TWD Won't Open

Hi! Just purchased TWD, Season 1 fromTelltales. It appeared to download successfully. When I got to the screen that tells you to move the TWD icon toApplications, a note atthe top indicates that there are 2 items to move. When I follow the arrow and move the icon, it says 1 of 2 selected. There does not seem to be anything else to move. When I try to open the game I get a white screen with patterns of small dots of various color..That's all I get. I have to close my computer to get out...I have tried 2 times to download the game, removing initial downloads when I tried second downloads, but the same thing happens. I have a MAC Book Pro that is completely updated...


  • Okay, I somewhat reluctantly purchased TWD from you...I say reluctantly because I had such an easy fix for my problem with GoT, but it took me 4 days of searching to find he fix....during that time, no one from "Support" responded to me. However, I am so enjoying GoT, and, since I am on Episode 2 and I don't know when Episode 3 will be available, I decided to try TWD...Download went fine but, as I described above, could not get to any kind of a playing screen. Of course, even though I sent my help request early on a Friday morning, no one responded...I guess you take Fridays off along with Saturdays and Sundays and holidays???? Anyway, by spending several hours going through previous replies, I did find out that I had to change my screen resolution in order to play the game...Again, no info when I purchased it what those of us who have Yosemite might have to do to play....It is fixed, and I am playing the game. Can't you people be more user friendly, and let us know all of the little quirks so we don't get ready to ask for our money back and can just go ahead and enjoy playing???

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the delayed response. We have had reports that players using Mac OSX Yosemite are experiencing an issue when starting The Walking Dead: Season One, and changing the screen resolution will resolve this particular issue. I hope you are now able to enjoy the game!

    For anyone else experiencing this issue, please try the workaround suggested by another player using Mac OS 10 Yosemite, below:

    1) In System Preferences, select Displays, then select Scaled - More Space to change the screen resolution to very detailed.

    2) In System Preferences, select Dock, then deselect 'Automatically hide and show the dock', to be able to click on the bottom of the screen.

    3) Start up the game and run it in windowed mode using the Mac shortcut (Command + F).

    4) You should now be able to see the main menu now and change the screen resolution to one that fits the window.

    Boots7Emma posted: »

    Okay, I somewhat reluctantly purchased TWD from you...I say reluctantly because I had such an easy fix for my problem with GoT, but it took

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