About The Opening Theme Of GOT

Hello Everyone !

I didn't see any topic about the music of Game Of Thrones, so that could be nice to start here.
We are 3 brothers, musicians, and fan of Game Of Thrones, so we enjoy so much the opening ! 
That was a very good challenge for us, and we would like to share it with fan of the GOT.
Let us know if you like it, and thanks to share it if we blow you away (I hope very much!)

By the way this topic could speak about the music of GOT and maybe about the cover, you could found a lot of cover on youtube, maybe we could vote for the best.
I start by voting for us - Clan MEISTER - ;)

Cover Game Of Thrones


  • This is really good! Great job ^_^

  • This is awesome!

    Unfortunately (or not, depends) for me, I can no longer hear this theme without...

    Weiner, weiner weiner, weiner weiner...

  • Welcome to the forums!

  • Very chilled and smooth. Awesome job.

  • ty ty ty awesome video!!

  • That was great! I like the way you have changed the theme. Very very well done!

  • Weiner weiner weiner,floppy wiener,wiener party...

  • Hi Everyone!

    Thanks for all your comments, we really appreciate to have feeling from fan of Game Of Thrones.
    I didn't know the South Park version... so I discover it today! And they seem better than us because they have more view... :)

    PS: sorry for my english we are from Bordeaux (France)

    Soon we will speak about season 5.

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