Jerry stood still behind the metal gate, his hands to his sides. Dean continued to bang on the car door, yelling desperately, while pulling the door’s handle. Jerry continued to watch, not coming to Dean’s ad. But from behind him Anthony was walking down the street, soon realizing the what was happening at the front gate. He began running to it, quickly jumping over the cement wall and running into the center of the highway.
Looking all around, Dean and Anthony realized they will soon be surrounded. Walkers approached from the left of the community, and more of them were coming from the right end of the highway. They almost looked like a herd, each group had at least 50-60 of the walking corpses that would all about to converge on them.
Both began working fast, Anthony aimed his revolver and began firing at the closer group from the left. Quickly landing a shot on the walker’s chest. But it continued forward, seemingly unphased. He aimed once more. The second shot hit the walker in the head, it quickly fell to the ground in the heap. He took note of this. But more of them walked over and past the dead walker.
Anthony got to work quickly, landing most of the shots and reloading. Repeating this as Dean continued to try to help the children out of the car. “Jesus, please open the car door!” Dean exclaimed desperately. The children in the car looked terrified, there were two of them, both had black short hair. The one in the driver’s seat looked a good few years older. Both of the children were clearly scared, almost like the older one of having a panic attack.
The younger one that was seating in the back couldn’t have been more than 7 years old. And the one in driver’s seat had be 12.
“Fuck…” Dean muttered angrily. “Keep them back as well as you can! I’m gonna try something.” He yelled to Anthony, who nodded. Dean left the car quickly, running back to the gate and grabbing his piece of rebar, shooting Jerry a “what the actual fuck is wrong with you” look and kicked the metal gate, making it shake violently. But Jerry stood still, watching the ordeal from the behind the gate.
Running back as fast as he could, Dean immediately slammed the piece of rebar into the passenger’s seat’s window. The kid on the front seat covered his face as glass went flying inside the car. The car alarm went off and a loud beeping overshadowed the moans of the walkers.
Dean pushed the button to unlock the car door, then quickly an around the car to the other side to grab the kid in the driver’s seat, while Anthony stopped firing at the crowd of walkers, he opened the back door where the younger kid sat and pulled him out under his arm, quickly carrying him back to the gated community. The kid was small and thin, making it relatively easy for Anthony to carry him under his left arm while he still held the revolver in his right hand.
Dean on the other hand was having more trouble, the slightly older kid climbed over to the passenger’s seat as Dean tried to get him out of the car from the driver’s side. The kid then climbed out of the car and began running to the right end of the highway. Dean chased after the kid and quickly caught up with him, but so did the walkers. Now almost completely surrounded, the two stopped as they stood near each other. Dean reached out his hand. “I’m gonna hurt you. Let me help you!” Dean demanded. The kid seemingly weighed his options quickly as he soon reached for Dean’s hand.
He grabbed hold of the kids arm and pulled close, letting the kid wrap his legs around him as he ran away from the moaning horde of walkers. Dean straight up tossed the kid over the wall and climbed over himself.
Dean lay on his back in the dirt as he caught his breath, he could hear the walkers just outside the wall. He found the sounds they were making unnerving, and disgusting. If his stomach wasn’t empty from earlier he might have thrown up again.
“Fuck… You… Jerry.” Dean muttered between breaths. he looked at the older kid, he had to be around 12. Dean might want to watch his language with the children around. But he slowly stood up and walked to Jerry, who still remained where he stood. “Are you fuc-- Are you scared or something??” Dean exclaimed angrily.
“I--” Jerry was stopped by the hard punch of Dean as he slammed his fist into Jerry’s nose.
Anthony quickly jumped on the situation before Jerry could retaliate by pushing both of them away from each other.
“Just calm down, we don’t need to be fighting among ourselves!” Anthony yelled, his words were the voice of reason that Dean didn’t want to listen to.
Dean attempted to throw another punch at Jerry, but as pushed back a step by Anthony, who was quite stronger than he appeared.Jerry stood staring at Dean, his look meant to send chills down the back. But Dean was not thrown off by the look. Instead he shot back his own, equally menacing look.
But Dean’s attention turned to the two children standing awkwardly to the side. Followed by Anthony turning to face them as well. “C’mon, kids… What’s your names?” Anthony questioned, giving a kind and caring voice.
The two children shots looks to each other before the older one answered. “I’m Santiago… I’m 13. This is Dan, Daniel, my younger brother. He’s 7.” Santiago answered, his voice shokened.
“Daniel, San-ter-rgo?” Anthony spoke, somewhat confused as to how to pronounce the name. “Mind if I call you… Stan?” Anthony asked with a cheerful smile.
“Sure.” Stan shot back with a smile, though it seemed somewhat forced.
“Well then.” Anthony smiled. “You’ll be safe here, just don’t jump the cement wall, we don’t wanna go out there. C’mon, I’ll take you to meet the other people here.” Anthony and the children began walking back to the houses, leaving Dean and Jerry standing near the gate.
“Dean--” Jerry began speaking, but stopped as Dean began walking away. Leaving him alone as he let out a deep sigh. Why didn’t he help, why risk his own life for someone he barely knew,
Jerry pulled a ladder from a shed in the backyard of a house, placing it on the roof, he began climbing up. He stood on the roof looking over the crowd of walkers as they moan and pressed themselves against the wall and the gate, luckily, they didn’t seem to be getting any closer to making it inside the community. They were safe for the time being, but the wall wasn’t a weak point, unless they somehow dogpiled their way over it. The weak point was the gate itself, it wasn’t meant to keep a horde of the undead out, but the question wasn’t what it was made for, it boiled down to how long they could last without the gate being pushed down. If the walkers got in… There would be no hope for what was left of the community.
“What happens when you take it all away? The very things that people become accustomed to. Hot water, power, the internet. I guarantee you that they’ll turn on each other, fight amongst themselves, make their own worlds around them. Riots, death, plague, it’ll be all to common. They’re get used to their new life… After a while, they’ll fight each other for the remaining resources. They’ll realize they don’t have what it takes to survive this new found worlds they live in. They’ll slowly fall into depression, being to lose it, they’ll go crazy I tell you. Because they don’t have what it takes to survive, but not all will give up and die, even some who see no reason left to live could keep going for a long time, maybe because… They have desire to keep going, maybe they’ll keep going just to keep people they care about going themselves… But some will go completely mad! They’ll bite the very hand the feeds them. They’ll kill, they’ll hide, they’ll weep, they’ll repeat. But most importantly… They’ll be their very own monster, they minds will just… Collapse in itself. They will be completely man, terrified, no longer listening to reason. That’’s when the crazier people come put them down. These people… They could far more mad they the one’s lost to their own minds. Because these people not only survive whatever way they can, but they will kill and kill again for one reason… Survival.”
“But it’s quite… Odd, how us humans react to such a situation. Why would they fight among themselves, when they could all team up and rebuild what was lost. You see… Most, most just won’t want to go back to how things were before the collapse of the government. They wait to be kings themselves, they want to rule over their own world… Quite honestly… I don’t see why people wouldn’t just work to rebuild, but instead they would rival each other, and once again, fight over what was left. See… People like that are more mad than the people who lost their minds, because they willingly fight it out, whereas the people who’ve lost their reason to keep going, and are being tormented by their own minds… They can’t really help it, but the one’s who remained sane, to degree, keep at it and kill each other without even seconds of thought. They are truly the crazy ones. Survivalist, people who leave behind their humanity to survive… They’re the real monsters. But sadly… You probably wouldn’t survive such an ordeal without losing what makes you human. You’ll truly… All would become monsters one way or another.”
What’s the plan?” Anthony asked, standing in Atlanta's living room.
“We… Hold out here, I guess. It’s safe for the most part, but we should start going around the neighborhood, looking for people hold up in their homes, supplies… But you want to come with me, you have the revolver, if we find anyone that shared… A fate similar to Ms. Harper we’ll need to be ready. “ Atlanta answered, her voice seemingly very calm.
“‘What about them.” Anthony sighed. “What about the children?”
“Have you talked to them?” Atlanta questioned.
“Ah…” Anthony looked over to them, they were sitting on the couch together with Josie. “Well, I got their names, the little one’s Daniel, the older one’s San-ter-g-- I can’t say that to save my live. But he’s fine with being called Stan.” Anthony smiled, but his expression became glumly. “Where’s--...”
“Ashley… She’s not doing too good, it hit her hard… She’s still coming to grips with this.” Atlanta answered, her voice containing a hint of sadness.
“Well.” Anthony sighed. “Jerry, he’s a piece work. He just stood there while me and Dean got the kids out of the car, group of the dead one’s approaching… I wasn’t sure we’d get the kids out there. But Dean managed to get ‘em out, no thanks to Jerry. He didn’t even try to help, he just--” Anthony was stopped by Atlanta. “Don’t take it personal, I’m sure he’s dealing with a lot right now, same as all of us.” Atlanta defended, but Anthony had to agree with her, they were all going through a lot.
“I don’t know, you’ve seen him? The last two hours, all he’s done is sit on the roof by the gate, looking down at the damn horde.” Anthony exclaimed with an annoyed tone, but he soon changed his tone and continued. “Nobody… Died, if something like that happened your opinion on him would be hella different. But nobody died, yet, someone should talk with him, let him know not to pull something like that again… I’ll go do that now--” Josie spoke up. “I’ll talk to him.”
“You sure?” Anthony asked, with a somewhat worried tone. “Yeah, I’ll talk some sense into him. Besides, you know I can handle myself, I’d punch his lights out if I have to.” Josie smiled, her voice quite sweet, and joking.
“Well… Just watch yourself, at least.” Anthony gave her a hug as she walked past them and out the door.
She climbed up the ladder leading up to the roof, upon doing so she get a good look over the wall, there had to be at least a hundred of them. Her attention turned to the man sitting on the roof, Jerry, from what she was told. As he climbed onto the roof it creaked, but Jerry continued to face the horde before him. “Hello?” Josie asked, waiting for an answer that didn’t come. She let out a sigh, sitting on the roof next to him.
“So… Jerry. We need to talk about what did... Needless to say… It wasn’t cool. I’m just ask that you don’t pull something like that again, if we want to outlast this we can’t do stuff like that. It’s seriously a fucked up thing to do. Besides, this won’t last forever, things will go back to how they were.” Josie smiled, but Jerry remained completely silent, his vision fixed on the horde below.
“Why’d you do it?” Josie questioned, but after waiting a bit Jerry never answered. She sighed and began inching towards the ladder again. “Why I did it.” Jerry spoked, his vision remaining on the walkers.
“Yeah, why’d you do it?” Josie repeated, now returning to her spot on the roof.
“Why I didn’t do it, that’s question. Why I didn’t run straight into danger for people I hardly know… That’s what you're asking. Your asking a dumb fuckin’ quest.” Jerry exclaimed, his voice sounding calm and collective. A brush on his nose from where the man named Dean had punched him in anger.
“Heh, fuck you too then.” Josie replied with a laugh.
Jerry turned his vision to the Josie, giving his full attention. “I’m fuckin’ serious. Think about, will ya? I don’t owe them anything, I don’t need to risk my damn neck to save someone who’s just gonna die later on. You said… This wouldn’t last forever, well, I got news for you… This won’t fuckin’ be recoverable. It’s fucked.” Jerry exclaimed, his voice sounding somewhat more aggressive.
“You don’t know that, things could be picked back up again, could be a day, 2, 5, whatever. But the government's not just gonna sit back and watch, they’ll start clearing this shitshow up.” Josie replied, defensively.
“It’s fucked. I didn’t say it was over. I highly doubt the government will have enough time to take their heads outta their asses to fix this mess. It’s fucked for the people who don’t keep going on. I’m not gonna weep for the dead, I’m gonna live for them.” Jerry said, his tone becoming a little more relaxed.
“But you were going to let these children die, my fuckin’ borther, and Dean!” Josie spoke up, suddenly louder and with an angier voice. “Your fuckin’ pitiful.” She added.
Jerry was put off by the sudden anger and defensiveness of her. But he continued. “I didn’t say that I didn’t think it was awful, I didn’t fucking say it wasn’t pitiful!” He yelled back in retaliation. “As awful it may be, it’s how the world is gonna treat you now. I’m not gonna put myself in harms way for stupid reason.”
“Stupid??” Josie exclaimed.
“Fuckin’ stupid.” Jerry responded.
“they’re children! You fuck! That’s not a stupid reason to risk your life!” She yelled loudly.
Jerry slapped her across the face. “In this there’s one life the fuckin’ matters to me, it’s my own. And quite honestly you should be worrying about your own life--” Josie sent a punch flying right into his nose and he was knocked back with the sudden pain. It made his vision blur as Josie climbed down the ladder and returned to the house, boiling with anger. Jerry yelled to her as she walked away. “Bitch, you broke my nose!”
Josie soon arrived at the house, entering she was immediately greeted by Anthony at the front door. “How’d it go?” Anthony asked, soon seeing the mark. “What happened??” He asked once more. She had a red mark on her cheek, but she could lie about it.
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 3.
Jerry stood still behind the metal gate, his hands to his sides. Dean continued to … morebang on the car door, yelling desperately, while pulling the door’s handle. Jerry continued to watch, not coming to Dean’s ad. But from behind him Anthony was walking down the street, soon realizing the what was happening at the front gate. He began running to it, quickly jumping over the cement wall and running into the center of the highway.
Looking all around, Dean and Anthony realized they will soon be surrounded. Walkers approached from the left of the community, and more of them were coming from the right end of the highway. They almost looked like a herd, each group had at least 50-60 of the walking corpses that would all about to converge on them.
Both began working fast, Anthony aimed his revolver and began firing at the closer group from the left. Quickly landing a shot on the walker’s che… [view original content]
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 3.
Jerry stood still behind the metal gate, his hands to his sides. Dean continued to … morebang on the car door, yelling desperately, while pulling the door’s handle. Jerry continued to watch, not coming to Dean’s ad. But from behind him Anthony was walking down the street, soon realizing the what was happening at the front gate. He began running to it, quickly jumping over the cement wall and running into the center of the highway.
Looking all around, Dean and Anthony realized they will soon be surrounded. Walkers approached from the left of the community, and more of them were coming from the right end of the highway. They almost looked like a herd, each group had at least 50-60 of the walking corpses that would all about to converge on them.
Both began working fast, Anthony aimed his revolver and began firing at the closer group from the left. Quickly landing a shot on the walker’s che… [view original content]
Elias? Don't worry, pretty much even character will be introduced, it's just a matter of when. But there probably won't be too many more characters introduced into Harvest Hills... But I might set up a point of view else where to get more characters in the story, and to develop them before... Stuff happens.
Yeah makes sense, his character backstory doesn't fit somebody in Harvest Hills. And that sounds like a good idea so you dont have too many characters in one story.
Elias? Don't worry, pretty much even character will be introduced, it's just a matter of when. But there probably won't be too many more cha… moreracters introduced into Harvest Hills... But I might set up a point of view else where to get more characters in the story, and to develop them before... Stuff happens.
Just to yet you know, if he does appear in the Harvest Hills group, it'll probably be after chapter 3...
But I'm probably gonna start having more points of view per chapter, as well as few outside points of view. But that probably won't come into play until chapter 2, because chapter 1 is coming to a close in a few parts.
Yeah makes sense, his character backstory doesn't fit somebody in Harvest Hills. And that sounds like a good idea so you dont have too many characters in one story.
Just to yet you know, if he does appear in the Harvest Hills group, it'll probably be after chapter 3...
But I'm probably gonna start hav… moreing more points of view per chapter, as well as few outside points of view. But that probably won't come into play until chapter 2, because chapter 1 is coming to a close in a few parts.
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 3.
Jerry stood still behind the metal gate, his hands to his sides. Dean continued to … morebang on the car door, yelling desperately, while pulling the door’s handle. Jerry continued to watch, not coming to Dean’s ad. But from behind him Anthony was walking down the street, soon realizing the what was happening at the front gate. He began running to it, quickly jumping over the cement wall and running into the center of the highway.
Looking all around, Dean and Anthony realized they will soon be surrounded. Walkers approached from the left of the community, and more of them were coming from the right end of the highway. They almost looked like a herd, each group had at least 50-60 of the walking corpses that would all about to converge on them.
Both began working fast, Anthony aimed his revolver and began firing at the closer group from the left. Quickly landing a shot on the walker’s che… [view original content]
Now that were nearing the end of chapter 1 it'll get even more intense >:D
The questioning of his morals really made Jerry mad, but now someone else is (possibly) gonna get even madder... It's about to get very intense... Depending on the chosen choice...
I know it's very early in the ask this question... But instead of asking who your favorite character is, I'm gonna ask who you see the most potential in to becoming your favorite character. >:3
What character so far has the most potential to become your favorite?
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 3.
Jerry stood still behind the metal gate, his hands to his sides. Dean continued to … morebang on the car door, yelling desperately, while pulling the door’s handle. Jerry continued to watch, not coming to Dean’s ad. But from behind him Anthony was walking down the street, soon realizing the what was happening at the front gate. He began running to it, quickly jumping over the cement wall and running into the center of the highway.
Looking all around, Dean and Anthony realized they will soon be surrounded. Walkers approached from the left of the community, and more of them were coming from the right end of the highway. They almost looked like a herd, each group had at least 50-60 of the walking corpses that would all about to converge on them.
Both began working fast, Anthony aimed his revolver and began firing at the closer group from the left. Quickly landing a shot on the walker’s che… [view original content]
Jerry is full of shit and I can already tell I'm going to hate him. Hopefully people don't start to trust this jerk. I mean, his cowardice was already bad enough, but slapping Josie when she called him out on it? Though it's a good thing that she won't take any of his selfish girl-hitting crap. Someone really needs to beat either some sense into him or some life out of him.
Now I admit I'm careful. But I can totally see Anthony getting really angry at this little shit, confronting him and ending up getting himself killed and Jerry in the position to tell a convincing lie and earn the trust of the people. Knowing Anthony, I know he will get really angry and even though I wish he would just kill Jerry before the guy becomes a problem, I really doubt this is going to happen. And since I doubt Jerry will get his comeuppance already, I don't wanna risk Anthony's life. Jerry slapped Josie, Josie broke his nose, it's not like he raped her or stuff like that. A slap is not worth getting Anthony killed. I'm a bit surprised I'm the only one who thought in this direction
Of course, if I end up wrong and this is the choice to deal with this asshole before he get's a problem, I'm going to curse myself almost as much as I'm going to curse Jerry
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 3.
Jerry stood still behind the metal gate, his hands to his sides. Dean continued to … morebang on the car door, yelling desperately, while pulling the door’s handle. Jerry continued to watch, not coming to Dean’s ad. But from behind him Anthony was walking down the street, soon realizing the what was happening at the front gate. He began running to it, quickly jumping over the cement wall and running into the center of the highway.
Looking all around, Dean and Anthony realized they will soon be surrounded. Walkers approached from the left of the community, and more of them were coming from the right end of the highway. They almost looked like a herd, each group had at least 50-60 of the walking corpses that would all about to converge on them.
Both began working fast, Anthony aimed his revolver and began firing at the closer group from the left. Quickly landing a shot on the walker’s che… [view original content]
I think since Jerry is easily my least favourite and will probably stay my least favourite, my favourite so far would be Josie or Dean.
Josie calling Jerry out on his cowardice was great, but the fact that she hit him back twice as hard is even better.
And since Dean did what Jerry wasn't man enough to do and also ended up rightfully punching him, makes him a contender for the prestigious role of my favourite character as well.
Though I like all of them so far except that scumbag Jerry.
I know it's very early in the ask this question... But instead of asking who your favorite character is, I'm gonna ask who you see the most … morepotential in to becoming your favorite character. >:3
What character so far has the most potential to become your favorite?
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 3.
Jerry stood still behind the metal gate, his hands to his sides. Dean continued to … morebang on the car door, yelling desperately, while pulling the door’s handle. Jerry continued to watch, not coming to Dean’s ad. But from behind him Anthony was walking down the street, soon realizing the what was happening at the front gate. He began running to it, quickly jumping over the cement wall and running into the center of the highway.
Looking all around, Dean and Anthony realized they will soon be surrounded. Walkers approached from the left of the community, and more of them were coming from the right end of the highway. They almost looked like a herd, each group had at least 50-60 of the walking corpses that would all about to converge on them.
Both began working fast, Anthony aimed his revolver and began firing at the closer group from the left. Quickly landing a shot on the walker’s che… [view original content]
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 3.
Jerry stood still behind the metal gate, his hands to his sides. Dean continued to … morebang on the car door, yelling desperately, while pulling the door’s handle. Jerry continued to watch, not coming to Dean’s ad. But from behind him Anthony was walking down the street, soon realizing the what was happening at the front gate. He began running to it, quickly jumping over the cement wall and running into the center of the highway.
Looking all around, Dean and Anthony realized they will soon be surrounded. Walkers approached from the left of the community, and more of them were coming from the right end of the highway. They almost looked like a herd, each group had at least 50-60 of the walking corpses that would all about to converge on them.
Both began working fast, Anthony aimed his revolver and began firing at the closer group from the left. Quickly landing a shot on the walker’s che… [view original content]
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 3.
Jerry stood still behind the metal gate, his hands to his sides. Dean continued to … morebang on the car door, yelling desperately, while pulling the door’s handle. Jerry continued to watch, not coming to Dean’s ad. But from behind him Anthony was walking down the street, soon realizing the what was happening at the front gate. He began running to it, quickly jumping over the cement wall and running into the center of the highway.
Looking all around, Dean and Anthony realized they will soon be surrounded. Walkers approached from the left of the community, and more of them were coming from the right end of the highway. They almost looked like a herd, each group had at least 50-60 of the walking corpses that would all about to converge on them.
Both began working fast, Anthony aimed his revolver and began firing at the closer group from the left. Quickly landing a shot on the walker’s che… [view original content]
This choice has mayor consequences. I'm glad your thinking ahead about it, you've made some interesting guesses about it. But only the outcome of the choice can prove whether you've chosen poorly or wisely. >:3
Jerry is full of shit and I can already tell I'm going to hate him. Hopefully people don't start to trust this jerk. I mean, his cowardice w… moreas already bad enough, but slapping Josie when she called him out on it? Though it's a good thing that she won't take any of his selfish girl-hitting crap. Someone really needs to beat either some sense into him or some life out of him.
Now I admit I'm careful. But I can totally see Anthony getting really angry at this little shit, confronting him and ending up getting himself killed and Jerry in the position to tell a convincing lie and earn the trust of the people. Knowing Anthony, I know he will get really angry and even though I wish he would just kill Jerry before the guy becomes a problem, I really doubt this is going to happen. And since I doubt Jerry will get his comeuppance already, I don't wanna risk Anthony's life. Jerry slapped Josie, Josie broke his nose, it's not like he raped h… [view original content]
I'm pretty certain I chose wisely, but I'm also pretty certain that my choice won't matter, since the voting seems to be clear. Still a bit surprised that the rest voted for telling the truth. Either nobody thought about it, or everybody wants Jerry to kill Anthony. Don't know which would be worse.
Well, my character is totally going to die because of that damned voting, but at least I can say 'I told you so', so I got that going for me, which is... well, not exactly nice, but at least it's something. And at least people can't claim that they haven't seen it coming, because I totally warned them. And at least after this I have a good reason to actively choose every option that could possibly result in a bloody death for Jerry.
Anyway, the suspense is killing me. Need the new part urgently, even though I'm scared as hell
This choice has mayor consequences. I'm glad your thinking ahead about it, you've made some interesting guesses about it. But only the outcome of the choice can prove whether you've chosen poorly or wisely. >:3
I'm pretty certain I chose wisely, but I'm also pretty certain that my choice won't matter, since the voting seems to be clear. Still a bit … moresurprised that the rest voted for telling the truth. Either nobody thought about it, or everybody wants Jerry to kill Anthony. Don't know which would be worse.
Well, my character is totally going to die because of that damned voting, but at least I can say 'I told you so', so I got that going for me, which is... well, not exactly nice, but at least it's something. And at least people can't claim that they haven't seen it coming, because I totally warned them. And at least after this I have a good reason to actively choose every option that could possibly result in a bloody death for Jerry.
Anyway, the suspense is killing me. Need the new part urgently, even though I'm scared as hell
Josie weighed her options and made her choice. “Jerry, slapped me when I started to question his damn moral code.” Josephine answered, a certain distaste in her voice.
“What??” Anthony exclaimed. “I’m gonna teach him-- Fucker… Wait I’m going to have a talk with Jerry.” Anthony began quickly walking to the door, just as Dean stepped through the door. Atlanta approached him. “Dean, please stay here with Santiago and Daniel.” She asked, he complied with a nod as Josie and Atlanta went after Anthony.
Dean turned to face the children upon Atlanta’s leave. Dan was playing with an old looking toy, whereas Stan as Stan was sitting on the couch with his feet onto, staring blankly into the dead TV. Dean sat next to him on the sofa. “So…” Stan sighed. “With what’s happening today, I can’t understand what you going through right now… But I’d like to talk. So...” Dean said, making Stan turn his attention away from the dead TV.
Outside Anthony walked quickly with Josie and Atlanta following behind him a good 20 feet away. Anthony’s boiling with rage. Soon arriving at the house of the roof Jerry was sitting on, though just out vision. “Jerry!” Anthony shouted. “Come down and talk. Like adults!” Anthony called, raising his voice.
“No!” Jerry replied, popping up to be seen. “I’m not coming down just so you can kill me!” He added, there was visible blood dripping down his face.
“Then I’ll come up and bring you down with me!” Anthony answered. He stepped towards the ladder, but Jerry quickly grabbed it and tried to pull it up onto the roof, though Anthony acted fast and pulled the ladder back down to the ground, making Jerry fall off the roof and landing in a heap. Though uninjured by fall.
As Jerry began standing up, Anthony grabbed him by the back of his shirt and pulled him into the center of the road. But Jerry landed a punch right at Anthony’s left kidney and let go of Jerry in pain. Jerry then tackled Anthony, but instead caused both of them to come tumbling onto the asphalt.
“Stop fighting!” Josie shouted, fearfully. She started this, she thought, what if one of them got seriously hurt because of her! But she couldn’t get close enough to stop the fight, both of them were spinning around on the ground, throwing punches at each other.
“So…” Dean repeated. “What’s your story then?” He questioned.
“Ugh…” Stan muttered, awkwardly. “We lived downtown, small house, me, Daniel, my mum, dad, and my sister. We… Lived there for awhile. My mum, dad, and sister immigrated from Argentina, me and Dan were born in the states. But now… We came home from school, everything seemed like it had yesterday… But… When we got home, there were other people in the house.. People we didn’t know…” Stan began to train off.
“Who were these people?” Dean further questioned.
Anthony held Jerry against the road while Jerry struggled to free himself. Reaching for Anthony’s revolver, he almost had it, but Anthony quickly grabbed the revolver himself and tossed it away, out of Jerry’s reach.
Jerry began kicking at Anthony and soon landed a good kick right on his knee cap. Anthony winced in pain, giving Jerry time to throw him off of himself. He began kicking the downed Anthony and soon turned his attention to the gun, chasing after it, but Anthony grabbed Jerry’s lower leg and made him fall face first onto the asphalt. Once again damaging his already broken nose.
This gave Anthony time to once again tackle Jerry and pin him on the ground. “Fuckin’ calm down!” Anthony shouted.
“Fuck off!” Jerry shouted his replied, punching Anthony in the side.
“They… They were bad, evil people…. They were doing things to mum… I don’t know what, but it was bad… And when they saw me and Dan, they tried to grab us, but he ran, and ran away, we left mum… My sister… And dad, he was tied up and tried to attack the bad people, best he could… They killed him… I could see it from the corner of my eye… I could hear the shot… It’s…” Stan stopped talking and sighed with tears forming in his eyes. Dean was shocked, but he mustered it up.
“It’ okay.” Dean comforted him. “You don’t have to continue.”
“I--” Stan bit his lip. “It gets… Less bad, I want to continue.” Stan faked a smile and watched as Dean smiled back. “It’s just-- I don’t see why they did it… I don’t understand why people fight like… Like… Like dogs!” He raised his voice angrily.
Anthony and were now rotating as one would get on top and throw a few punches, then other would gain the upper hand, tossing the other off. It repeated and soon seemed that both were about to trie each other out. But suddenly a shot was fired into the air.
Atlanta stood about 10 feet away with the revolver in hand, pointed into the air, smoke slowly rising from the barrel. The walkers at the wall became more active after that shot ringed through the air. She lowered the revolver until it was pointed at both Anthony and Jerry. Atlanta effectively breaking up the fight.
“I quite honestly don’t understand it either--” Dean was cut off by Stan. “But you hit that man--” Dean in turn interrupted Stan. “I was angry, but it doesn’t mean it was right.”
“But-- Okay… Okay, Dan and I got into our parent’s car. The keys were in there, I guess from when dad got home… I started the car and drove out of there. Fast as I could. Then I found myself outside this place… I stopped there because I saw people… You and-- I got scared, so did Dan, I tried to start the car again, but it wouldn’t start. We had pasted the dead people was they were already coming to this place… But they caught up with us, and we, I didn’t let you inside the car. I was scared you were like the bad people… You weren’t though.” Stan gave a genuine smile and Dean returned a smile himself.
“I’m here, I won’t let anything happen to you or your brother.” Dean said, confidently, he would to everything he could to keep the children safe.
“Well… Now we’re where, that’s about it.” Stan finished.
Anthony and Jerry both raised their hands and took a few steps away from each other. Atlanta eyed the two carefully. “Calm the fuck down, both of you!” She shouted, her voice sounded serious and the gun remained still in her grip. “We’re a day into his shitshow, and your already breaking down like a lunatic!” Atlanta added.
“i’m not broken…” Jerry muttered.
“Your fuckin’ losing it, Jerry. Listen to me now so we don’t have to have this talk again. I’m not a violent person, but if you lay a finger on my sister again, I’ll break your legs. If you do anything worse than what you did today… I’ll fuckin’ kill you.” Anthony said firmly.
“I’m not broken… Fuckers…” Jerry muttered again.
“Jerry.” Atlanta spoke, kindly. “You need to realize what we’re dealing with, if we want to survive this until help comes, we can’t be fighting each other!” Atla finished.
“I’m not broken!” Jerry yelled, his voice full of anger and fear. “This isn’t going to fix itself anything soon… We’re either gonna be killed by the walkers, starve to death, or killed each other. I’ve made my point, we aren’t gonna be saved from this, we can’t go about saving everyone we come across, we’ll starve faster, we’ll die. I’m not going to die.” Jerry paused, looking at the 3 people before him, Anthony, Atlanta, and Josephine. “We are just gonna die if we don’t think smarter, play the game better, wiser, we can’t be fighting amongst ourselves…” Jerry trained off.
“We don’t have to as long as we behave. No more fighting with this bullshit going on, we can fuckin’ focus on surviving this shitshow. And most importantly, know your place. Understood?” Anthony asked waiting for Jerry’s answer.
“Under-fucking-stood.” Jerry answered.
A loud creak filled the air, Jerry turned around and looked at the left gate. The walkers were bending it inwards. “Fuck!” Jerry exclaimed loudly. “The damn shot made them mad, we gotta get to work fast of they’ll get in!”
The skies above San Antonio were grey and cloudy. The football field was bathed in the grey light. The grass was overgrown and the whole placed was seemingly vacant. The chain link fence on the far right of the football field had a road leading right up to it, upon the road drove a car, serving and heading straight for the fence. The police car slammed into the chain link fence and drove out the other side. The police car continued to serve and speed forward, tearing up the long grass and dirt, making it fly into the air. The police was suddenly stopped by directly hitting the large metal pole that was the goal. The car’s front had a v shaped dent in about a foot and the engine sent smoke into the air. On the inside the airbags had gone off and two people rest on them, the officer in the driver’s seat breathed in and out slowly while the officer in the passenger’s seat had it’s eyes wide open, that were cloudy white. Slow, a young man in the back seat raised his head to look at what lay before him, blood dripping down from his broken nose. He looked at the officer in the driver’s seat, then the one in the passenger’s seat. The officer in the passenger’s seat twitched.
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 4.
Josie weighed her options and made her choice. “Jerry, slapped me when I started to… more question his damn moral code.” Josephine answered, a certain distaste in her voice.
“What??” Anthony exclaimed. “I’m gonna teach him-- Fucker… Wait I’m going to have a talk with Jerry.” Anthony began quickly walking to the door, just as Dean stepped through the door. Atlanta approached him. “Dean, please stay here with Santiago and Daniel.” She asked, he complied with a nod as Josie and Atlanta went after Anthony.
Dean turned to face the children upon Atlanta’s leave. Dan was playing with an old looking toy, whereas Stan as Stan was sitting on the couch with his feet onto, staring blankly into the dead TV. Dean sat next to him on the sofa. “So…” Stan sighed. “With what’s happening today, I can’t understand what you going through right now… But I’d like to talk. So...” Dean said, making Stan turn hi… [view original content]
Okay, that's the end of Chapter 1, maybe a little... Sudden, but we'll pick up with Chapter 2 soon and continue this story. I hope you like it and I hope you continue reading, if you have any questions feel free to ask, if you have suggestions feel free to let me know!
Okay, I've got a fair few readers here, but I'd like to share a story that will most likely began soon. It's a walking dead story by a user here and I've read some of his past story, there really good! I'm sharing the link to his story in hopes some of you will like to join it.
See? I told... wait what? Now I admit, that was... unexpected. Maybe my prophetic powers still need some practice until I can put them to good use. Let me start with something easier: There will be walkers in the next chapter! I'm totally telling you, there will be walkers!
I guess Atlanta is a real lifesaver here. Praise Atlanta! Though I'm not sure whose life she just saved, because Anthony put up a surprisingly good fight. I also liked that Jerry got some deserved comeuppance for his behaviour. His selfish cowardice still makes him a repulsive jerk and a danger to everyone around him, but at least he won't go full governor mode anytime soon, like I feared at first. However, I'm still convinced he is dangerous and repugnant and will snap sooner or later, so I definitely won't trust him in any way.
All in all, this was an amazing first chapter! I love your writing and I love the characters. I even love to hate Jerry and that says a lot.
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 4.
Josie weighed her options and made her choice. “Jerry, slapped me when I started to… more question his damn moral code.” Josephine answered, a certain distaste in her voice.
“What??” Anthony exclaimed. “I’m gonna teach him-- Fucker… Wait I’m going to have a talk with Jerry.” Anthony began quickly walking to the door, just as Dean stepped through the door. Atlanta approached him. “Dean, please stay here with Santiago and Daniel.” She asked, he complied with a nod as Josie and Atlanta went after Anthony.
Dean turned to face the children upon Atlanta’s leave. Dan was playing with an old looking toy, whereas Stan as Stan was sitting on the couch with his feet onto, staring blankly into the dead TV. Dean sat next to him on the sofa. “So…” Stan sighed. “With what’s happening today, I can’t understand what you going through right now… But I’d like to talk. So...” Dean said, making Stan turn hi… [view original content]
The "there will be walkers" is gonna be a little more built up... It'll happen sooner or later... It always does. You'll know what awaits once we come to chapter 2... >:3
I'm glad you've enjoyed the beginning chapter! I'll try my best to make sure it improves! I've found myself to be relatively well with writing, I just need to pace it right and I'm golden. The character's wouldn't be hald as good if not for the amazing submissions!
Anyway, I'm glad you liked it, and I hope you ready for the storm that awaits... Muerte Sombría! >:D
See? I told... wait what? Now I admit, that was... unexpected. Maybe my prophetic powers still need some practice until I can put them to go… moreod use. Let me start with something easier: There will be walkers in the next chapter! I'm totally telling you, there will be walkers!
I guess Atlanta is a real lifesaver here. Praise Atlanta! Though I'm not sure whose life she just saved, because Anthony put up a surprisingly good fight. I also liked that Jerry got some deserved comeuppance for his behaviour. His selfish cowardice still makes him a repulsive jerk and a danger to everyone around him, but at least he won't go full governor mode anytime soon, like I feared at first. However, I'm still convinced he is dangerous and repugnant and will snap sooner or later, so I definitely won't trust him in any way.
All in all, this was an amazing first chapter! I love your writing and I love the characters. I even love to hate Jerry and that says a lot.
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 4.
Josie weighed her options and made her choice. “Jerry, slapped me when I started to… more question his damn moral code.” Josephine answered, a certain distaste in her voice.
“What??” Anthony exclaimed. “I’m gonna teach him-- Fucker… Wait I’m going to have a talk with Jerry.” Anthony began quickly walking to the door, just as Dean stepped through the door. Atlanta approached him. “Dean, please stay here with Santiago and Daniel.” She asked, he complied with a nod as Josie and Atlanta went after Anthony.
Dean turned to face the children upon Atlanta’s leave. Dan was playing with an old looking toy, whereas Stan as Stan was sitting on the couch with his feet onto, staring blankly into the dead TV. Dean sat next to him on the sofa. “So…” Stan sighed. “With what’s happening today, I can’t understand what you going through right now… But I’d like to talk. So...” Dean said, making Stan turn hi… [view original content]
Okay, that's the end of Chapter 1, maybe a little... Sudden, but we'll pick up with Chapter 2 soon and continue this story. I hope you like … moreit and I hope you continue reading, if you have any questions feel free to ask, if you have suggestions feel free to let me know!
Okay, I've got a fair few readers here, but I'd like to share a story that will most likely began soon. It's a walking dead story by a user here and I've read some of his past story, there really good! I'm sharing the link to his story in hopes some of you will like to join it.
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 4.
Josie weighed her options and made her choice. “Jerry, slapped me when I started to… more question his damn moral code.” Josephine answered, a certain distaste in her voice.
“What??” Anthony exclaimed. “I’m gonna teach him-- Fucker… Wait I’m going to have a talk with Jerry.” Anthony began quickly walking to the door, just as Dean stepped through the door. Atlanta approached him. “Dean, please stay here with Santiago and Daniel.” She asked, he complied with a nod as Josie and Atlanta went after Anthony.
Dean turned to face the children upon Atlanta’s leave. Dan was playing with an old looking toy, whereas Stan as Stan was sitting on the couch with his feet onto, staring blankly into the dead TV. Dean sat next to him on the sofa. “So…” Stan sighed. “With what’s happening today, I can’t understand what you going through right now… But I’d like to talk. So...” Dean said, making Stan turn hi… [view original content]
It's time to go over the alternate choices of chapter one!
[Abandon the house.] Anthony would abandon the house and his parents' corpses. Though this may seem like it wouldn't have much impact, it would've affected Anthony mentally.
[Go to Atlanta’s house.] Anthony would have gone to Atlanta's house and talk with her, learning more about herself and Ashley's relationship. As well as Ashley's fear of this situation at hand.
[Help Dean directly.] Jerry would have run out of the community's safety to help Dean get the children out of the car, this would have completely changed the ending and Jerry's mental state. As well as boosting everyone's opinion on Jerry.
[Give sniper support.] Jerry would have shot Dean, though it would have been unknown if it was by mistake of on purpose. With Dean dead, the children would have been left in the horde, unable to leave the car.
[Lie.] This one's a game changer as well. If chosen, the ending would have been quite different, as Anthony and Jerry wouldn't have fought. But instead, Jerry wouldn't have been taught a lesson and would have continued to "boil," later he would have become a "problem."
Sounds good!
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 3.
Jerry stood still behind the metal gate, his hands to his sides. Dean continued to bang on the car door, yelling desperately, while pulling the door’s handle. Jerry continued to watch, not coming to Dean’s ad. But from behind him Anthony was walking down the street, soon realizing the what was happening at the front gate. He began running to it, quickly jumping over the cement wall and running into the center of the highway.
Looking all around, Dean and Anthony realized they will soon be surrounded. Walkers approached from the left of the community, and more of them were coming from the right end of the highway. They almost looked like a herd, each group had at least 50-60 of the walking corpses that would all about to converge on them.
Both began working fast, Anthony aimed his revolver and began firing at the closer group from the left. Quickly landing a shot on the walker’s chest. But it continued forward, seemingly unphased. He aimed once more. The second shot hit the walker in the head, it quickly fell to the ground in the heap. He took note of this. But more of them walked over and past the dead walker.
Anthony got to work quickly, landing most of the shots and reloading. Repeating this as Dean continued to try to help the children out of the car. “Jesus, please open the car door!” Dean exclaimed desperately. The children in the car looked terrified, there were two of them, both had black short hair. The one in the driver’s seat looked a good few years older. Both of the children were clearly scared, almost like the older one of having a panic attack.
The younger one that was seating in the back couldn’t have been more than 7 years old. And the one in driver’s seat had be 12.
“Fuck…” Dean muttered angrily. “Keep them back as well as you can! I’m gonna try something.” He yelled to Anthony, who nodded. Dean left the car quickly, running back to the gate and grabbing his piece of rebar, shooting Jerry a “what the actual fuck is wrong with you” look and kicked the metal gate, making it shake violently. But Jerry stood still, watching the ordeal from the behind the gate.
Running back as fast as he could, Dean immediately slammed the piece of rebar into the passenger’s seat’s window. The kid on the front seat covered his face as glass went flying inside the car. The car alarm went off and a loud beeping overshadowed the moans of the walkers.
Dean pushed the button to unlock the car door, then quickly an around the car to the other side to grab the kid in the driver’s seat, while Anthony stopped firing at the crowd of walkers, he opened the back door where the younger kid sat and pulled him out under his arm, quickly carrying him back to the gated community. The kid was small and thin, making it relatively easy for Anthony to carry him under his left arm while he still held the revolver in his right hand.
Dean on the other hand was having more trouble, the slightly older kid climbed over to the passenger’s seat as Dean tried to get him out of the car from the driver’s side. The kid then climbed out of the car and began running to the right end of the highway. Dean chased after the kid and quickly caught up with him, but so did the walkers. Now almost completely surrounded, the two stopped as they stood near each other. Dean reached out his hand. “I’m gonna hurt you. Let me help you!” Dean demanded. The kid seemingly weighed his options quickly as he soon reached for Dean’s hand.
He grabbed hold of the kids arm and pulled close, letting the kid wrap his legs around him as he ran away from the moaning horde of walkers. Dean straight up tossed the kid over the wall and climbed over himself.
Dean lay on his back in the dirt as he caught his breath, he could hear the walkers just outside the wall. He found the sounds they were making unnerving, and disgusting. If his stomach wasn’t empty from earlier he might have thrown up again.
“Fuck… You… Jerry.” Dean muttered between breaths. he looked at the older kid, he had to be around 12. Dean might want to watch his language with the children around. But he slowly stood up and walked to Jerry, who still remained where he stood. “Are you fuc-- Are you scared or something??” Dean exclaimed angrily.
“I--” Jerry was stopped by the hard punch of Dean as he slammed his fist into Jerry’s nose.
Anthony quickly jumped on the situation before Jerry could retaliate by pushing both of them away from each other.
“Just calm down, we don’t need to be fighting among ourselves!” Anthony yelled, his words were the voice of reason that Dean didn’t want to listen to.
Dean attempted to throw another punch at Jerry, but as pushed back a step by Anthony, who was quite stronger than he appeared.Jerry stood staring at Dean, his look meant to send chills down the back. But Dean was not thrown off by the look. Instead he shot back his own, equally menacing look.
But Dean’s attention turned to the two children standing awkwardly to the side. Followed by Anthony turning to face them as well. “C’mon, kids… What’s your names?” Anthony questioned, giving a kind and caring voice.
The two children shots looks to each other before the older one answered. “I’m Santiago… I’m 13. This is Dan, Daniel, my younger brother. He’s 7.” Santiago answered, his voice shokened.
“Daniel, San-ter-rgo?” Anthony spoke, somewhat confused as to how to pronounce the name. “Mind if I call you… Stan?” Anthony asked with a cheerful smile.
“Sure.” Stan shot back with a smile, though it seemed somewhat forced.
“Well then.” Anthony smiled. “You’ll be safe here, just don’t jump the cement wall, we don’t wanna go out there. C’mon, I’ll take you to meet the other people here.” Anthony and the children began walking back to the houses, leaving Dean and Jerry standing near the gate.
“Dean--” Jerry began speaking, but stopped as Dean began walking away. Leaving him alone as he let out a deep sigh. Why didn’t he help, why risk his own life for someone he barely knew,
Jerry pulled a ladder from a shed in the backyard of a house, placing it on the roof, he began climbing up. He stood on the roof looking over the crowd of walkers as they moan and pressed themselves against the wall and the gate, luckily, they didn’t seem to be getting any closer to making it inside the community. They were safe for the time being, but the wall wasn’t a weak point, unless they somehow dogpiled their way over it. The weak point was the gate itself, it wasn’t meant to keep a horde of the undead out, but the question wasn’t what it was made for, it boiled down to how long they could last without the gate being pushed down. If the walkers got in… There would be no hope for what was left of the community.
“What happens when you take it all away? The very things that people become accustomed to. Hot water, power, the internet. I guarantee you that they’ll turn on each other, fight amongst themselves, make their own worlds around them. Riots, death, plague, it’ll be all to common. They’re get used to their new life… After a while, they’ll fight each other for the remaining resources. They’ll realize they don’t have what it takes to survive this new found worlds they live in. They’ll slowly fall into depression, being to lose it, they’ll go crazy I tell you. Because they don’t have what it takes to survive, but not all will give up and die, even some who see no reason left to live could keep going for a long time, maybe because… They have desire to keep going, maybe they’ll keep going just to keep people they care about going themselves… But some will go completely mad! They’ll bite the very hand the feeds them. They’ll kill, they’ll hide, they’ll weep, they’ll repeat. But most importantly… They’ll be their very own monster, they minds will just… Collapse in itself. They will be completely man, terrified, no longer listening to reason. That’’s when the crazier people come put them down. These people… They could far more mad they the one’s lost to their own minds. Because these people not only survive whatever way they can, but they will kill and kill again for one reason… Survival.”
“But it’s quite… Odd, how us humans react to such a situation. Why would they fight among themselves, when they could all team up and rebuild what was lost. You see… Most, most just won’t want to go back to how things were before the collapse of the government. They wait to be kings themselves, they want to rule over their own world… Quite honestly… I don’t see why people wouldn’t just work to rebuild, but instead they would rival each other, and once again, fight over what was left. See… People like that are more mad than the people who lost their minds, because they willingly fight it out, whereas the people who’ve lost their reason to keep going, and are being tormented by their own minds… They can’t really help it, but the one’s who remained sane, to degree, keep at it and kill each other without even seconds of thought. They are truly the crazy ones. Survivalist, people who leave behind their humanity to survive… They’re the real monsters. But sadly… You probably wouldn’t survive such an ordeal without losing what makes you human. You’ll truly… All would become monsters one way or another.”
What’s the plan?” Anthony asked, standing in Atlanta's living room.
“We… Hold out here, I guess. It’s safe for the most part, but we should start going around the neighborhood, looking for people hold up in their homes, supplies… But you want to come with me, you have the revolver, if we find anyone that shared… A fate similar to Ms. Harper we’ll need to be ready. “ Atlanta answered, her voice seemingly very calm.
“‘What about them.” Anthony sighed. “What about the children?”
“Have you talked to them?” Atlanta questioned.
“Ah…” Anthony looked over to them, they were sitting on the couch together with Josie. “Well, I got their names, the little one’s Daniel, the older one’s San-ter-g-- I can’t say that to save my live. But he’s fine with being called Stan.” Anthony smiled, but his expression became glumly. “Where’s--...”
“Ashley… She’s not doing too good, it hit her hard… She’s still coming to grips with this.” Atlanta answered, her voice containing a hint of sadness.
“Well.” Anthony sighed. “Jerry, he’s a piece work. He just stood there while me and Dean got the kids out of the car, group of the dead one’s approaching… I wasn’t sure we’d get the kids out there. But Dean managed to get ‘em out, no thanks to Jerry. He didn’t even try to help, he just--” Anthony was stopped by Atlanta. “Don’t take it personal, I’m sure he’s dealing with a lot right now, same as all of us.” Atlanta defended, but Anthony had to agree with her, they were all going through a lot.
“I don’t know, you’ve seen him? The last two hours, all he’s done is sit on the roof by the gate, looking down at the damn horde.” Anthony exclaimed with an annoyed tone, but he soon changed his tone and continued. “Nobody… Died, if something like that happened your opinion on him would be hella different. But nobody died, yet, someone should talk with him, let him know not to pull something like that again… I’ll go do that now--” Josie spoke up. “I’ll talk to him.”
“You sure?” Anthony asked, with a somewhat worried tone. “Yeah, I’ll talk some sense into him. Besides, you know I can handle myself, I’d punch his lights out if I have to.” Josie smiled, her voice quite sweet, and joking.
“Well… Just watch yourself, at least.” Anthony gave her a hug as she walked past them and out the door.
She climbed up the ladder leading up to the roof, upon doing so she get a good look over the wall, there had to be at least a hundred of them. Her attention turned to the man sitting on the roof, Jerry, from what she was told. As he climbed onto the roof it creaked, but Jerry continued to face the horde before him. “Hello?” Josie asked, waiting for an answer that didn’t come. She let out a sigh, sitting on the roof next to him.
“So… Jerry. We need to talk about what did... Needless to say… It wasn’t cool. I’m just ask that you don’t pull something like that again, if we want to outlast this we can’t do stuff like that. It’s seriously a fucked up thing to do. Besides, this won’t last forever, things will go back to how they were.” Josie smiled, but Jerry remained completely silent, his vision fixed on the horde below.
“Why’d you do it?” Josie questioned, but after waiting a bit Jerry never answered. She sighed and began inching towards the ladder again. “Why I did it.” Jerry spoked, his vision remaining on the walkers.
“Yeah, why’d you do it?” Josie repeated, now returning to her spot on the roof.
“Why I didn’t do it, that’s question. Why I didn’t run straight into danger for people I hardly know… That’s what you're asking. Your asking a dumb fuckin’ quest.” Jerry exclaimed, his voice sounding calm and collective. A brush on his nose from where the man named Dean had punched him in anger.
“Heh, fuck you too then.” Josie replied with a laugh.
Jerry turned his vision to the Josie, giving his full attention. “I’m fuckin’ serious. Think about, will ya? I don’t owe them anything, I don’t need to risk my damn neck to save someone who’s just gonna die later on. You said… This wouldn’t last forever, well, I got news for you… This won’t fuckin’ be recoverable. It’s fucked.” Jerry exclaimed, his voice sounding somewhat more aggressive.
“You don’t know that, things could be picked back up again, could be a day, 2, 5, whatever. But the government's not just gonna sit back and watch, they’ll start clearing this shitshow up.” Josie replied, defensively.
“It’s fucked. I didn’t say it was over. I highly doubt the government will have enough time to take their heads outta their asses to fix this mess. It’s fucked for the people who don’t keep going on. I’m not gonna weep for the dead, I’m gonna live for them.” Jerry said, his tone becoming a little more relaxed.
“But you were going to let these children die, my fuckin’ borther, and Dean!” Josie spoke up, suddenly louder and with an angier voice. “Your fuckin’ pitiful.” She added.
Jerry was put off by the sudden anger and defensiveness of her. But he continued. “I didn’t say that I didn’t think it was awful, I didn’t fucking say it wasn’t pitiful!” He yelled back in retaliation. “As awful it may be, it’s how the world is gonna treat you now. I’m not gonna put myself in harms way for stupid reason.”
“Stupid??” Josie exclaimed.
“Fuckin’ stupid.” Jerry responded.
“they’re children! You fuck! That’s not a stupid reason to risk your life!” She yelled loudly.
Jerry slapped her across the face. “In this there’s one life the fuckin’ matters to me, it’s my own. And quite honestly you should be worrying about your own life--” Josie sent a punch flying right into his nose and he was knocked back with the sudden pain. It made his vision blur as Josie climbed down the ladder and returned to the house, boiling with anger. Jerry yelled to her as she walked away. “Bitch, you broke my nose!”
Josie soon arrived at the house, entering she was immediately greeted by Anthony at the front door. “How’d it go?” Anthony asked, soon seeing the mark. “What happened??” He asked once more. She had a red mark on her cheek, but she could lie about it.
[Tell the truth.]
[Tell the truth]
Great Chapter!
I love how you introduce characters
I'm curious to when/how my character will be introduced c:
[Tell the truth.] Why lie? lol
Awesome Chapter!!!
Elias? Don't worry, pretty much even character will be introduced, it's just a matter of when. But there probably won't be too many more characters introduced into Harvest Hills... But I might set up a point of view else where to get more characters in the story, and to develop them before... Stuff happens.
And thank you!
Yeah makes sense, his character backstory doesn't fit somebody in Harvest Hills. And that sounds like a good idea so you dont have too many characters in one story.
Just to yet you know, if he does appear in the Harvest Hills group, it'll probably be after chapter 3...
But I'm probably gonna start having more points of view per chapter, as well as few outside points of view. But that probably won't come into play until chapter 2, because chapter 1 is coming to a close in a few parts.
that's fine.
[Tell the truth.]
Wow...intense chapter. I really like seeing how the characters are dealing with it.
Now that were nearing the end of chapter 1 it'll get even more intense >:D
The questioning of his morals really made Jerry mad, but now someone else is (possibly) gonna get even madder... It's about to get very intense... Depending on the chosen choice...
I know it's very early in the ask this question... But instead of asking who your favorite character is, I'm gonna ask who you see the most potential in to becoming your favorite character. >:3
What character so far has the most potential to become your favorite?
Sorry, typos .-.
It's fixed now.
Also, after looking it up I finally know who Peter Anderson is. He won't become him whoever, though I see the similarities.
Jerry is full of shit and I can already tell I'm going to hate him. Hopefully people don't start to trust this jerk. I mean, his cowardice was already bad enough, but slapping Josie when she called him out on it? Though it's a good thing that she won't take any of his selfish girl-hitting crap. Someone really needs to beat either some sense into him or some life out of him.
Now I admit I'm careful. But I can totally see Anthony getting really angry at this little shit, confronting him and ending up getting himself killed and Jerry in the position to tell a convincing lie and earn the trust of the people. Knowing Anthony, I know he will get really angry and even though I wish he would just kill Jerry before the guy becomes a problem, I really doubt this is going to happen. And since I doubt Jerry will get his comeuppance already, I don't wanna risk Anthony's life. Jerry slapped Josie, Josie broke his nose, it's not like he raped her or stuff like that. A slap is not worth getting Anthony killed. I'm a bit surprised I'm the only one who thought in this direction
Of course, if I end up wrong and this is the choice to deal with this asshole before he get's a problem, I'm going to curse myself almost as much as I'm going to curse Jerry
I think since Jerry is easily my least favourite and will probably stay my least favourite, my favourite so far would be Josie or Dean.
Josie calling Jerry out on his cowardice was great, but the fact that she hit him back twice as hard is even better.
And since Dean did what Jerry wasn't man enough to do and also ended up rightfully punching him, makes him a contender for the prestigious role of my favourite character as well.
Though I like all of them so far except that scumbag Jerry.
[Tell the truth.]
[Tell the truth]
Only two ways this situation can end, bad or worse.
Great chapter!!!
[Tell the truth.]
This choice has mayor consequences. I'm glad your thinking ahead about it, you've made some interesting guesses about it. But only the outcome of the choice can prove whether you've chosen poorly or wisely. >:3
Thank you!
Interesting. Good guess on the situation.
I'm pretty certain I chose wisely, but I'm also pretty certain that my choice won't matter, since the voting seems to be clear. Still a bit surprised that the rest voted for telling the truth. Either nobody thought about it, or everybody wants Jerry to kill Anthony. Don't know which would be worse.
Well, my character is totally going to die because of that damned voting, but at least I can say 'I told you so', so I got that going for me, which is... well, not exactly nice, but at least it's something. And at least people can't claim that they haven't seen it coming, because I totally warned them. And at least after this I have a good reason to actively choose every option that could possibly result in a bloody death for Jerry.
Anyway, the suspense is killing me. Need the new part urgently, even though I'm scared as hell
You'll be surprised by the outcome it'll lead to. But I'll leave it at that. I'm gonna quickly close the voting and get to work on that part.
Voting is closed
(!) Josie will tell the truth
I'm gonna get to work on this part now, it may be awhile before it's out, but bare with me.
Act 1: Gateway Dream - Chapter 1: Sentiment - Part 4.
Josie weighed her options and made her choice. “Jerry, slapped me when I started to question his damn moral code.” Josephine answered, a certain distaste in her voice.
“What??” Anthony exclaimed. “I’m gonna teach him-- Fucker… Wait I’m going to have a talk with Jerry.” Anthony began quickly walking to the door, just as Dean stepped through the door. Atlanta approached him. “Dean, please stay here with Santiago and Daniel.” She asked, he complied with a nod as Josie and Atlanta went after Anthony.
Dean turned to face the children upon Atlanta’s leave. Dan was playing with an old looking toy, whereas Stan as Stan was sitting on the couch with his feet onto, staring blankly into the dead TV. Dean sat next to him on the sofa. “So…” Stan sighed. “With what’s happening today, I can’t understand what you going through right now… But I’d like to talk. So...” Dean said, making Stan turn his attention away from the dead TV.
Outside Anthony walked quickly with Josie and Atlanta following behind him a good 20 feet away. Anthony’s boiling with rage. Soon arriving at the house of the roof Jerry was sitting on, though just out vision. “Jerry!” Anthony shouted. “Come down and talk. Like adults!” Anthony called, raising his voice.
“No!” Jerry replied, popping up to be seen. “I’m not coming down just so you can kill me!” He added, there was visible blood dripping down his face.
“Then I’ll come up and bring you down with me!” Anthony answered. He stepped towards the ladder, but Jerry quickly grabbed it and tried to pull it up onto the roof, though Anthony acted fast and pulled the ladder back down to the ground, making Jerry fall off the roof and landing in a heap. Though uninjured by fall.
As Jerry began standing up, Anthony grabbed him by the back of his shirt and pulled him into the center of the road. But Jerry landed a punch right at Anthony’s left kidney and let go of Jerry in pain. Jerry then tackled Anthony, but instead caused both of them to come tumbling onto the asphalt.
“Stop fighting!” Josie shouted, fearfully. She started this, she thought, what if one of them got seriously hurt because of her! But she couldn’t get close enough to stop the fight, both of them were spinning around on the ground, throwing punches at each other.
“So…” Dean repeated. “What’s your story then?” He questioned.
“Ugh…” Stan muttered, awkwardly. “We lived downtown, small house, me, Daniel, my mum, dad, and my sister. We… Lived there for awhile. My mum, dad, and sister immigrated from Argentina, me and Dan were born in the states. But now… We came home from school, everything seemed like it had yesterday… But… When we got home, there were other people in the house.. People we didn’t know…” Stan began to train off.
“Who were these people?” Dean further questioned.
Anthony held Jerry against the road while Jerry struggled to free himself. Reaching for Anthony’s revolver, he almost had it, but Anthony quickly grabbed the revolver himself and tossed it away, out of Jerry’s reach.
Jerry began kicking at Anthony and soon landed a good kick right on his knee cap. Anthony winced in pain, giving Jerry time to throw him off of himself. He began kicking the downed Anthony and soon turned his attention to the gun, chasing after it, but Anthony grabbed Jerry’s lower leg and made him fall face first onto the asphalt. Once again damaging his already broken nose.
This gave Anthony time to once again tackle Jerry and pin him on the ground. “Fuckin’ calm down!” Anthony shouted.
“Fuck off!” Jerry shouted his replied, punching Anthony in the side.
“They… They were bad, evil people…. They were doing things to mum… I don’t know what, but it was bad… And when they saw me and Dan, they tried to grab us, but he ran, and ran away, we left mum… My sister… And dad, he was tied up and tried to attack the bad people, best he could… They killed him… I could see it from the corner of my eye… I could hear the shot… It’s…” Stan stopped talking and sighed with tears forming in his eyes. Dean was shocked, but he mustered it up.
“It’ okay.” Dean comforted him. “You don’t have to continue.”
“I--” Stan bit his lip. “It gets… Less bad, I want to continue.” Stan faked a smile and watched as Dean smiled back. “It’s just-- I don’t see why they did it… I don’t understand why people fight like… Like… Like dogs!” He raised his voice angrily.
Anthony and were now rotating as one would get on top and throw a few punches, then other would gain the upper hand, tossing the other off. It repeated and soon seemed that both were about to trie each other out. But suddenly a shot was fired into the air.
Atlanta stood about 10 feet away with the revolver in hand, pointed into the air, smoke slowly rising from the barrel. The walkers at the wall became more active after that shot ringed through the air. She lowered the revolver until it was pointed at both Anthony and Jerry. Atlanta effectively breaking up the fight.
“I quite honestly don’t understand it either--” Dean was cut off by Stan. “But you hit that man--” Dean in turn interrupted Stan. “I was angry, but it doesn’t mean it was right.”
“But-- Okay… Okay, Dan and I got into our parent’s car. The keys were in there, I guess from when dad got home… I started the car and drove out of there. Fast as I could. Then I found myself outside this place… I stopped there because I saw people… You and-- I got scared, so did Dan, I tried to start the car again, but it wouldn’t start. We had pasted the dead people was they were already coming to this place… But they caught up with us, and we, I didn’t let you inside the car. I was scared you were like the bad people… You weren’t though.” Stan gave a genuine smile and Dean returned a smile himself.
“I’m here, I won’t let anything happen to you or your brother.” Dean said, confidently, he would to everything he could to keep the children safe.
“Well… Now we’re where, that’s about it.” Stan finished.
Anthony and Jerry both raised their hands and took a few steps away from each other. Atlanta eyed the two carefully. “Calm the fuck down, both of you!” She shouted, her voice sounded serious and the gun remained still in her grip. “We’re a day into his shitshow, and your already breaking down like a lunatic!” Atlanta added.
“i’m not broken…” Jerry muttered.
“Your fuckin’ losing it, Jerry. Listen to me now so we don’t have to have this talk again. I’m not a violent person, but if you lay a finger on my sister again, I’ll break your legs. If you do anything worse than what you did today… I’ll fuckin’ kill you.” Anthony said firmly.
“I’m not broken… Fuckers…” Jerry muttered again.
“Jerry.” Atlanta spoke, kindly. “You need to realize what we’re dealing with, if we want to survive this until help comes, we can’t be fighting each other!” Atla finished.
“I’m not broken!” Jerry yelled, his voice full of anger and fear. “This isn’t going to fix itself anything soon… We’re either gonna be killed by the walkers, starve to death, or killed each other. I’ve made my point, we aren’t gonna be saved from this, we can’t go about saving everyone we come across, we’ll starve faster, we’ll die. I’m not going to die.” Jerry paused, looking at the 3 people before him, Anthony, Atlanta, and Josephine. “We are just gonna die if we don’t think smarter, play the game better, wiser, we can’t be fighting amongst ourselves…” Jerry trained off.
“We don’t have to as long as we behave. No more fighting with this bullshit going on, we can fuckin’ focus on surviving this shitshow. And most importantly, know your place. Understood?” Anthony asked waiting for Jerry’s answer.
“Under-fucking-stood.” Jerry answered.
A loud creak filled the air, Jerry turned around and looked at the left gate. The walkers were bending it inwards. “Fuck!” Jerry exclaimed loudly. “The damn shot made them mad, we gotta get to work fast of they’ll get in!”
The skies above San Antonio were grey and cloudy. The football field was bathed in the grey light. The grass was overgrown and the whole placed was seemingly vacant. The chain link fence on the far right of the football field had a road leading right up to it, upon the road drove a car, serving and heading straight for the fence. The police car slammed into the chain link fence and drove out the other side. The police car continued to serve and speed forward, tearing up the long grass and dirt, making it fly into the air. The police was suddenly stopped by directly hitting the large metal pole that was the goal. The car’s front had a v shaped dent in about a foot and the engine sent smoke into the air. On the inside the airbags had gone off and two people rest on them, the officer in the driver’s seat breathed in and out slowly while the officer in the passenger’s seat had it’s eyes wide open, that were cloudy white. Slow, a young man in the back seat raised his head to look at what lay before him, blood dripping down from his broken nose. He looked at the officer in the driver’s seat, then the one in the passenger’s seat. The officer in the passenger’s seat twitched.
End of Chapter 1
credit song
Thank goodness Jerry is okay. I swear to all things holy I will do lots of things to the character that causes Jerry's death......
Okay, that's the end of Chapter 1, maybe a little... Sudden, but we'll pick up with Chapter 2 soon and continue this story. I hope you like it and I hope you continue reading, if you have any questions feel free to ask, if you have suggestions feel free to let me know!
Okay, I've got a fair few readers here, but I'd like to share a story that will most likely began soon. It's a walking dead story by a user here and I've read some of his past story, there really good! I'm sharing the link to his story in hopes some of you will like to join it.
See? I told... wait what? Now I admit, that was... unexpected. Maybe my prophetic powers still need some practice until I can put them to good use. Let me start with something easier: There will be walkers in the next chapter! I'm totally telling you, there will be walkers!
I guess Atlanta is a real lifesaver here. Praise Atlanta! Though I'm not sure whose life she just saved, because Anthony put up a surprisingly good fight. I also liked that Jerry got some deserved comeuppance for his behaviour. His selfish cowardice still makes him a repulsive jerk and a danger to everyone around him, but at least he won't go full governor mode anytime soon, like I feared at first. However, I'm still convinced he is dangerous and repugnant and will snap sooner or later, so I definitely won't trust him in any way.
All in all, this was an amazing first chapter! I love your writing and I love the characters. I even love to hate Jerry and that says a lot.
The "there will be walkers" is gonna be a little more built up... It'll happen sooner or later... It always does. You'll know what awaits once we come to chapter 2... >:3
I'm glad you've enjoyed the beginning chapter! I'll try my best to make sure it improves! I've found myself to be relatively well with writing, I just need to pace it right and I'm golden. The character's wouldn't be hald as good if not for the amazing submissions!
Anyway, I'm glad you liked it, and I hope you ready for the storm that awaits... Muerte Sombría! >:D
That was pretty fricking epic, I have to admit...
Thank you!
Awesome story, really got into it :P
Just sent you a character by the way
Thank you! I love the character you sent, thanks for submitting
Amazing and Epic Chapter and Part!!!
Thank you, I'll try to keep it up!
He's a decent guy who works hard for the money so you better treat him right! It's not his fault he was born to this flesh eating zombie world

Good guys finish last >:3
Which is why Jerry is the best.
It's time to go over the alternate choices of chapter one!
[Abandon the house.] Anthony would abandon the house and his parents' corpses. Though this may seem like it wouldn't have much impact, it would've affected Anthony mentally.
[Go to Atlanta’s house.] Anthony would have gone to Atlanta's house and talk with her, learning more about herself and Ashley's relationship. As well as Ashley's fear of this situation at hand.
[Help Dean directly.] Jerry would have run out of the community's safety to help Dean get the children out of the car, this would have completely changed the ending and Jerry's mental state. As well as boosting everyone's opinion on Jerry.
[Give sniper support.] Jerry would have shot Dean, though it would have been unknown if it was by mistake of on purpose. With Dean dead, the children would have been left in the horde, unable to leave the car.
[Lie.] This one's a game changer as well. If chosen, the ending would have been quite different, as Anthony and Jerry wouldn't have fought. But instead, Jerry wouldn't have been taught a lesson and would have continued to "boil," later he would have become a "problem."