Hell, Fredrik, anyone? This at least showed me that Samael has one weakness and that is his sadism, which clouds his rational thinking. A more pragmatic villain would have killed Dom for being nothing but trouble, but he decided to mess with him even further by putting Tom in danger, even though there is nothing Dom wouldn't do to save him. I wouldn't be surprised if this will prove to be a serious mistake on Samael's end. Still, grim situation, now even more hopeless than before. My only hope is that the asians have some kind of a plan, given that Samael clearly seems to focus on Tony's group for the time being. I guess first however, Tony and the others have to fight for their lives down there. Wouldn't be surprised if there are walkers down there and probably not chained up or something, but roaming freely. And I am super afraid that this could cause more than one death. Speaking of, I am afraid we won't see Mark again, at least not alive. Or maybe in a condition where we can only kill him. God, this is freaking me out!
Now for your question:
Is this an okay idea? And if so, when should it be implemented?
I think this is a very good idea! I actually look forward for occasionally getting such a different perspective on the whole events that happen. And I think it should be implemented whenever you feel like it, starting with whenever you see it as the best point. If anything important comes up with one of the two parts of the group Tony is not with right now, then by all means, there shouldn't be anything preventing you from starting with this new system right in the next few parts.
So, that mini writer's block that I had is now gone, and that situation I was in that I posted two days ago is now feeling MUCH better thank… mores to your help. Thanks so much for the help. The option that I am considering the most is leaving Tony as the main POV, but occasionally switching to an occasional different POV, just in case the groups are separated and I want to showcase what else is going on. Is this an okay idea? And if so, when should it be implemented? Please let me know. Anyway, thank you for your patience as always and I hope you enjoy the part.
Chapter 8: Part 5
March 18th, 2017. 4:09 P.M.
[Open the door]
I thought about it for a bit, but then came to the conclusion that; what could go wrong? Surely, many things. But under these circumstances, the chances of that were pretty unlikely.
I approached the door and swung it open rather quickly. I was greeted to one of Samael’s guards.
“What? What do you want?” I as… [view original content]
People are going to die I think there is no way Samael is going to let all five he threw into this hole out alive. Tony will survive and I think Adam has good chances and maybe Mina. But I think he will make sure that Tom will die as punishment for Dom. With how sadistic Samael is I see no way for both brothers to survive. And I could see John dying, not sure about him though. Just a feeling.
And Mark, shit. I was waiting for Dan to react like this at one point. I can understand that he is stressed out but not Mark is going to get tortured and will lose his hand or his life. Dan really fucked up.
Great part! Sorry it took me so long to react to it. I read it a few days ago but was too busy to answer. I also like the idea about the different POV. I think this has much potential to get this different view on the group and to see how they see Tony and each other. Cant wait to read about it! And do you know when the next part will be out?
So, that mini writer's block that I had is now gone, and that situation I was in that I posted two days ago is now feeling MUCH better thank… mores to your help. Thanks so much for the help. The option that I am considering the most is leaving Tony as the main POV, but occasionally switching to an occasional different POV, just in case the groups are separated and I want to showcase what else is going on. Is this an okay idea? And if so, when should it be implemented? Please let me know. Anyway, thank you for your patience as always and I hope you enjoy the part.
Chapter 8: Part 5
March 18th, 2017. 4:09 P.M.
[Open the door]
I thought about it for a bit, but then came to the conclusion that; what could go wrong? Surely, many things. But under these circumstances, the chances of that were pretty unlikely.
I approached the door and swung it open rather quickly. I was greeted to one of Samael’s guards.
“What? What do you want?” I as… [view original content]
People are going to die I think there is no way Samael is going to let all five he threw into this hole out alive. Tony will survive and I … morethink Adam has good chances and maybe Mina. But I think he will make sure that Tom will die as punishment for Dom. With how sadistic Samael is I see no way for both brothers to survive. And I could see John dying, not sure about him though. Just a feeling.
And Mark, shit. I was waiting for Dan to react like this at one point. I can understand that he is stressed out but not Mark is going to get tortured and will lose his hand or his life. Dan really fucked up.
Great part! Sorry it took me so long to react to it. I read it a few days ago but was too busy to answer. I also like the idea about the different POV. I think this has much potential to get this different view on the group and to see how they see Tony and each other. Cant wait to read about it! And do you know when the next part will be out?
“Where are we? What’s going on?” Mina seemed uneasy, as did I.
“I can’t see a thing!” John’s voice was heard.
“Everyone quiet.” I spoke. None of us could see a thing, and I had no idea what my surroundings were. At the very least, I needed to know if I could hear anything besides my friends starting to panic.
When I did listen, there was no secret that I could hear chains moving along with walker groans. Fuck. There were walkers down here. I was hoping that they were chained, but what if they weren’t?
“There’s walkers.” Mina pointed out.
“Where do I go!” Tom whimpered.
“Calm down-” I began to say, until a few lights suddenly turned on and illuminated the cellar.
I can now see that it was pretty much a long hallway. It was about twenty feet wide so it wasn’t that big. It stretched for a good length, though. I could see a good five or six walkers chained to the walls, thankfully deeming my hypothesis correct. They were chained to the walls to our sides, so it would be more difficult to navigate the cellar without being bitten by one.
I could also confirm that the floor was a bit damp. There were small puddles of water and mud scattered throughout the entire cellar. On top of that, water was dripping down the side of the walls and also dripping from the ceiling. This place was a dump, but not to my surprise.
However, I could tell that this place was definitely some sort of maintenance room or tunnel for the park before Samael made it into one of his sick chambers. The walls were brick and there was a seamless vinyl flooring that was badly corroding away.
The thing that stuck out the most though was that occasionally on each side of the wall, there was a room sealed away by a badly composed set of metal railings or drilled wood. I couldn’t tell what was inside these rooms yet or what they were there for. And to be honest, I was afraid to find out.
“Well… at least we aren’t in any immediate danger.” Adam sighed.
“Yeah, but what are we gonna do now? Just sit down here?” Tom asked in concern.
“Hold on.” I progressed forward a bit. “I gotta see what else is up here.”
Luckily, the walkers weren’t chained directly across from each other, so I could easily stay on the opposite side of the wall to move forward. Not to mention that there was a good fifteen feet separation between the walkers.
“It’s safe, guys. Just hug the wall as you move up.” I told them.
They all followed, as I tried to make myself over to the other side of the hall. Maybe there was something there that could help us out or something. Either way, it was better to check it out rather than sit over at the other end of the hall doing nothing.
This was when I discovered something sickening. I noticed a foul stench becoming evident, so I looked into the first room on the left side of the wall. This is where I saw two or three dead, mangled bodies. It was disgusting. There was blood all over the place, and I refused to look in that direction or into any of the rooms.
“Guys… don’t look into the rooms.” I warned them.
“What is it?” Mina asked.
“Just don’t. Dead, torn apart bodies.” I replied.
“We better not become one of them.” John stated. “I want out of this place!”
“We’re gonna get out guys, don’t worry. We’re gonna be fine.” Adam tried to ease things up a bit.
I didn’t know what to expect. As much as I wanted to agree with Adam, I knew shit was about to hit the fan sooner or later.
I kept progressing forward. I tried my best to not look into the sealed rooms, but my curiosity kept getting the best of me. What if there were other stuff in there?
I peeked into the next room. This time, it was on the right side of the wall. There was nothing in there. It was completely empty. Was it reserved for something? Or is it just another room for dead bodies after the other room became full? This also made me realize that it was strange for Samael to throw dead bodies down here. Wouldn’t he ‘feed them to the devil?’ This place seemed way too sketchy.
I kept going. I was almost halfway across the hallway. I approached the next room on the left, and looked inside. What I saw shocked me.
Yoshiro was lying on the floor unconscious, bloodied and beaten up. I couldn’t tell if he was breathing or not, so I didn’t know if he was alive or dead. “Guys! It’s Yoshiro!” I called in a whispered tone.
As they made their way towards me, I kneeled down beside the tight wood that prevented me from entering the room. “Yoshiro! Wake up!”
I examined his body from beyond the wood. I could see that he was in fact breathing - which relieved me. “Come on, wake up!”
Adam, John, Mina and Tom made their way over to me. “Is he okay?” Mina asked.
“He’s breathing. But he isn’t waking up.” I informed them.
He looked in bad shape, but it wasn’t over the top. It was not as severe as the beating that Dom received from Fredrik, but it was still concerning.
“What can he be doing down here?” Adam asked.
I had no answers for them, so I didn’t bother to reply. I kept my main focus on Yoshiro. Aside from the fact that he was down beaten up and in this cellar, where were the other asians?
Just as I finished scrambling the thoughts through my mind, John gave another attempt to awaken Yoshiro. All of a sudden, he started coughing. He was waking up, as John’s attempt was successful.
“Yoshiro! It’s Tony!” I tried to snap him into reality.
He placed his hands on the bloodied floor and slowly sat up, then looked at us for a few seconds before finally realizing the gist of the situation. “Guys….”
“Dude, what happened?” Tom asked frantically.
“I… fuck…” He groaned in pain as he clutched his right side. “He beat the living shit out of me and threw me in here.”
“Why? Do you know what’s going on?” I was extremely eager for answers.
“He took Miyako again. But this time he took Emi as well. I tried to save them but….. he beat me and took them away. I don’t know where they are… I have no idea where Kazu is either.”
“You don’t think he killed them, right?” John asked in a quiet and concerning tone.
“How the fuck am I supposed to know!” Yoshiro spoke in a loud voice, but immediately let out another groan of pain afterward. “I told Kazu to stay back, the last time I saw him he was still in the shed.”
“This place is fucked, man.” Adam said. “We have to get out of here. Who knows what he has in store for us?”
“I just want Miyako and Emi back. I finally find Miyako and she gets taken again....” Yoshiro responded. “Why are you guys down here? What happened?”
I spoke first. “Shortly after Haya and I returned to our shed, Dan had an outburst and got into a fight with Mark. Mark broke his hand or something and then Samael took him to some ‘medical staff’ as he said. He brought us all out to the middle of the park and took Tom here hostage. Dom attacked Samael and he threw the five of us down here as punishment. Everyone else is still alive as far as I know so far…”
“No way.” He replied. “Everyone is just crumbling apart in front of our very own eyes. At this point, if Miyako and Emi are dead, even Kazu….. I might as well stay down here and die.”
“Don’t think like that.” I told him, as I became nervous.
“I consider them family, Tony.” He replied. “All of you are great and I can’t thank you enough for letting us tag along with you to Ohio. But I wouldn’t be able to live without them.”
“Shut up, don’t be a coward.” John retorted. “My family is dead, Hell, they might be undead. I have no clue where they are. I’ve been surviving this entire time by myself without them until I stumbled across Tony’s group. You can’t take the easy way out.”
“I know… I know….. It’s just that-” Yoshiro began to respond until John cut him off.
“They aren’t your real family, right? Where is your real family? You’ve been able to stay stable without them.”
“I never had one.” He continued. “Jumped around from foster home to foster home, every month it was a new mom and dad for me.”
“Oh, well… I can see why you'd be upset now.” John seemed apologetic.
“It's just that they've been the closest thing I've had to family for a while. Not to mention that we've been going through this entire outbreak together.”
“I understand.” I told him. “But what the hell do we do now?”
“I'm trapped in here, so I can't do anything.” Yoshiro stated. “Luckily it's only wood. I'm sure with enough strength it'll budge.”
“If we break you out, Samael is gonna be really pissed.” Adam pointed out. “I'm sorry Yoshiro, but we aren’t necessarily trying to escape. That's a death sentence. We just gotta leave you in there for a bit, okay?
Yoshiro nodded in response. “I think I'll feel better if I lay down and sleep anyway.”
“Don't die on us.” I told him.
“Don't worry about that.” He smiled. “I'll be fine….”
I gave him a brief smile back and continued to move along the wall. There were nothing else inside the other rooms, which was a bit strange. I was close to the end, and it really didn't seem like anything special.
I evaded the last walker and made it to the other side. It was nothing more than a mere dead end. No extra way out or anything. I shook my head and whispered to myself “Fuck.”
I turned and informed my friends. “Nothing’s here. Absolutely nothing.”
“Didn't expect there to be much really.” John responded. “There goes the ounce of hope I had.”
“So what do we do? Just stay down here forever?” Tom worried.
“I don't think he's just gonna leave us down here forever. But it…” Mina began speaking, but she stopped herself after Tom became noticeably extremely nervous and worried. “I don't know. I don't know….”
“I just don't want him doing anything to Dom…” Tom mumbled. “I don't want him doing anything to anyone, but please, not Dom.”
I sighed in worry, and as soon as I was about to speak, the cellar door bursted open. A ladder was thrown down on its stand, and we all saw Samael climb down. As if things couldn't get any worse.
“What are you guys doing over there?” He called to us. “You guys are explorers. Venturers. Willing to examine every last bit of evidence you have, no matter what the circumstances are. That's….. interesting.”
“What do you want?” Mina shouted to him first.
Samael leaned back against the wall beside the ladder and crossed his arms. “Well first, I'd like you guys to come over here.”
We hesitated and looked at each other. No one did anything, so I decided to take action myself. I lead the way towards Samael, making sure to avoid looking into the rooms. I didn’t want to risk letting Samael know that I was aware of Yoshiro’s presence.
No one spoke a word as we traversed the hallway. Since I was the leader of the pack, I was the first to arrive. Tom was behind me, followed by Mina, John, and Adam.
I stood and faced Samael, who was still leaning back against the wall. I noticed that Tom had stood beside me, trying to not show that he was afraid.
Before anyone else could arrive to Samael, I was unexpectedly punched in the face and knocked to the wet floor. I let out a loud grunt as my body thumped against the ground, which also caused a small splash of water.
I could hear my friends calling my name, but before I could turn back to them, I saw Samael grab Tom and covering his mouth. I saw Tom squirm with all his might, but to no avail. Samael climbed halfway up the ladder whilst holding Tom, and another pair of arms took him away. That was when Samael called out to the man above. “Unleash them!”
Samael climbed out of the cellar, and closed the door again. Then, without warning, the walkers became detached from the chains. I had no idea how, but all I knew now was that they were running amuck throughout the hallway.
I stood up as fast as I can, as I saw the Mina, John, and Adam holding off the walkers. Since I was at the end of the hallway, none of them were coming to me - they were all focused on my friends. I saw Yoshiro banging against the wood as hard as he can, despite being in extreme pain.
Adam, who was closest to Yoshiro’s room, tried to help destroy the wood. He was able to knock the walkers to the ground, and used this free time to help him.
“We just need one piece broken…!” Yoshiro grumbled as he was trying to hold back his pain.
With one more successful ram to the wood by Adam, the wood became completely destroyed from the bottom, but still attached to the ceiling from the top.
“Hurry! Get in here!” Yoshiro called out to everyone. I saw them all scramble away from the walkers. I couldn’t tell if any of them got bitten or not, but I was able to see them all make their way into the room.
“Tony! Come on!” They all shouted to me. Every single walker had now shifted their attention to me, and the path was completely blocked.
“There’s too many!” I yelled back to them.
Then, I saw Adam emerge half of his body from the room. “I’ll distract them for you Tony! Get in while they come after me!” He called to me.
“They’ll kill you!” I yelled.
“Just go! You have more at stake!” He called one more time.
Then, Adam was pulled back inside, now replaced by John. “I’m not letting you go out there and die!” John told him in a loud voice. “Tony, you know me! I’m a survivor! I can get out of this!”
Just as I was pondering my thoughts, the cellar door opened above me. Samael peeked his head inside, and let out a menacing laugh. “I love this! Hey, Tony, how about I give ya a hand. It’s safe up here. Your friends can handle their own.”
Samael was offering me to leave the cellar, and leave my friends down here. But I knew if I didn’t go, John would attempt to distract the walkers and allow me in. I knew John was a skilled survivor and all, but a situation like this was just too dangerous. I knew there was a high chance of him getting killed, and I did not want that happening to him. I’ve grown closer to him recently and I knew he’d be a great asset on helping us survive in the future. But my friends… I couldn’t just leave them down here in this shithole. And who knew what Samael would do if I went out with him?
“I’m waiting, Tony. Your choice. If you want to stay down there and die, then so be it.” Samael interrupted my thoughts.
“I… I…..”
[Allow John to distract and join your friends in the room][Leave the cellar with Samael]
Thanks for concern xD I really waited a lot and I just cannot wait any longer!
[Stay put in the cabin]
Hey guys, I know I'm a day late but I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you all had a great time with your families. Enjoy it because you never know what can happen the next day. As for the new part, it will be out either tomorrow or Sunday. I would finish it tonight, but I'm going out so therefore I cannot. If the choice changes somehow, then it should still be out relatively soon. Just wanted to give you all that quick little update.
[Go with Samael to see Miyako]
Sorry for voting so late. I was gone for a few days but I am back now. Good to see that I havent missed the voting!
Sorry for the delay, I actually finished this part on Sunday but was not satisfied and decided to re-write it. I ended up hitting a mini writer's block, but luckily that went away quickly and I finished. Hope you enjoy this part!
Chapter 8: Part 3
March 18th, 2016. 3:31 P.M.
[Go with Samael to see Miyako]
“I feel like I have to go.” I shook my head in response to my group. “I’ll be safe, don’t worry. There’s no way I’m gonna let him do anything to me… I’ll be back soon.”
Before I took off, Eric grabbed my arm and pulled me back. “What the fuck? Why would you risk your life doing it? It’s their problem, not yours.”
“And I don’t want to risk them being killed. I’ve gotten to know them the past few days and they’re good people who just wanted to look for their friend. Now we got them into this mess and if they get killed I’ll feel guilty.” I explained. It was true. Although this was their problem, I couldn’t help but feel bad for dragging them into this. At least Miyako is here. Well, hopefully…
I sped out the front door and easily caught up with Emi, Kazuhiko, Yoshiro, and Haya. They were all following Samael through the woods.
“You’re coming?” Emi whispered to me. “Thanks.”
I nodded and kept following. I didn’t feel comfortable saying anything out loud near Samael. I felt like that he could gain the urge to kill me for saying the most simple thing.
We hadn’t been walking for long, but we had already reached the fence to enter the amusement park. We were very close to a large, steel yellow roller coaster. It was definitely a thrill ride for the teens. I had been to this park a few times, but I never really did much. I didn’t remember the name of this coaster.
Before we hopped the fence, Samael turned back and faced us. “Believe it or not, this big ass thing still works. And working behind the podium to control it isn’t as hard as you’d think. Me and my companions have had lots of fun with this… eh, I’m sure you’ll find out what we do later. Your friend Miyako is in that shed, right over there.”
He pointed to beneath the coaster. There was a shed with metal walls and a wooden roof. It seemed to be only a tad bit bigger than the shed that me and my group were staying in. It was in the beyond the coaster restrictions, basically the danger zone when the coaster runs. What would she be doing in there?
“Can we please see her?” Yoshiro asked concerningly.
“Oh, sure. Go ahead. I’ll stay here.” Samael responded as he climbed the fence and leaned on it, facing us.
“You aren’t gonna come?” Haya asked.
Samael smiled. “Do you want me to?”
Yoshiro didn’t hesitate to answer. “Yes.”
Samael shrugged and picked himself up from the fence. “Fine, fine… good choice, I wouldn’t trust me either.”
We all stood there, waiting for Samael to make the first move. He was standing, intently staring at the shed for a good five seconds until he finally decided to approach it. He walked a bit sluggishly, but we didn’t move much faster behind him. I was pretty concerned for what he had in that shed…
Samael reached the entry gate into the construction area of the coaster, where the shed was located. The concrete ground beneath us became dirt. Samael made his way towards the shed, and grasped the two door handles with both of his hands. He was about to open it, but stopped himself. “You guys want me to open this?”
“Stop fucking hesitating and open it.” Kazuhiko hissed.
Samael shrugged and sneered in response. “You asked for it.”
With this declaration, Samael swung open the doors as hard as possible. And now, I can finally see her. She was the only one inside the shed, and seemed to be asleep on the floor; lying on her side and facing us. She looked a bit fragile to me, but I wasn’t surprised since she was being held hostage by Samael. She had long, black hair tied up in a hairpin and had dark eyes. She was wearing a moro T-shirt with dark green cargo pants and army heavy shoes.
“Miyako, wakey wakey.” Samael kicked dirt in her face to wake her up. “Apparently, you have close friends here to see you. I’m glad you aren’t alone here anymore.”
Miyako kept her eyes closed and groaned in response, She rolled over and was now facing away from us.
This irritated Samael. “Excuse me?” He kicked more dirt onto her. “Did you not hear what I just said?” He then faced Yoshiro.
“Miyako!” Yoshiro shouted with excitement. “It’s us! We’re all here!”
“Huh?” She finally spoke and immediately rolled over to face us again. “Yoshi! Emi! Kazu!” Her dark eyes were now filled with joy. She stood up and ran to hug them, but Samael stepped in between the doorway.
“Chill the fuck out.” He growled. “You’ll have time for that lovey shit in a bit. No contact yet.”
“Move the fuck out of the way!” Kazuhiko tried stepping forward, but Emi pulled him back. “Miyako!”
Surprisingly, Samael tilted his head and nodded. “....Okay.” He stepped away. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.” He walked out of the construction site and back into the amusement park. I had no idea where he was going.
I turned back to face the shed, where I saw Yoshiro, Emi, Kazuhiko, and Miyako all hugging it out in the doorway. Haya and I stood still, awkwardly watching everything happen.
“You guys are okay! You’re all here!” Miyako was smiling the entire time.
“Yeah… what happened to you? How did you get here?” Emi asked.
“That guy, Samael. That evil man… he found me and took me when I went to look for food that time almost two weeks ago. He’s kept me here ever since… this place is torture.” She explained. “What about you guys?”
“It’s a long story.” Yoshiro began explaining. “We were camping in our original spot waiting for you to return. That was the only thing we were concerned about. We searched the entire woods for you, but you were nowhere to be found. But, this caring young man named Tony and his group of friends offered us to travel to Ohio where they have a safe spot. It pained us to leave, we ended up losing hope at that point. Kazu left you a letter on a napkin just in case you returned.”
“How did you get here?” Miyako asked another question.
“Oh, right. The three of us and Tony’s group were all travelling to Ohio until we came across this amusement park. Samael captured us and we found more of Tony’s friends. As a matter of fact, here’s Tony right here.” Yoshiro introduced me.
“Hi!” Miyako waved very politely.
“Hey.” I waved back.
“And that’s Haya. Her and Tony both volunteered to come with us to find you.” Emi told her.
Miyako waved to Haya like she waved to me, and she waved back.
“How long have you been in there?” Emi asked with concern.
“A few days straight. I’m so scared that he’ll kill me…. even though I haven’t done anything wrong.” She replied. “But now since you’re all back, I can feel so much better.”
“So… I’ve found my old friends, you’ve found your old friend… we just gotta get out of here and we can all head to Ohio safely.” I grinned. “We’ll be safe. No more worries, no more stress of our missing friends….”
“That sounds great” Kazuhiko smiled. “I’m not gonna let this Grim Reaper fucker kill any of us and ruin our lives. We’re all gonna make it out together in one piece.”
I certainly hoped he was right. There was something inside of me that just knew…. that just knew that death was inevitable at this place. I didn’t want to lose any of my friends but I haven’t felt this prone to disaster in my entire life. This place just gave me that uncomfortable vibe.
Just as we finished talking, Samael stomped his way back to the construction site. He seemed angry, and I didn’t like it one bit.
“Now that you guys had your time to yourselves, it’s my turn to shake things up.” Samael chuckled menacingly.
He grabbed Kazuhiko by the throat and lifted him from the ground with his left hand. He pulled a dagger out of his right pocket and placed it beneath Kazuhiko’s neck. “I see you’ve had a problem with me, you tough wannabe fucker. Do you know what happens when people piss me off?”
“Stop!!!” Miyako interrupted, and kicked Samael right in the stomach. Samael dropped Kazuhiko and fell to the ground with his hands on his gut.
“Miyako, don’t do that!” Kazuhiko frowned. “I won’t let him kill me.”
“Shut up!” Miyako growled and pounced on top of Samael, holding his arms to the ground. “Somebody help me! Kill him!”
“Hold on, hold on…. hold on now.” Samael smirked. “I just want to remind you that there are cameras all over this place. I have almost two dozen of my companions watching you right now, weapons aimed at all of you and ready to pull the trigger. Is killing me, one man, really worth the death of all of you? And your friends in the other cabin in the woods?”
No one responded.
“Listen, I’m just speaking from your perspective here. Besides, if you are all killed at once, we won’t be able to feed all of you to the Devil all together. That’ll take weeks, and we don’t want the meat going bad. So, I advise you to get off of me and I’ll give you one more chance. Just one.” He continued.
“..... I love you guys too much.” Miyako sighed and freed Samael. I hated seeing him get up to safety, but it was definitely the best option. I saw a ton of his companions and what he had set up around the park when I tried to break in, so I knew he wasn’t lying.
“Very wise of you, Miyako. This is why I’ve kept you around this long. Sometimes you just find that one diamond in the rough that you don’t want to give up, and that’s you. I understand, you’re in the moment and I’m literally about to kill your friend whom you haven’t seen in weeks. So I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt there. But like I said before, just one more chance.” Samael repeated. “Now, the four of you, get your asses in that shed.”
Silence filled the area. The asians obeyed and headed into the shed. Samael shut the door, which left me and Haya outside. “You two wanna join them?” He asked us.
“Uh…. I….” I trailed off.
“What do you mean ‘join them’?” Haya speculated.
“I need you in a shed now. I have some goodies saved for later. But I can’t have you two roaming around the park, hell no. I’ll lead you back to your old cabin in the woods, or just stay here. It doesn’t matter, since all of you guys will be brought out shortly. Just get your asses into a shelter.” He answered.
I guess it didn’t matter… I didn’t want to trust a word this guy said, but I didn’t want to stress myself over-thinking it either. “Where are you going?” I asked Haya.
“I guess I’ll go wherever you go.” She told me. I guess it was up to me.
[Enter the shed in the construction site with the asians] [Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
And there she is, finally, at last. Having Samuel under her knee was cool but unfortunately this could just bring more trouble for them in the future. As it appears he got some sort of sick liking for her which worries me though but I hope he will get surprised one day, while dropping dead.
As for the choice, it's kind of hard for me to choose, since I clearly would love to see more of newly introduced character and on the other hand I would like Tony to reunite with his team closer as well.
I will think about this and decide then.
Edit: [Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
Ah, it appears I have been wrong with my theory about Miyako having joined the cult (if only as a ruse). I am definitely surprised she is all well, but this is good. This was really good how sh almost killed Samael in this part. I wish she would have gone through with it, but to be fair, I can understand her reasons not to do it. Anyways, she kicks ass, which is nice
[Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
Alright, so, I don't want to leave the asians, but the thing is, I believe they are in less danger. Samael seems to have a strange fascination with Miyako, so I doubt she will be in danger, which makes one of them save already. The same can't be said about the rest of the group. If Tony is with them, maybe he can prevent the worst. Thing is, I also see this as the more likely choice. I mean, Tony's girlfriend and his best friend are there, as well as a couple of people he considers family. The asians meanwhile are people he knows for about two days at most. It would just seem weird for a person to stay with them as opposed to his friends, family and loved ones, especially after he just found them again by sheer luck. I mean, I like Miyako and the others and I hope this won't mean that they will have a drastically reduced screentime this chapter, but this just seems like the more natural option.
Oh, wow!! I missed some again, sometimes this thread goes off my followed threads its really weird. Anyway, i've caught up and can weigh in on this chapter.
Ok, when this guy says one more chance, I believe him. The group has to be smart in picking their moment to escape but when will that be happening, if indeed it happens at all? He is bat-shit crazy and could kill any of them at any time, so they need to be quick too.
(Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group)
I agree with Liquid, this is just more natural and something Tony would do really since they're all gonna be out later anyway according to Samael. Gives him a chance to properly reconcile with everyone in the group as well after they got seperated.
Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group
[Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
I agree with the others. This sounds like the choice Tony would do. I think everyone would chose this in his situation because the others are his family and the asians are just strangers. But I like them as well just not as much as the rest of the group yet. I hope to see more of them soon.
[Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
Created my last character
[Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
Received! Thank you!
Just letting you all know that the next part will be out tomorrow 100%, and the story will continue regularly. Lots of things have been occurring out of nowhere that have prevented me from writing and with holiday season around, it isn't much easier. However, I should be free tomorrow to get it done. Sorry for the delay.
Chapter 8: Part 4
March 18th, 2017. 3:53 P.M.
[Enter the cabin in the woods with the remainder of your group]
“I think I’m just gonna go back with my old group.” I told Haya. “You fine with that?”
She nodded. “It’s fine. Better get going now before Samael does something.”
“Damn right.” I agreed. We kicked the dirt from the construction area as we headed out to the public area of the park. Luckily, I knew the entire park pretty well. Well enough to know where to go, at least.
We began walking towards the fence that led to the woods. “I wonder why he always wants us in those damn sheds.” Haya began speaking.
“Hell if I know.” I shrugged. “I guess he just doesn’t trust us. If I was a sick, evil bastard like him and was in his position I’d do the same.”
She gave me a skeptical look. “Not trying to be rude or anything, but you don’t really seem that fazed being here.”
I didn’t really know how to answer this question. I was scared shitless deep down, but I tried my best not to show it. If Samael noticed me being a coward, it’s something that he could definitely take advantage of.
“Of course I am. I don’t want that man killing my friends. I consider them family now. And I just… I don’t know what he’s gonna do. The suspense is killing me.” I replied.
“I feel you.” She responded. “My friend Celeste is here too. I just don’t know where she is… Samael took her somewhere. Have you seen her? African American?”
“Nope.” I stated bluntly. “I’m sorry to hear that. If that fucker took one of my friends I’d be concerned as hell too.”
“It’s so stressful… I’ve known her for so long. I don’t want to lose her. I just want to find out already.” She sighed.
“You never know.” I gave her a cliche reply. But I honestly had no idea. For all I know, the poor woman could be dead as we speak.
We reached the fence to the wooded area. I stuck my shoe through the fence holes to climb the fence and stumbled over. Haya went second, and I helped her over the top bar.
She fell on her side, but very lightly. I helped her up as she brushed dirt off of her shirt. We began to traverse through the woods, which was very dense. The trees were tall and bulky, and with the leaves growing back it was hard for sunlight to seep through the leaves. This made it much darker.
“How long have you known your friends in the shed?” Haya asked suddenly.
“Ever since the outbreak started.” I told her. “One of them, Eric, has been my friend for years. He was my neighbor. And one of them, Katrina, is kinda my…. girlfriend now.” I said that so awkwardly. I still didn’t really get the romantic stuff.
“Oh, well that’s good.” She smiled. “Having friends you’ve known for a while and that you’re comfortable with makes this entire thing much, much easier.”
“You got that right.” I responded. “I’ve lost a good amount of people though… there used to be a decent amount of more people. We haven’t had it too great.”
“Sorry to hear that.” She muttered. “Besides all of the death and insanity… me and Celeste, we’ve been enjoying life much more. I know it sounds crazy, but being a Muslim and all…”
“I get it.” I stopped her so that she didn’t have to finish her sentence. I didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable. “The world has always been fucked up.”
“I just wish people wouldn't judge me just because I'm Muslim. My dad got murdered when we moved to America just for being Muslim. It's terrible.” She went on to explain.
“That's awful…” My eyes widened a bit.
“I know.” She mumbled. “Thank God I was still very young at the time, so I didn't feel too much.”
“I'm afraid people will never just be respectful to everyone. Forget religion, forget race, all of that. People are assholes.” I agreed with Haya. I almost forgot how bad society was even before all of this. She made me realized that nothing has really changed, and just the way people act has.
“I agree! One hundred percent!” She grinned. “I was actually trying to become an advocate for equal rights for all people. Until, you know… this.”
“Yep.” I nodded. “Man, you don't deserve this. You don't deserve to be here with the torture of not knowing the state of your friend.” I could tell she was a good person.
“It happens.” She shrugged. “Absolutely nothing we can do about it.”
It was at this time when we finally reached the shed. I looked around in precaution just in case. Then, I opened the door to see everyone remaining in their previous positions.
“Hey, everyone.” I greeted myself as Haya and I walked in and closed the door behind us.
“Hey, what happened? How'd it go?” Dylan asked.
“Not bad, actually.” I replied. “They found Miyako alive and okay.”
“That's good.” Tina smiled. “Where are they?”
“They're in a different shed not too far from here.” Haya answered for me.
“Why didn't they come back here?” Ryan asked.
“Samael made them stay in that shed.” I answered this time. “He said he's gonna take us all outside in a bit…”
“Great. Just fucking great.” Dom smashed his fist against the ground. “What the fuck does he want?”
“Your guess is as good as mine.” I told him.
“Just don't lose your temper guys. That means you too, Dom.” John spoke.
“Don't count on it.” He retaliated.
“I just want to shoot his face off. Blast his brains out.” Deryck chimed in.
“You're crazy.” Fiona told him.
“You know you want to do it.” He smirked a little bit.
“........Maybe a little.” Fiona sighed. I had to agree, Deryck was a bit messed up in the head. But at least he was friendly, for the most part.
“How long exactly until that fucker wants us out there?” Mark added a question.
“He didn't say specifically.” I told him. “Just gotta wait.”
I decided to move to the corner where Katrina was sitting next to Tom. I said with Katrina to my right and Eric to my left. Eric was talking to Dylan at the moment. “Hey.” I told her.
“Hi.” Katrina smiled. “Glad you're okay.”
“I'm glad too. Man, you don't know how good it feels to have you back Tony.” Tom smiled along.
“You don't know how it feels for me.” I grinned. “I don’t think I've ever felt so lost mentally. I was so nervous for you guys.”
“I'm just glad I never have to see that thing that killed my brother ever again.” Katrina’s smile went away.
“I miss him.” Tom frowned.
“It's hurting so much.” Katrina mumbled. Tom’s frown grew bigger.
“We all miss him, Kat. In that situation there was nothing we can do.” I stated, remembering what Haya had just said to me before.
“Can we stop talking about this, please.” Tom suggested.
“Yes please.” Katrina and I said almost in unison.
“I wonder how my family is doing…” Eric joined in. “Probably all bit the dust.” He was upsettingly.
“Not knowing their fate is much worse than knowing their fate.” Dylan said.
“I know.” Eric agreed. “I even miss my girlfriend at this point.”
“You mean the one who you said you were glad that she was dead during the beginning of the outbreak?” I questioned him.
“Yeah, that one.” He responded without emotion. “I don't know why I said that. I guess I was just trying to find an excuse to be content with her being gone.”
“We’ve all lost people. All of us should at least know that they are not alone.” I reminded everyone.
Then, someone knocked on the door. “That's gotta be Samael.” I grunted as I stood up to answer the door. I was kind of glad that he was here, because I didn't want to talk about our unknown and deceased loved ones.
However, as soon as I was about to open it, the knocking became extremely frantic. “Open the door! Hurry, please!” A male voice called.
“That's not Samael.” Haya pointed out. “Doesn't sound like one of his men either.”
“What do I do?!” I looked around, and no one answered.
“Open the door! Come on!” He kept knocking.
[Open the door] [Don't open the door]
[Open the door]
On one hand it may be a trap put in place by Samael but on the other hand maybe someone's trying to escape.
[Open the door]
You know, it warms my heart how Kat just casually defined that Billy is not a human, but a thing now. It seems I'll have my revenge at last
No one will remember him fondly in this new world and he will go down in history as exactly the monster he was. I believe, if he would be alive to see it, this must be the worst for him, having people see his true self and not that mask he tried to deceive others with. The old world had Charles Manson, this new world has Billy O'Nazifuckturd. Or rather, it had him, thankfully.
Ah, this was a sad part, with this talk between Tony, Eric, Tom and Kat. It's always hard for me to read such scenes, but I appreciate them immensely, because of the character growth it brings. I feel like especially Eric benefitted from that scene. Good talk, yes, good talk. I will also never grow tired of how absolutely awkward Tony is about all things romantic. Tony and Kat both, really, but she isn't showing it so openly. I mean, somehow Tony managed to make it sound awkward when he just calls her his girlfriend and I'm loving it
[Open the door]
I seriously wonder who that is. First of all, I doubt it is a trick by Samael, because why would he? He has the absolute control over them, it's not like he needs to play such a trick. Then, what would he possibly achieve with this? By opening the door to this man, the group doesn't break any rule, right? And if he wants to punish them, then I believe he has made it clear that he can do so whenever he wants. So, I say we let this mysterious stranger in. I just have to think, who can it possibly be? Maybe it really is a stranger, some guy we never met before, but I don't know why he would approach this hut in particular then. Though it could also be Kazuhiro, who escaped somehow (which would have been seriously fast) and is now trying to free the group. Speaking of their situation, I really wouldn't be surprised if Myiako has some sort of plan. She has been Samael's captive for the longest time of them all, she has to know more than the others. So maybe she helped Kazuhiro escape and he tries to help the group now? I am most likely wrong with that, but if it is not a new character, then my money is on Kazuhiro.
Hey guys, I know I'm two days late but I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas. I hope you enjoyed it and had a great time with your family. The next part should be out tomorrow or Thursday!
[Open the door]
Sorry for needing so long to vote, I had no internet in the last two weeks. I agree with the things that have been said. I dont think it is a trap and I dont remember that Samael ever gave them a rule not to open the door. Maybe it is the chance we have hoped for to escape.
(Open the door)
I don't even think Samael is the type to set up a trap like this and it seems genuine.
Hi everyone, I know it's been a few days after when I said the next part should be out. Thing is, I've been redoing ideas and ideas that I think may be better than the last, but nothing has stuck. I guess you can say it kind of is writer's block, but I really don't know. It's weird.
However, I am mainly making this post because I want to ask something which I need your opinion on. As you all know, the entire story so far has been written in first person point of view, through the eyes of Tony. It's been going great so far, but as of recently, it's been a bit more difficult for me to showcase as much as I want in the story, especially at which point of the story that we're in right now.
Now, I asked this at the end of Chapter 1, which was a very long time ago. Since then, I have received a good amount of new readers and the last time I asked this, I was met with mixed responses. Basically, I'm kind of considering switching to third person point of view writing. This way, not every single part focuses solely on Tony; which makes it a lot easier for me to develop characters the way I want to and overall, make the story more complex. For example, in Chapter 7 when the old group went missing, I could have probably added a whole extra chapter before they all ultimately reunited with Samael. I could have had some parts focusing on Tony's new group, and then other parts focusing on the old group.
The reason why I don't want to do this though, is because the first person style of writing has been working fine so far. Also, a change like this is a pretty major change. I mean, it's not too huge, as Tony will still remain a character and most of the parts will probably still revolve around him. It's just that having a change like this out of nowhere, in the middle of a chapter may be too out of place. Another problem is that some relations and connections may not feel the same as they were before, with Tony and Katrina as an example.
So, I'm really stumped here. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, and both of those aren't necessarily great things. I just don't know what to do and it's kind of stressing me out more than it should. With that being said, any feedback would be GREATLY appreciated. I will still go with the majority here, as I am still open to write a first person point of view. The thing is, it's just a bit more difficult for me than it used to be. If it wasn't difficult, I wouldn't be asking this. Maybe I could continue writing Tony in first person, but have other parts in third person with other characters? Any feedback or ideas are extremely appreciated. Sorry for going on for so long, I just really wanted to get it all out there.
Sorry if you weren't expecting this at all, because I know none of you probably were. I just felt like it needed to be addressed. As always, thanks for sticking along and all of your support.
Hi @Partition, I'm more than happy to give you my opinion on this.
I've been an advocate of multiple POV's, not necessarily a third person perspective but the principles of multiple POV's remains the same. It's just a question of who you decide to have as a POV and how many you have. Based on who you have developed already and the relationships you have focused on, Katrina is one who I believe should be a POV. Santiago is also a good shout imo. As you say, chapter 7 would have been an ideal time for this to have been implemented, but i'm sure other opportunities to do this or your third person perspective will present itself. I agree that something like this should not be done during the middle of a crucial plot point.
I understand your concerns about doing this. After all, why change what's working right? And it has been working, really well. Whatever you decide to do, I have full faith that you will continue to make this story even more amazing with every part
I thought there is new part, when saw the activity in the topic... and there we have it, surprise :-p Of course I am not mad or anything, I can totally understand that you got a block which stops you from writing... happened to me myself as well.
As for your question, to be honest, I think it's easier to write from one character perspective...but! You are good at writing and because of that I would like to see the story from few different perspectives - especially, that this way it's easier to get attached or simply know more about other characters, which at that moment are somewhere away from the center of action. I would love to see my character perspective in all of this, since she is kind of different by default.
I even have idea for writer's motivator... expect it soon :-)
Well, I got my thoughts on the topic as well of course. I know you have brought this up ages ago and I am not entirely sure of my thoughts back then. I think I was against such an idea, but that only meant that I was against having completely different storylines unrelated to the main one, kind of like the system I have in FoT. I think this wouldn't work as well in this story. While reading your thoughts on the matter, I couldn't help but to think of the system TheKingOfWalkers has included in his story. You mentioned such an idea yourself. Tony could remain a character whose parts are written in first person, also to set him apart from the others a little bit. I would also appreciate if he could remain the clear main character, though he doesn't need to remain the only PoV. I would have loved to see what the group was up to after they got separated from Tony, or what the asians are up to right now. Even before, you could have shown the events that led to Samantha's death at the hands of Billy in Chapter 6 and whenever such a situation comes up again, where members of the group are separated from Tony but still go through important events, you would have a way of showing them. They don't need to get equal attention compared to Tony, who is the main character for a reason, but occasional parts from someone else's Point of View could really spice things up a little bit, as well as making many things easier for you to show in the story.
So, if you wish to make such a change, go for it. I know, the only thing that could make Kat even more awesome at this point would be a PoV and there are many other characters I would also like to see in such a way. I also know that no matter what you decide for, the story will remain one of my favourites and worth reading, so if this change will make some things more easy for you, then it sounds like an overall good idea. I think that keeping Tony as a first-person PoV could be a good idea though, so that his parts keep feeling the same way as they do. Through his eyes, the relations with the characters would also remain the same, like with the Tony/Kat example you mentioned. At the same time, other PoV's from a third-person perspective would give you a chance to show different thoughts on a subject, to show the relationships in the group from a different angle and maybe even to show some sides of the characters you are otherwise not really able to show. On top of that, as I said above, it can help to keep some characters present in the story even when they are separated from Tony for a while.
When it comes to a point to introduce such a change, I agree that Chapter 7 would have been a perfect opportunity to do this, in retrospect at least. The beginning of Chapter 8 could have been another opportunity, but now I am not sure how well it will work in the middle of the chapter itself. Maybe, if there are, for example, important things happening for the asians in this chapter, you could already do it, but I think it would make for a cleaner start of this new style if you would introduce it at the beginning of the next chapter. Then again, we're only 4 parts in, so I don't really think changing it now would bother me that much if you prefer it.
A little motivator from my side. I think i did not create even one fanart for your story so far I suppose and I noticed with others that those things are kind of motivating to the writers, therefore I would like to present you and the rest how Miyako looks from under "my hand". I hope this will help you a bit to move forward from the block you have. (She of course ties those hair up when fighting zombies :-D)
Wow! Did you make that? It's incredible! Thank you very much for this, this is the first real fanart I have received and it is great. This has definitely helped me out and motivated me more, and I love Miyako's design
she looks badass and only gets me more hyped to write her.
Thank you for the feedback UKilledKenny
your support throughout the entire story has not gone unnoticed at all and I really appreciate always trying to be a helping hand. It seems that third person is not a majority either, so I will not do that. I will consider doing multiple POV's, but not too many other POV's. And I will make sure to make the most ideal characters have certain POV parts, like you mentioned. You are correct about how the current style is working, so changing it shouldn't be a main priority. A change like this will definitely not happen dead smack in the middle of the chapter, but know that your suggestions have been considered 
Yes, I apologize for the tease by the post popping up in your notifications. Whenever I post an update, that is always by biggest fear. I hate teasing people and thinking that there is a new part, instead to be greeted by another update.
Writing from one perspective has been fine and it has worked for the most part, there are just certain instances where I want to expand and go to other perspectives, such as the examples I provided. I was thinking of probably just adding occasional different POV's, not necessarily third person. However, I plan on keeping the main POV as Tony. That is, if most people are okay with this idea. I have no problem with Tony still remaining as the story's only POV.
Also, your compliments and kind words are greatly appreciated. That statement and your fanart below has helped
Yes, I have come to believe that the constant amount of switching POV's such as in FoT would definitely not work for this story. I was thinking about implementing something similar to TheKingOfWalkers' story, but I don't think switching to third person would be a wise idea.
This is why I have considered doing only a few other POV's when necessary. This being said, Tony will still remain the main POV and be the story's main character. However, in certain instances where I want to show up other things that are going on that I can't do with Tony, I will give them the occasional POV to fill the readers in. This way, I feel like I can make the story a bit more complex and open to the readers so that they know what else is going on, and the relationships can stay the same. If this idea was in Chapter 7, Katrina would have most definitely been the POV of the old group. However, when the reunion comes, Tony will become the main POV as he is the central character.
Thank you for your kind comments as well. I'm glad you really enjoy this story a lot and consider it high up there
it really is greatly appreciated!
Yes, I have come to believe that the constant amount of switching POV's such as in FoT would definitely not work for this story. I was thinking about implementing something similar to TheKingOfWalkers' story, but I don't think switching to third person would be a wise idea.
This is why I have considered doing only a few other POV's when necessary. This being said, Tony will still remain the main POV and be the story's main character. However, in certain instances where I want to show up other things that are going on that I can't do with Tony, I will give them the occasional POV to fill the readers in. This way, I feel like I can make the story a bit more complex and open to the readers so that they know what else is going on, and the relationships can stay the same. If this idea was in Chapter 7, Katrina would have most definitely been the POV of the old group. However, when the reunion comes, Tony will become the main POV as he is the central character.
Thank you for your kind comments as well. I'm glad you really enjoy this story a lot and consider it high up there
it really is greatly appreciated!
Yes, I made it with help of existing pieces of course. I am glad it helped you. :-)
So, that mini writer's block that I had is now gone, and that situation I was in that I posted two days ago is now feeling MUCH better thanks to your help. Thanks so much for the help. The option that I am considering the most is leaving Tony as the main POV, but occasionally switching to an occasional different POV, just in case the groups are separated and I want to showcase what else is going on. Is this an okay idea? And if so, when should it be implemented? Please let me know. Anyway, thank you for your patience as always and I hope you enjoy the part.
Chapter 8: Part 5
March 18th, 2017. 4:09 P.M.
[Open the door]
I thought about it for a bit, but then came to the conclusion that; what could go wrong? Surely, many things. But under these circumstances, the chances of that were pretty unlikely.
I approached the door and swung it open rather quickly. I was greeted to one of Samael’s guards.
“What? What do you want?” I asked him, confused.
He smiled in response. “Opened it. Interesting.” He responded. “Samael ordered me to test you guys. Would you answer the door in that situation? Most people we’ve tested in the past didn’t. This helps us figure out the type of people you are, the type of survivors. Not that it really matters, since Samael will probably end up feeding most of you to the devil, but you know, just in case.”
Those words worried me. Was he being serious? I knew that unfortunately, there was a chance that Samael would do some sick shit to us. But most of us…
“Alright, that’s it. Just letting you know, this was the first of many experiments that go on around here. That is, if you can even call this an experiment,” The man chuckled. “Trust me when I say this, but there are much worse shit that is gonna happen to everyone here.”
“Like me blowing your fucking brains out?” Dom hissed from the back.
“Ha! Try that and see what happens. I’ll gladly welcome it. As long as it means for the better for the Devil.” He snickered.
There was no response.
“Anyway.” He continued. “I’ll remember that. Expect more crazy shit to happen anytime soon.” He said as he closed the door behind him and walked away.
“Dom, why do you always have to get angry?” Tom asked in a worrying tone.
“I don’t take shit from anybody.” His brother replied. “You know that.”
“You’re gonna get us killed one day. You’ve almost done it a handful amount of times.” Tom responded.
“I agree with your brother, Tom.” Deryck spoke. “Who do these people think they are trying to take control over us?”
“I just don’t want to get killed and not be my fault. And I don’t want any of you to die either.” Tom murmured.
“I’m not gonna let him do anything to you, Tommy.” Dom told him. “He’ll kill me first.”
“Dom!” Tom got worried. “He isn’t killing anyone. Just please control your temper with him... please.”
Dom huffed at his statement. “I’ll try my best.”
“So, what do we do now?” Dan asked. “Do we just wait for him to come and torture us?”
“I… I’m afraid that’s all we can do right now.” Tina replied.
“And how would you know?” Dan seemed annoyed by her answer, as if he was expecting a good reply when it clearly wasn’t coming.
“Uh, how about you look at your surroundings instead of coming at her with an attitude.” Mark immediately defended his friend.
“Sorry, I’ve known you for how long? A couple of hours? And you wanna come at me?” Dan retorted.
“I’m sorry, Dan, right?” Tina spoke. “I didn’t mean to offend you or anything. I was just giving my honest thoughts and answering a question that you asked…”
“What if I wasn’t asking you? Again, I haven’t even known you for a day. We’ve been here longer than you, so I’d rather trust a more reasonable answer from my friends.” He responded.
“Hey, jackass.” Mark stepped closer to Dan. “She’s just trying to help. If you wanted to ask your friends, then you should have asked your friends instead of announcing it in front of everybody. And it doesn’t take a genius to know that we obviously can’t escape.”
“Dan, just stop please-” Mina tried to stop him, but he ignored.
“Yes we can! Just wait, I know we’ll have the perfect opportunity to when the time comes. When he opens the door, we can all pounce on him and knock him out and leave!” He tried to talk himself into believing that he was correct, but it wasn’t working. Dan was acting delusional and I was pretty sure that everybody knew it.
“Stop acting retarded and open your eyes!” Mark snapped in his face. “You wanna get us all killed? Didn’t we JUST have this fucking conversation A FEW MINUTES AGO?”
This set Dan off, as he grabbed Mark’s left hand and twisted it the other way, causing Mark to scream in pain. “Don’t you fucking get in my face!”
At this point, Mina pulled Dan back away from Mark, releasing his grip from Mark’s hand. Mark fell back into Tina, where she caught him and sat him down beside the wall.
“What the hell is wrong with you!” Kelsi yelled towards Dan as she looked at Mark’s twisted hand.
“Everyone just stop.” I stood and spread my arms out. “That was so fucking unnecessary. The last thing we need is all of us arguing and fighting.”
Dan, realizing what he had just done, put his hand on his forehead and his head went down. “I’m sorry… I just….. I hate this so much. After all the shit I did with Ashton and being his right hand man, it sure sucks knowing how it feels being on the other end of the spectrum.”
“I’m sorry for upsetting you.” Tina apologized.
“It’s alright I guess… your hand okay?” He asked Mark.
“Fuck no.” Mark angrily replied. “You might have broken it.” I looked at his hand and it was twisted to the side. It didn’t look that bad, but it was a reddish-purple color.
Dan shook his head and we all remained silent for a few moments. That was until the door knocked again. Before any of us can get up to answer it, Samael barged in.
“Hello.” He smiled, before he gazed down at Mark’s hand. “Wow, what a time for me to interrupt. How did this happen?”
“Just an accident.” I answered before anyone can start another argument. I did not want that, especially with Samael standing right in front of us.
“An accident?” He raised an eyebrow. “How unfortunate.”
Silence filled the room again. This was until it was broken by Samael.
“Well, I guess I oughta help you out there.” Samael reached his hand out to Mark, who was still sitting on the ground.
“Why should I take your hand?” He asked. “For all I know, you can be taking me to murder me.”
“Please.” Samael scoffed in response. “Just take my fucking hand. I’m going to take you to our medical staff. They will fix it up just fine. I need you. I need all of you. And if you decline my hand, you can count all of your friends dead.”
Mark looked at us with slight concern, before quickly reaching his right hand out in which Samael helped him up.
“I want all of you to follow me. Out you go.” Samael ordered us to stay behind him. Mark stood by his side.
We traversed through the usual path to re-enter the amusement park. Nothing much happened, as none of us felt safe starting a conversation while Samael was right next to us.
We all hopped the fence, and made it inside. “Man, I gotta get that taken down. It really has been becoming a nuisance having to hop over it all the damn time.” Samael groaned.
We didn't walk far from the fence. We were near the photoshoot area and the photo booth, where you can take pictures with the people in character costumes. We met with a few of Samael’s men.
“You guys, take this man and fix his hand now. Give him the special treatment.” Samael spoke to his men.
“Special treatment?” Mark asked, almost in a panicked tone.
“Take him.” Samael ignored Mark’s comment as two of his men took him away to another area of the park.
“Fuck, that's my fault!” Dan whimpered in a hushed tone so Samael wouldn’t hear. “Why did I have to do that? What if they do something to him?”
“It’s okay Dan, you made a mistake.” Tina tried to comfort him, to my surprise. “It’s his fault too for reacting the way he did.”
“Alright… for this next task, I need one volunteer in particular…” Samael moved his finger back and forth towards all of us.
I looked around nervously, and of course, Tom was the most noticeable nervous. I prayed that Samael did not pick him.
But of course, he did.
“You.” Samael pointed at Tom.
“M-m-m-me…?” He stuttered tremendously.
“Yes, are you deaf?” Samael grabbed Tom by his shirt and pulled him forward.
I knew something bad was about to happen. It was going to happen to somebody. I looked at Dom, and I knew he was about to burst with anger and charge towards Samael. Dom had already gotten on his nerves way too much, and I knew that if he did something here, it might have been the final straw for him.
Katrina was right next to me. “Kat!” I whispered to her as Samael was saying things to Tom that I couldn't pay attention to at the moment. “Dom is about to attack Samael and fuck himself over!”
“I know!” She replied.
Dom was one of my closest friends, and so was Tom. I did not want anything happening to them. But I did not want to do anything stupid. What Samael had in store for Tom, I knew it wasn't good.
But that was when it happened. Katrina and I were too late, and Dom charged towards Samael and tackled him. “LET GO OF MY FUCKING BROTHER!”
With Dom on top of Samael, Tom fell to the side and remained in the ground. He was bawling in tears at this point. “Dom, please stop! Samael please don't do anything to him please!” He cried. “DOM!”
I wanted to do something but I couldn't. I knew I couldn't. Samael shoved Dom off of him and grabbed him instead.
“You! You are going to pay for that!” He growled and some of his saliva splashed onto Dom’s face.
“Do what you want with me, but not my brother.” Dom spoke in a very monotone voice.
Samael narrowed his eyes on Dom, and then looked at us. “Alright then.” He threw Dom to the floor, and then pointed at me, Adam, John, and Mina. Lastly, he pointed at Tom. “The biggest punishment to a costly mistake is endangering the lives of the ones you care about most.”
“What are you doing?” Dom asked, and for the first time in my life, I heard uneasiness and worry in his voice.
“You will find that out later.” Samael answered. “All of you, get your asses back to the shed. Including you.” He told Dom.
They all started heading back, as my group turned to face us on last time. I nodded at them, as Katrina and Eric namely nodded back.
Dom was the last to leave. “I'm so sor-” he began to speak, but was punched in the gut by Samael.
“Shut the fuck up and head back with them.” He ordered.
Dom obeyed and began heading back. Samael then turned to face us and starting speaking. “You know, it's really convenient how all of this happened right where my plan for you guys are.”
He walked past us and went behind the photoshoot backdrop where I heard a loud noise. “All of you, over here.”
Tom, Adam, John, Mina and I all grouped up at Samael’s location, where a really badly constructed cellar door was opened, heading straight underground.
“Enter. Now.” He stated very bluntly. “Now!”
It was pitch black in there. I didn't know how deep it was, where it headed, and how large it was.
“I'm waiting! Go!” Samael barked once more.
Me, being the leader, decided to step in first. I dropped a good seven to ten feet before landing on concrete. The rest acknowledged that it didn't lead to instant death, so they all followed. I was scared and concerned out of my mind.
That's when I heard Samael say “Have fun.” And he closed the cellar door, eliminating the only source of light we had, and walked off.
No choices for this part.
Glad to see you back in the mood. :-) It was nice part and tension was quite high. I wonder what is down there, maybe some walkers chained to the walls. :-o
Okay, I know this situation is not funny and I am still scared shitless about all of this, but this particular sentence cracked me up a little bit. I don't even know why, but the final sentence was darkly comedic. Maybe it's just my stressed-out mind trying to look for anything to ease the situation.
And man, the situation is grim. I was hoping for someone who might offer a chance to get them out there, but it was just another sick mind game from Samael. And man, this part certainly messed with me. First I thought Tom was a goner for sure. Then I thought he'd kill Dom on the spot. We had villains who would have done such a thing. Hell, Fredrik, anyone? This at least showed me that Samael has one weakness and that is his sadism, which clouds his rational thinking. A more pragmatic villain would have killed Dom for being nothing but trouble, but he decided to mess with him even further by putting Tom in danger, even though there is nothing Dom wouldn't do to save him. I wouldn't be surprised if this will prove to be a serious mistake on Samael's end. Still, grim situation, now even more hopeless than before. My only hope is that the asians have some kind of a plan, given that Samael clearly seems to focus on Tony's group for the time being. I guess first however, Tony and the others have to fight for their lives down there. Wouldn't be surprised if there are walkers down there and probably not chained up or something, but roaming freely. And I am super afraid that this could cause more than one death. Speaking of, I am afraid we won't see Mark again, at least not alive. Or maybe in a condition where we can only kill him. God, this is freaking me out!
Now for your question:
I think this is a very good idea! I actually look forward for occasionally getting such a different perspective on the whole events that happen. And I think it should be implemented whenever you feel like it, starting with whenever you see it as the best point. If anything important comes up with one of the two parts of the group Tony is not with right now, then by all means, there shouldn't be anything preventing you from starting with this new system right in the next few parts.
People are going to die
I think there is no way Samael is going to let all five he threw into this hole out alive. Tony will survive and I think Adam has good chances and maybe Mina. But I think he will make sure that Tom will die as punishment for Dom. With how sadistic Samael is I see no way for both brothers to survive. And I could see John dying, not sure about him though. Just a feeling.
And Mark, shit. I was waiting for Dan to react like this at one point. I can understand that he is stressed out but not Mark is going to get tortured and will lose his hand or his life. Dan really fucked up.
Great part! Sorry it took me so long to react to it. I read it a few days ago but was too busy to answer. I also like the idea about the different POV. I think this has much potential to get this different view on the group and to see how they see Tony and each other. Cant wait to read about it! And do you know when the next part will be out?
I just realized that I accidentally posted the next part in reply to your comment, sorry about that Janitor!
Chapter 8: Part 6
March 18th, 2017. 4:35 P.M.
“Where are we? What’s going on?” Mina seemed uneasy, as did I.
“I can’t see a thing!” John’s voice was heard.
“Everyone quiet.” I spoke. None of us could see a thing, and I had no idea what my surroundings were. At the very least, I needed to know if I could hear anything besides my friends starting to panic.
When I did listen, there was no secret that I could hear chains moving along with walker groans. Fuck. There were walkers down here. I was hoping that they were chained, but what if they weren’t?
“There’s walkers.” Mina pointed out.
“Where do I go!” Tom whimpered.
“Calm down-” I began to say, until a few lights suddenly turned on and illuminated the cellar.
I can now see that it was pretty much a long hallway. It was about twenty feet wide so it wasn’t that big. It stretched for a good length, though. I could see a good five or six walkers chained to the walls, thankfully deeming my hypothesis correct. They were chained to the walls to our sides, so it would be more difficult to navigate the cellar without being bitten by one.
I could also confirm that the floor was a bit damp. There were small puddles of water and mud scattered throughout the entire cellar. On top of that, water was dripping down the side of the walls and also dripping from the ceiling. This place was a dump, but not to my surprise.
However, I could tell that this place was definitely some sort of maintenance room or tunnel for the park before Samael made it into one of his sick chambers. The walls were brick and there was a seamless vinyl flooring that was badly corroding away.
The thing that stuck out the most though was that occasionally on each side of the wall, there was a room sealed away by a badly composed set of metal railings or drilled wood. I couldn’t tell what was inside these rooms yet or what they were there for. And to be honest, I was afraid to find out.
“Well… at least we aren’t in any immediate danger.” Adam sighed.
“Yeah, but what are we gonna do now? Just sit down here?” Tom asked in concern.
“Hold on.” I progressed forward a bit. “I gotta see what else is up here.”
Luckily, the walkers weren’t chained directly across from each other, so I could easily stay on the opposite side of the wall to move forward. Not to mention that there was a good fifteen feet separation between the walkers.
“It’s safe, guys. Just hug the wall as you move up.” I told them.
They all followed, as I tried to make myself over to the other side of the hall. Maybe there was something there that could help us out or something. Either way, it was better to check it out rather than sit over at the other end of the hall doing nothing.
This was when I discovered something sickening. I noticed a foul stench becoming evident, so I looked into the first room on the left side of the wall. This is where I saw two or three dead, mangled bodies. It was disgusting. There was blood all over the place, and I refused to look in that direction or into any of the rooms.
“Guys… don’t look into the rooms.” I warned them.
“What is it?” Mina asked.
“Just don’t. Dead, torn apart bodies.” I replied.
“We better not become one of them.” John stated. “I want out of this place!”
“We’re gonna get out guys, don’t worry. We’re gonna be fine.” Adam tried to ease things up a bit.
I didn’t know what to expect. As much as I wanted to agree with Adam, I knew shit was about to hit the fan sooner or later.
I kept progressing forward. I tried my best to not look into the sealed rooms, but my curiosity kept getting the best of me. What if there were other stuff in there?
I peeked into the next room. This time, it was on the right side of the wall. There was nothing in there. It was completely empty. Was it reserved for something? Or is it just another room for dead bodies after the other room became full? This also made me realize that it was strange for Samael to throw dead bodies down here. Wouldn’t he ‘feed them to the devil?’ This place seemed way too sketchy.
I kept going. I was almost halfway across the hallway. I approached the next room on the left, and looked inside. What I saw shocked me.
Yoshiro was lying on the floor unconscious, bloodied and beaten up. I couldn’t tell if he was breathing or not, so I didn’t know if he was alive or dead. “Guys! It’s Yoshiro!” I called in a whispered tone.
As they made their way towards me, I kneeled down beside the tight wood that prevented me from entering the room. “Yoshiro! Wake up!”
I examined his body from beyond the wood. I could see that he was in fact breathing - which relieved me. “Come on, wake up!”
Adam, John, Mina and Tom made their way over to me. “Is he okay?” Mina asked.
“He’s breathing. But he isn’t waking up.” I informed them.
He looked in bad shape, but it wasn’t over the top. It was not as severe as the beating that Dom received from Fredrik, but it was still concerning.
“What can he be doing down here?” Adam asked.
I had no answers for them, so I didn’t bother to reply. I kept my main focus on Yoshiro. Aside from the fact that he was down beaten up and in this cellar, where were the other asians?
Just as I finished scrambling the thoughts through my mind, John gave another attempt to awaken Yoshiro. All of a sudden, he started coughing. He was waking up, as John’s attempt was successful.
“Yoshiro! It’s Tony!” I tried to snap him into reality.
He placed his hands on the bloodied floor and slowly sat up, then looked at us for a few seconds before finally realizing the gist of the situation. “Guys….”
“Dude, what happened?” Tom asked frantically.
“I… fuck…” He groaned in pain as he clutched his right side. “He beat the living shit out of me and threw me in here.”
“Why? Do you know what’s going on?” I was extremely eager for answers.
“He took Miyako again. But this time he took Emi as well. I tried to save them but….. he beat me and took them away. I don’t know where they are… I have no idea where Kazu is either.”
“You don’t think he killed them, right?” John asked in a quiet and concerning tone.
“How the fuck am I supposed to know!” Yoshiro spoke in a loud voice, but immediately let out another groan of pain afterward. “I told Kazu to stay back, the last time I saw him he was still in the shed.”
“This place is fucked, man.” Adam said. “We have to get out of here. Who knows what he has in store for us?”
“I just want Miyako and Emi back. I finally find Miyako and she gets taken again....” Yoshiro responded. “Why are you guys down here? What happened?”
I spoke first. “Shortly after Haya and I returned to our shed, Dan had an outburst and got into a fight with Mark. Mark broke his hand or something and then Samael took him to some ‘medical staff’ as he said. He brought us all out to the middle of the park and took Tom here hostage. Dom attacked Samael and he threw the five of us down here as punishment. Everyone else is still alive as far as I know so far…”
“No way.” He replied. “Everyone is just crumbling apart in front of our very own eyes. At this point, if Miyako and Emi are dead, even Kazu….. I might as well stay down here and die.”
“Don’t think like that.” I told him, as I became nervous.
“I consider them family, Tony.” He replied. “All of you are great and I can’t thank you enough for letting us tag along with you to Ohio. But I wouldn’t be able to live without them.”
“Shut up, don’t be a coward.” John retorted. “My family is dead, Hell, they might be undead. I have no clue where they are. I’ve been surviving this entire time by myself without them until I stumbled across Tony’s group. You can’t take the easy way out.”
“I know… I know….. It’s just that-” Yoshiro began to respond until John cut him off.
“They aren’t your real family, right? Where is your real family? You’ve been able to stay stable without them.”
“I never had one.” He continued. “Jumped around from foster home to foster home, every month it was a new mom and dad for me.”
“Oh, well… I can see why you'd be upset now.” John seemed apologetic.
“It's just that they've been the closest thing I've had to family for a while. Not to mention that we've been going through this entire outbreak together.”
“I understand.” I told him. “But what the hell do we do now?”
“I'm trapped in here, so I can't do anything.” Yoshiro stated. “Luckily it's only wood. I'm sure with enough strength it'll budge.”
“If we break you out, Samael is gonna be really pissed.” Adam pointed out. “I'm sorry Yoshiro, but we aren’t necessarily trying to escape. That's a death sentence. We just gotta leave you in there for a bit, okay?
Yoshiro nodded in response. “I think I'll feel better if I lay down and sleep anyway.”
“Don't die on us.” I told him.
“Don't worry about that.” He smiled. “I'll be fine….”
I gave him a brief smile back and continued to move along the wall. There were nothing else inside the other rooms, which was a bit strange. I was close to the end, and it really didn't seem like anything special.
I evaded the last walker and made it to the other side. It was nothing more than a mere dead end. No extra way out or anything. I shook my head and whispered to myself “Fuck.”
I turned and informed my friends. “Nothing’s here. Absolutely nothing.”
“Didn't expect there to be much really.” John responded. “There goes the ounce of hope I had.”
“So what do we do? Just stay down here forever?” Tom worried.
“I don't think he's just gonna leave us down here forever. But it…” Mina began speaking, but she stopped herself after Tom became noticeably extremely nervous and worried. “I don't know. I don't know….”
“I just don't want him doing anything to Dom…” Tom mumbled. “I don't want him doing anything to anyone, but please, not Dom.”
I sighed in worry, and as soon as I was about to speak, the cellar door bursted open. A ladder was thrown down on its stand, and we all saw Samael climb down. As if things couldn't get any worse.
“What are you guys doing over there?” He called to us. “You guys are explorers. Venturers. Willing to examine every last bit of evidence you have, no matter what the circumstances are. That's….. interesting.”
“What do you want?” Mina shouted to him first.
Samael leaned back against the wall beside the ladder and crossed his arms. “Well first, I'd like you guys to come over here.”
We hesitated and looked at each other. No one did anything, so I decided to take action myself. I lead the way towards Samael, making sure to avoid looking into the rooms. I didn’t want to risk letting Samael know that I was aware of Yoshiro’s presence.
No one spoke a word as we traversed the hallway. Since I was the leader of the pack, I was the first to arrive. Tom was behind me, followed by Mina, John, and Adam.
I stood and faced Samael, who was still leaning back against the wall. I noticed that Tom had stood beside me, trying to not show that he was afraid.
Before anyone else could arrive to Samael, I was unexpectedly punched in the face and knocked to the wet floor. I let out a loud grunt as my body thumped against the ground, which also caused a small splash of water.
I could hear my friends calling my name, but before I could turn back to them, I saw Samael grab Tom and covering his mouth. I saw Tom squirm with all his might, but to no avail. Samael climbed halfway up the ladder whilst holding Tom, and another pair of arms took him away. That was when Samael called out to the man above. “Unleash them!”
Samael climbed out of the cellar, and closed the door again. Then, without warning, the walkers became detached from the chains. I had no idea how, but all I knew now was that they were running amuck throughout the hallway.
I stood up as fast as I can, as I saw the Mina, John, and Adam holding off the walkers. Since I was at the end of the hallway, none of them were coming to me - they were all focused on my friends. I saw Yoshiro banging against the wood as hard as he can, despite being in extreme pain.
Adam, who was closest to Yoshiro’s room, tried to help destroy the wood. He was able to knock the walkers to the ground, and used this free time to help him.
“We just need one piece broken…!” Yoshiro grumbled as he was trying to hold back his pain.
With one more successful ram to the wood by Adam, the wood became completely destroyed from the bottom, but still attached to the ceiling from the top.
“Hurry! Get in here!” Yoshiro called out to everyone. I saw them all scramble away from the walkers. I couldn’t tell if any of them got bitten or not, but I was able to see them all make their way into the room.
“Tony! Come on!” They all shouted to me. Every single walker had now shifted their attention to me, and the path was completely blocked.
“There’s too many!” I yelled back to them.
Then, I saw Adam emerge half of his body from the room. “I’ll distract them for you Tony! Get in while they come after me!” He called to me.
“They’ll kill you!” I yelled.
“Just go! You have more at stake!” He called one more time.
Then, Adam was pulled back inside, now replaced by John. “I’m not letting you go out there and die!” John told him in a loud voice. “Tony, you know me! I’m a survivor! I can get out of this!”
Just as I was pondering my thoughts, the cellar door opened above me. Samael peeked his head inside, and let out a menacing laugh. “I love this! Hey, Tony, how about I give ya a hand. It’s safe up here. Your friends can handle their own.”
Samael was offering me to leave the cellar, and leave my friends down here. But I knew if I didn’t go, John would attempt to distract the walkers and allow me in. I knew John was a skilled survivor and all, but a situation like this was just too dangerous. I knew there was a high chance of him getting killed, and I did not want that happening to him. I’ve grown closer to him recently and I knew he’d be a great asset on helping us survive in the future. But my friends… I couldn’t just leave them down here in this shithole. And who knew what Samael would do if I went out with him?
“I’m waiting, Tony. Your choice. If you want to stay down there and die, then so be it.” Samael interrupted my thoughts.
“I… I…..”
[Allow John to distract and join your friends in the room] [Leave the cellar with Samael]