Matt & Woolie's Game of Thrones LP is almost untolerable



  • I dont know why else you would watch except for comedy, there is nothing worse than watching someone just silent through the game. There are plenty of serious playthroughs. I should check it out soon as I loved there the walking dead season 2 playthrough it was refreshing to have a playthrough where the player isnt up kenny's ass.

  • They are

    Never heard if them but they seem like dbags.

  • Agreed that LP was very poor, but I think they talk/laugh over the funeral scene is, because they don't want to feel any emotional attachment to any of the characters just in case bad stuff happens to them (which always does). It's kinda like a defense mechanism to not get emotionally hurt.

    It does suck when one is trying to talk over the other when important stuff is happening on screen and they (on purpose) do not pay attention.

  • How is it a shitty argument? If you do not like somebody's content why watch it?

    Talimancer posted: »

    Don't use that shitty argument.

  • The guy didn't say he didn't like them, they said they didn't like that LP. Using your shitty argument that makes it exempt from critique? No. This isn't some hate rant, it's just saying why it isn't as good as their usual content.

    How is it a shitty argument? If you do not like somebody's content why watch it?

  • All I'm saying is he doesn't have to watch it if he doesn't enjoy it, I have no idea why you jumped on me. And no, my "shitty" argument doesn't exempt it from criticism.

    Talimancer posted: »

    The guy didn't say he didn't like them, they said they didn't like that LP. Using your shitty argument that makes it exempt from critique? No. This isn't some hate rant, it's just saying why it isn't as good as their usual content.

  • If you are looking for a good lets player check out harshlycritical

  • God, don't get me started on him. I'm so happy he isn't playing this game.

    I know! hell, even He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had some respect for Talia's song. coughpewdiepiecough

  • He just did.

    God, don't get me started on him. I'm so happy he isn't playing this game.

  • MOTHER FUCKER..... sigh at least this will gain some well deserved popularity for the game.

    He just did.

  • He didn't interrupt Talia's song which is cool considering

    MOTHER FUCKER..... sigh at least this will gain some well deserved popularity for the game.

  • "That money could have gone to someone homeless" - could have; but was never going to. Do you say the same thing about people netflix subscriptions? or the amount people spend on buying games? If people want to pay for their entertainment let them!

    Lee4ever posted: »

    I have come to find LP's are a waste of life and time in general. They even fall below reality TV shows in terms of entertainment IMO. Why p

  • I am glad that the game gets more attention because of him. But I don't like his LP nor him criticizing Ethan.

    MOTHER FUCKER..... sigh at least this will gain some well deserved popularity for the game.

  • I personally found it rather cheesy.

    That funeral scene was amazing IMO, how did you not care for it? But anyway, even if you don't care for a scene it can get annoying if Let's Players disrespect the game with annoying commentary.

  • edited February 2015

    Well watching some random dude play a video game constantly saying "Sub hype! Donation hype" trying to make jokes that half the time aren't even funny is not exactly netflix quality entertainment. Since you completely missed the context of my post what I was saying is that twitch LP's are worthless and if your going to pay a beggar, pay a beggar that needs it or find a better form of entertainment to invest your money in.

    But who am I to judge one man's trash to another man's treasure.

    jokerofish posted: »

    "That money could have gone to someone homeless" - could have; but was never going to. Do you say the same thing about people netflix subs

  • edited February 2015

    Everyone has their own opinion. I didn't find it cheesy, cliche, or anything among those terms. I thought it was a brilliant scene that depicted their dilemma perfectly in an emotional way.

    Also, cheesy doesn't necessarily mean bad.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I personally found it rather cheesy.

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