Telltale sell out

Why is it these big game companies just want your money, it seems that as soon as they've persuaded you to pay for the season pass for one of their games then your of no more interest to them. The season pass for Game of Thrones is obviously flawed and they have known of the problem for two weeks yet have done nothing to solve them and have not refunded the money. Do they not care for the tears of the people who play their games. If Telltale ban this then it just goes to prove that all they want is your money, after that you're no longer of any concern to them.


  • It's certainly not an optimal situation any of us are in. I keep checking other posts and comments and I'm just shocked we still haven't gotten anything concrete from them as of yet. It seems like IOS players have gotten some problems fixed on their end, so hopefully that means they're actually working on a solution for console players as well.

    Best I can say right now for you or anyone, just keep emailing them and writing them either here or on their social media sites, make sure to keep it a problem right in their face. And if we don't get this fixed and/or some kind of reimbursement, I for one will not be supporting anything else put out by Telltale. The absolute best way to demonstrate what we are and are not willing to put up with is by doing so with your wallet.

    I will personally feel jerked-around if they put out another episode of anything before they fix this problem completely. So, if that happens or you feel the same, show how you feel the best way any customer can, don't buy their products any more, they'll get the message undoubtedly then.

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