Whats Your Favourite Moment?

I really like either emotional/meaninghful moments or really cool actiony (not sure if thats a word) moments... And I know its pretty early because theres only 2 episodes but here goes...

-Gregors speech and giving the sword to Gared

-Gared getting revenge the Bolton soldiers

-Duncans and Gareds last conversation (as you can see I am a Gared fan)

-Ethan going out like a man

-Asher going to town on the Legion Army

-Gareds fight with Finn

-Mira killing the creepy dude (dont remember the name)

And to end it -Rodriks speach and Talias singing sequence (in short the funeral scene)



  • edited February 2015
    • Cotter the potato fucker part
    • Coal boy saving Mira
    • Ethan saving Talia
    • The funeral part
    • Talia's song
  • Rodrik's "Im going to kill that man." But I enjoyet every second of both episodes...even the theme music...I'm a big fan of GoT.

  • I liked episode 2's corpse cart sequence.

  • If I had to pick a favorite moment it would be the Rodrik's death stare at the end of the episode. Way to leave it off on a badass note there Telltale.

    1. Red Wedding
    2. Mira's meeting with Cersei
    3. Ethan's final scene
    4. Asher's intro scene
    5. Night's Watch training and talking with Jon
    6. Funeral scene
  • Leaving Bowen in the first episode. He was a douche to me the whole time he lived.

  • "You fuck potatoes," Talia's song, and the Red Wedding.

    • Oh f***, the Red Wedding.
    • Ethan, Talia and Ryon in the forest.
    • Ramsay face when Lord Whitehill days "is a bastard".
    • Ethan's dead.
    • Asher in Yunkai.
    • Rodrick's arrive.
    • Rodrick and Eleana.
    • Mira and the Lannister.
    • The funeral. Damm, got something in the eyes.
    • The whole end of episode 2. The funeral - Talia's song - Rodrik's episode ending facial expression
    • Meeting with Cersei and Tyrion
    • Finding out Rodrik is alive
    • "You fuck potatoes..?"
  • 2 true 2 deny

    Leaving Bowen in the first episode. He was a douche to me the whole time he lived.

  • Playing as Asher! And knowing that Rodrik is alive, that surprised me honestly

  • edited February 2015

    I hope that Noren guy is dead to he seemed kind of pissed when you leave Bowen behind.

    2 true 2 deny

  • Probably Asher's table flip, and his neck snap on to the lost legion.

  • what about the singing in the end?

  • It was kinda sad because of Lord Forrester

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I liked episode 2's corpse cart sequence.

  • I also like the action sequence music that plays

    Rodrik's "Im going to kill that man." But I enjoyet every second of both episodes...even the theme music...I'm a big fan of GoT.

  • I mentioned i liked it.. it was cool how it cut to all of the characters while singing and that she sings different words depending on your choices

    NukemDukem posted: »

    what about the singing in the end?

  • Rodrik ordering the Whitehill soldier in front of the Great Hall to move. That was pretty sweet.

  • edited March 2015

    Asher's introduction.

    The Red Wedding.

    Playing as Lord Ethan..:(

    The legend that is Potato Fucker.

    Rodrik comes back to life.(lol)

    Any scene with Gared really.

    Talia's funeral song.

    Rodrik and Talia's first scene together.(I thought it was really sweet how you had the option to comfort his little sister.)

  • edited February 2015

    When mira killed damien

  • Gared is awesome

    • You fuck potatoes... ?
    • I'm going to kill that man...
    • Ballade of the Forresters.
    • Mira's assassination attempt.
  • edited February 2015

    1) The scene in the throne room with Cersi, Tyrion and Margery.

    2) Fighting with Finn at the wall.

    3) Fucking potatoes.

    4) When Mira tells the White Hill ambassadors that she's there to sell Forester Ironwood.

    5) The assassination attempt on Mira, Coal Boy whacking Damian and Mira killing Damian.

    6) Asher's fight scene in the tavern.

  • Talia and Rodriks reunion is a big one for me the compassion in his voice if you hug her "Come here sister"

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