Will the forresters appear in upcoming seasons of the tv show?

I was just reading about Telltale Game of thrones on IMDB . I went onto the trivia page , and it said " The character you play as and their families haven't appeared in the tv show yet , but it has been said they will in following seasons of the tv show"
IMDB is normally a very reliable source of information so I believe it's true.
What do you all think of this ?
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I think maybe as a cameo/reference or something, but I wouldn't expect them to have tons of dialogue or anything like that.
Maybe with Stannis' army?
I hadn't read the books, nor seen the show, but in my knowledge of this universe, the Forresters become apart of his army. He's at the Wall right now.
Anyone with an account can edit IMDB, so I dunno. It'd be great, though !
They already have, probably.
Mira is (very likely) seen at the Purple Wedding with Pyrcelle (Sera too) and in some previous scenes with the rest of Margaery's handmaidens. There is a thread on this forum discussing the matter, but I'm on a phone, so don't make me search that up xP
I haven't spotted him yet, but I assume that in at least one scene Gared is seen at Castle Black.
Frostfinger's VA bears quite the resemblance to the character, so maybe he will play a role in the show aswell.
Since the game is coproduced with HBO, I assume that there will be references, easter eggs or even character appereances in the future, like talking to Stannis or something.
I disagree .
The show has almost run out of books already . Given how long this tv show would take to make , i am pretty sure the writing for season 6 has started already.
HBO are not going to wait for George RR Martin to finish writing the books before carrying on with The tv show. If there are no books to develop they will just carry on the tv series with out them . As a result of this , George RR Martin has given the show writers the overall story of what will happen in future books and then the show writers will use this to write the show , if this makes sense . This is what will be done with season 6 which as I said has almost certainly started being written.
So the writers will not have a book to follow when writing the script , they will just have to follow george outline of the story. So the writers can do anything they want . Also , George RR Martin I don't think has much authority over the show either.
Also , the game is also produced by HBO . Since , the writers will decide everything except the all the different plot maybe they will give the Forresters a decent role in the show . I think George RR Martin would be cool with it.
There's no doubting that the show will be surpassing the books or going off a different storyline to buy some time till there are some more books to add into the story.
That being said, there's no point on following the Forrester story. It was made purposely for the game, and the show focusing on a minor House in the North would seem like filler episodes, rather than just building some new story of a previously implanted thing.
So yeah, just because the show will obviously need to implant some sort of new story doesn't mean they will implant the game's story. It was made specially for this game series in general and I think implanting in the show would be stupid, no matter how much I love both the game or show.
Ah , okay . Fair enough.
No, because that's why the game exists. To explore something that won't be in the show.
Yeah the show only has one more season to base itself off the book. Maybe if it stretches itself out Martin can begin writing he's already working on the Winds of Winter
I doubt it. I think their story revolves around the show without interfering with it. No matter what decisions we make in the game, it will most likely have little to no impact on the actual show storyline (meaning we should forget about the possibility of avenging Ethan by killing Ramsey, though the Whitehills might still be up for grabs).
They're not going to appear for all the reasons stated above, not to mention that working them into the show would also make them more solidly part of the show's canon. Which in turn would spoil future episodes/seasons of the game. Think about it, if Rodrik suddenly appears in season 5 or 6, then he's obviously still alive and therefore can't die in the game before that point in the canon timeline. Part of what makes GOT engaging is the fact that the characters could die at any point, so knowing that they can't possibly die in the game, because they haven't died in the show, would ruin it entirely.
not sure if srs
Definitely not happening. Maybe a vague reference, but that's it.