I Love This Idea Actually.

IMO I think the Idea of them Broadening the Demographic Is Cool. They Could do a lot of interesting things with the game. and If you've ever seen this video:


Then you Know this can go in a great direction, Because so much can be done with Minecraft! We Just Have Yet to see any of it! I Know you guys always feel skeptical when a New Telltale Game Comes Out, Trust me, I've been on here since the Flame war of TWD Season 2 Episode 2 (Whether Kenny was Gonna come back or not) and I've seen you guys at your worst. But I've also seen a good side of you, and I know you can give this game a chance. and It might pay off. We've seen telltale do some shit, That personally. I thought they weren't gonna get away with. But they did, and it was awesome! So what do you say guys? Do you suppose we can give this game a chance, at least until The first Gameplay footage comes out? I really don't like it when this there is that much hate on things we Don't know of. Come On, We're all telltale guru's! Let's Give it a shot!


  • You weren't lying when you said you were going to make a thread about how you like this idea so much. :P

  • I just dont see it, I didnt know anything about Fables or borderlands and while they dont interest me all that much I knew they had interesting worlds and styles which could work well. Game of thrones and walking dead I did know and again I knew they had interesting worlds.

    But this.... I like minecraft as minecraft is supposed to be, a building game, its not meant to have a story, especially as there are a ton of other franchises I think could have worked better

  • I'm sure Tell Tale will make something out of it. ;)

    I just dont see it, I didnt know anything about Fables or borderlands and while they dont interest me all that much I knew they had interest

  • I never Lie Golden. XD

    You weren't lying when you said you were going to make a thread about how you like this idea so much. :P

  • That's a good thing...Most of the time. :P

    I never Lie Golden. XD

  • Another ElementAnimation fan! I'm personally really excited for this, looking forward to seeing what they do with this.

  • Me too Man! Hell Yeah! A fellow Element Animation Fan!

    Another ElementAnimation fan! I'm personally really excited for this, looking forward to seeing what they do with this.

  • True :D

    That's a good thing...Most of the time. :P

  • Alright, I pointed out the obvious thing that I found funny. My job here is done, have a good day.


  • edited March 2015

    Amazingaura if you have seen fallen kingdom music video and take back the night music video you would know minecraft can pull off a serious story

    You might be sarcastic but im not really sure if you are or you aint so i figured i would just say this just incase

    Heres the 1st video the 1st portion of the storyline


    Heres the 2nd portion of the storyline


    And i think there is earlier music videos of the storyline about the king building his kingdom up block by block but these 2 parts are where we really get into the main story

  • edited March 2015

    i dont why people are complaining about the bad side of everything why cant we think positive and give minecraft story mode a chance theres alot of mature minecraft players besides if there is any trouble the mods will ban em or warn em so no need to worry the forums will be fine i dont know why people always get worked up over minor things

  • I know there was alot of better choices but we gotta give it a fair chance

  • i have not played fallout is it good?

  • I love how you say little kids will take over the thread, and then you take it upon yourself to act like a child yourself and embarass yourself, By judging something that we never even got a trailer for, Hypocrite much?

  • edited March 2015

    And no one will leave TWD or TWAU behind because of Minecraft, No one will ever forget Clementine, and some people will probably never let their kids on this forum with so many Bullies roaming the web. The MC universe is Infinite. There are so many things that can be done, and Just because it has an E10 rating, "IT'S GONNA FUCKING SUCK" Now, Might I remind you that One of Telltales greatest Franchises Sam & Max, has an E10 rating?

  • Doctor Who would've been Most exellent choice. Fallout on the other Hand, We already have an Apocalypse game, we already have a Baron wasteland game, there's not much sense in that.

  • I agree, look at what telltale have done with other games? Telltale is an amazing company, and I know the Minecraft game is going to be AT LEAST okay.

  • Where will you go now Sire?

    Alright, I pointed out the obvious thing that I found funny. My job here is done, have a good day.

  • Yeah, Worst case scenario is it will be this:

    Alt text

    and Trust me, that will not be pretty... Seriously! Who thought tainting a Perfect and Serious CN show with the shitty Uncle Grandpa would be a good idea?! At the very Least it should be Adventure time and Steven U... where was I? Oh yeah.

    Best case is it will be as badass as this piece of art right here:

    Alt text

    I agree, look at what telltale have done with other games? Telltale is an amazing company, and I know the Minecraft game is going to be AT LEAST okay.

  • To where Captain Obvious is needed most!

    Where will you go now Sire?

  • "Thank you Captain Obvious!" The child yells as Captain obvious flies away on a big sign that says, "Fuck you"

    To where Captain Obvious is needed most!

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