XBLA version achievement not unlocking? Solution inside

edited June 2009 in Sam & Max
I just beat Episode 1 Culture Shock and I didn't get an achievement unlock. Any way I can solve this?


  • edited June 2009
    Yeah the same thing just happened to me!:confused:
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2009
    Hey guys, not quite sure why you didn't get achievements. You should have an autosave pretty close to end of the game, could you try loading that and quickly running to the end? It would be useful to know if you get the achievement that time.
  • edited June 2009
    Will wrote: »
    Hey guys, not quite sure why you didn't get achievements. You should have an autosave pretty close to end of the game, could you try loading that and quickly running to the end? It would be useful to know if you get the achievement that time.

    Hello thanks for the reply have loaded the auto save near the end and played the last part and still have not got it.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2009
    Have you gotten any other achievements in the game? Are you just not getting any achievements at all or is it just that ep1 achievement.
  • edited June 2009
    No achievements at all so far. I too have save files right near the end (saved one file 2 actions away from the end), and I tried beating it 3 times.

    Last night just in case I recovered my gamertag and deleted and redownloaded the entire game (in case there was a bug in it that I didn't know about).

    I see some people on the leaderboards have the first episode achievement...
  • edited June 2009
    I have only just started the second episode so i do not know about the others yet.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2009
    Yeah, that's what's confusing me. The fact that it's consistent for some people, but never seen for most. It certainly never came up in testing on either our end or Microsoft's, so something weird is going on here.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2009
    What I'm wondering if achievements are working at all for you. If you've played through the season before, the 103 achievement Master Whacker is probably the quickest and easiest to get. If you haven't played through them before, I don't want to ask you to play them out of order, but if you have, it might be useful to give that one a shot.
  • edited June 2009


    Attack the videotapes will NOT give you the achievement

    Attack me WILL, just got my achievement.
  • edited June 2009
    This is the first time i have every played so will play through and see what happens, its still a great game and am really enjoying will post back if i don't get the next one.
  • edited June 2009
    Diamond wrote: »


    Attack the videotapes will NOT give you the achievement

    Attack me WILL, just got my achievement.

    I never done attack the videotapes so don't know why i did not get it!
  • edited June 2009
    Dazreah wrote: »
    I never done attack the videotapes so don't know why i did not get it!

    Hmm, maybe try saying 'attack' something different than you did before?

    Because I had just loaded it up again, said 'attack the videotapes' again, it didn't work. Loaded up a save right before the end, did 'attack me' and I got the unlock (watched the credits all the way through)
  • edited June 2009
    Diamond wrote: »
    Hmm, maybe try saying 'attack' something different than you did before?

    Because I had just loaded it up again, said 'attack the videotapes' again, it didn't work. Loaded up a save right before the end, did 'attack me' and I got the unlock (watched the credits all the way through)

    Will try all the options and will see what happens
  • edited June 2009
    Ep1 achievement not unlocking for me either, played through again after re-downloading. Will try the 'attack me solution' though. Great game, can't wait for the new Monkey Island!
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2009
    Solved! So in that final puzzle, the way to get the achievement:
    Sam: "Worship me!"
    Brady: "No me! Worship me!"
    Sam: "Attack me!"
    Brady: "No me me! Attack me!"
    Achievement Unlocked.
  • edited June 2009
    Great it work:) thanks. Was it meant to be like that or did someone make a booboo:p
  • edited June 2009
    Yeah the solution totally worked, thanks
  • edited June 2009
    i just finished the game.
    all achievements worked, accept one.
    the unicorn achievement wont unlock.
    i tried several times, but nothing happens : (
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2009
    The unicorn achievement is harder than you might think.
  • edited June 2009
    Will wrote: »
    Solved! So in that final puzzle, the way to get the achievement:
    Sam: "Worship me!"
    Brady: "No me! Worship me!"
    Sam: "Attack me!"
    Brady: "No me me! Attack me!"
    Achievement Unlocked.

    Wait, isnt that how you beat the episode in the first place?
  • edited June 2009
    I'm just wondering something. It may have to do with buying the game within the game itself. Because I did just that, and the game wouldn't let me continue where I left off, and when I went to replay the episode it wouldn't let me save at all and I had to restart the game.

    I'm going to try and re-download the game. See if it unlocks for me.

    Edit:2 Seems to have worked after trying again, I think I chose a different option without knowing. oops :*
    Anyways I'm still wondering about the whole demo thing.
  • edited June 2009
    Played through the ending and it didn't unlock for me either. I went back and followed your solution and it worked like a charm. Just so you guys are aware the sequence I used that resulted in the episode becoming completed without an achievement was:

    Become --> Brady Culture
    Worship --> Brady Culture
    Attack --> Yourselves

    I don't tend to pick the logical choices when it comes to solving puzzles. Probably why I've worked as a game tester before ;).
  • edited June 2009
    I just played through chapter 6 twice using the unicorn on all ten targets twice without skipping the diologue but still no achievement. I made a list just in case I missed someone but my lists all ten targets so I know I got them. I tried everything but still nothing so I think this is broke.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2009
    Here's the trick:
    Have you tried using it on Hugh in Act 2 AND in the final act? The lines are different.
  • edited June 2009
    Will wrote: »
    Here's the trick:
    Have you tried using it on Hugh in Act 2 AND in the final act? The lines are different.

    I've used it on him twice in his crystal form and at the end.

    Edit: Ok I figured it out now. You have to use the unicorn on Abe in the Blister place and on the other ten targets or the achievement wont unlock. Also dont skip any diologue when using the unicorn or it wont unlock.
  • edited June 2009
    On the topic of the unicorn achievement, I just went through the entire last episode and didn't get the achievement.
    Am I missing something/one is not right?
    Mr Featherly
    Bliss in crystal
    Bliss in final scene
  • edited June 2009
    Jimmy Two-Teeth?
  • edited June 2009
    yeah; sorry I meant Jimmy not jerry
  • edited June 2009
    Superball before the Microwave!
  • edited June 2009
    Thanks, that was it!
  • edited June 2009
    I have to say i almost disliked the game because of the achievement not popping up ;) almost... im not that much of a whore.

    I had tried it 7 times before as some people got it 2nd/3rd time and didnt get it so found this thread.... I didnt think it mattered if u attacked the videos... it did the same job :confused:

    Ah well i know episode 1 like the back of my hand now tho.... Time to move on :D

    Thank you for the solution :cool:
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