Ashers path

I really like what they seem to be doing with Asher based on choices it seems he has two paths one being keeping him on his whole angry kill anyone in his way path and then you can kind of play him as if he's changed a more level headed Asher only doing whats necessary. I think theres going to be a Malcolms path and a Beskhas path Malcolms being a level headed leader and Beskha being kill anyone that gets in your way. Do you agree? If so which path do you think you'll take?


  • Leveled headed leader all the way. It would be cool to get this army we're looking for and make decisions on how to lead them into battle. That being said I absolutely love Beshka's character and hope she remains by Asher's side.

  • Oh yeah! I immediately fell in love with Beshka's characters character shes amazing and I'm hoping she sticks around.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Leveled headed leader all the way. It would be cool to get this army we're looking for and make decisions on how to lead them into battle. That being said I absolutely love Beshka's character and hope she remains by Asher's side.

  • Well, Asher wasnt in ep 2 that much, but looks like we will have some dragon troubles next episode, maybe a save Beshka or Malcom

  • Yeah for some reason he reminds me a bit of Bigby, you can be extremely ruthless or a bit merciful. Hopefully unlike Bigby the way you play him can harden his overall personality since his character isn't bound to canon like Bigby was.

  • Yes it does seem that on the one hand you have Malcolm trying to persuade you to be more level headed and on the other hand you have Beska tempting you to be more brutish and hot headed.

    Personally I'll take the level headed approach and be bad ass when I think it's appropriate.

  • In my playthough, the years away from his family have softened Asher hot-headed tendencies and he has become more level-headed. However, he is still ruthless toward his enemy and won't leave them alive. That's why I was so quick to have him break Tazal's neck. Always be certain that your enemy stays dead or they come back and bite you.

    And like Shubba has pointed out, he reminds me of Bigby as well. :)

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