Ticket ID #37715, #38178, #38911 no reply - this is absolutely ridicolous!

I don't want to go to much in detail why I contacted support but I did it by writing a quite lengthy mail to include every information I had and to provide them with the best possibility to help me and to decide what to do next.

The first contact with support I had was on 01/23/2014. They did NOT reply. Not a single word - not a beep - not a "we cannot help you" they just ignored me. So I contacted them again on 02/03/2014 and the subject line was "Ticket ID 37715 opened 10 days ago - no answer!" so one MIGHT think that they would answer now because - hey, they've just forgotten and the customer should be at least as valuable as to give him an answer. Wrong! Not a single reply - it was as if I never even wrote that stupid mail. I waited again and wrote the third time on 02/13/2014 with the subject "PLEASE WOULD YOU AT LEAST ANSWER ME! It's been now 20 days!". Well that should do the trick....no.

To make it clear this was not about a problem with the game it was about a problem with one of my deliverys but I wrote them a well written e-mail and they did NOTHING! They did not even reply! Oh, I did get all those "We have received your ticket..." blablablas but that was all.


Until now I was a true Telltale customer which you can see in my library. But this is no way to treat a customer and so maybe I should consider to not be that any longer - it's better for my nerves. Your games were good but your support always was crap. The only one who really wants to help does seem to be TelltaleMike. And please spare me the "we have a lot of support requests" texts. Read again: I have waited now for nearly a month and still have not gotten any form of reply - probably never will. Great way to lose customers but obviously you just don't care.

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